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Windows Phone |OT3| Apollo has landed

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I know this has probably been discussed before but are there any alternatives to xbox live music on the WP platform?

I loved the Zune service on WP7, but without a proper app for collecting/organizing music AND syncing it to the device all in one go the xbox music service kinda falls flat for me. Even if I try to just do everything from the phone the playlist creation is half baked and its just too tedious to find new stuff. Also album art and artist pictures almost never work or sync right.

Back when I was using iOS I used rdio and really liked it. It basically had everything I wanted, easy playlist creation, syncing to the device, multiple platforms supported. The app on WP is another story though, it constantly goes to "buffering" for songs that are stored directly on the device.

Is Spotify not available on WP? or are there other services out there that I am missing?

Not Spotify on WP8 yet, their app should be out soon. They pulled their old one as it wasn't good.

rdio still no good even after the newest update?


Not Spotify on WP8 yet, their app should be out soon. They pulled their old one as it wasn't good.

rdio still no good even after the newest update?

No, not really. I have a 920 and whether I have the app in online mode or offline mode with playlists already synced, I'll get buffering pauses while playing songs. Sometimes it will play 8-10 songs in a row fine but then it will either out right crash or stop to buffer. This is with synced playlists, not even sure what it would do if they weren't synced.

I hope Spotify managed to produce a decent app. To me this doesn't seem like it should be that hard to do...


Junior Member
Papershuffle is awesome. It has a private wallpaper feature with a timer for work.

Setting NSFW wallpapers has never been this fun.

I live without an FM tuner if they just release a new phone so I can replaced my tired HTC Arrive. The phone has massive signal degradation now where I'm almost always at one bar (everywhere) with most calls abruptly ending as the phone cannot maintain a good signal. Oddly enough the battery sensor is apparently broken. This weekend I got the battery low indicator and switched in my wife's battery which was about 80+ percent. I got the same low battery warning when it was switched into my phone but when I got into settings it said 80+ percent battery life.

If not for having so many lies tied up in my plan, my discount and unlimited data I would probably have left a while ago. Sprint is making me rethink all this now.
I'm on a Dutch forum discussing the availibility and prices of the Lumia 920, which is basically a gathering of people who ordered the 920. There are some people who orderen the 920 in november and are still waiting for confirmation on a shipping date. Because of the huge list of people who ordered in december/november, the webshops will complete their orders first and then start working on orders that are made in January. They're basically shipping out phones chronological order of ordering date. This sucks because:
- A lot of people ordered in December/November
- A lot of people ordered in January

Basically, the people who ordered in January have to wait for the people who ordered earlier to get their phones, and after that it's their turn. The problem is that the people who ordered first don't have their phones yet and the shipping date is postponed yet again. If they have to wait longer, that means people who ordered recently have to wait even longer.

People may get their phones early/mid februari. Almost all of them are concidering cancelling their orders and wait for what CES has to offer.. Cause the Xperia Z won't launch far from the date they actually get their Lumia 920's, for about the same price.

Major fuckup by Nokia if you ask me. They announced their phone early september and launch it around CES...


Unconfirmed Member
In good Nokia news, they signed a deal with Avande, which is a global business solutions company to push Windows Phone into enterprise.

Miles X

You can probably just post them here

Ah ok, my phone time and date randomly changed this morning, and I was receiving texts and could see the little notification at the top but when I went into the thread it wasn't there. I set my time and date back to normal and everything seems fine now but just want to know what caused it. That and I didn't get the texts that were suppose to come through.

Like depression?

lol, anything but with my Lumia!


Ah ok, my phone time and date randomly changed this morning, and I was receiving texts and could see the little notification at the top but when I went into the thread it wasn't there. I set my time and date back to normal and everything seems fine now but just want to know what caused it. That and I didn't get the texts that were suppose to come through.

lol, anything but with my Lumia!

I've never heard of anything like that happening. It might be an issue with the carrier, I believe the that date/time is typically provided by the carrier.



Sprint's Windows Phone 8 devices won't be retreads, however, according to Sprint's director of device delivery Ryan Sullivan.

"They'll be current," he said. "We're working for current product launches, and not necessarily to launch on six-month-old hardware."

Guess that confirms brand new devices from (at least) HTC and Samsung come this Summer. Obviously Nokia will have some too, can't wait for MWC :)
The Verge has written a surprisingly positive hands-on article on the Microsoft Surface Pro. Kind of makes me want a Microsoft designed phone.


I pulled my Google info into an Outlook.com account. It pulled over the contacts... just not the phone numbers. Good job, Microsoft.

I'm gonna be fucked when Google ends EAS, aren't I.


Nokia financials:
Nokia now estimates that Devices & Services has exceeded expectations and achieved underlying profitability in the fourth quarter 2012.
- Mobile Phones business unit and Lumia portfolio delivered better than expected results; and
- Operating expenses were lower than expected.
- Devices & Services non-IFRS operating margin for the fourth quarter 2012 now expected to be between break even and positive 2 percent.

Whoa... +19% right now...

4.4 million Lumias sold during Q4.



Not so sure. I have always appreciated Nokia hardware, but the fact is I would never have bought one in the last 5 years, until now, thanks to their software and OS of choice.

I know I am putting a point across based entirely on my own personal experiences, but I can't be the only one.


By using a google and/or a microsoft account for your contacts.
Well I have my microsoft account connected to both. Is there anything I need to do to sync it up? I've added phone numbers and pictures to contacts on my phone and they aren't showing up on windows 8's app.

Also, I can't seem to connect to xbox live when starting up wordament. Any idea of what I need to do?

EDIT: Nevermind on Wordament. Restarting the phone fixed it.
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