Blue Ninja
I ordered a Yellow one, because you said so lol.
This deal is so good that it's probably an error on the webshop's part. This is the deal:
Lumia 920 + 200 min + 1000MB, 2 year contract (Vodafone) for 27,50 euro's a month and the phone for 6 euro's.
Usually it's the first 12 months 27.50 and the second 12 months 55, but this webshot states that it's 27,50 the whole contract. I must abuse this error.
Oh and honestly, I suck at making choices. That's why I never do groceries without a specific list of what to buy. Once my mom had written potato chips on the list and I, not exagerating, spent 20 minutes in front of the potato chip rack trying to find something.
That's a pretty amazing deal. Man, Belgium never gets good stuff like that, heck, deals like that were forbidden until a few years ago, I think. I got my Lumia 800 off a similar deal last september and still wound up paying €200 for the phone. Of course another provider offered another similar deal just a few weeks after I bought mine, but this time the phone only cost €1. Still bitter. :lol
Then again, my contract's for only €15 a month, and the first year I only have to pay €10. That's more than enough, and less than most people I know have to pay.