I wonder what an AnimeGAF version of the /r/anime RedditAnimeList would look like. Just gather the names of all the posters in this thread and do the same sort of list.
Like this.
I wonder what an AnimeGAF version of the /r/anime RedditAnimeList would look like. Just gather the names of all the posters in this thread and do the same sort of list.
Sölf;199791734 said:
I wonder what an AnimeGAF version of the /r/anime RedditAnimeList would look like. Just gather the names of all the posters in this thread and do the same sort of list.
Slam Dunk 19
Jesus 19 episodes to finish one match and it was only a pre-season game. It was fantastic though. That heart-breaking last second Sendo buzzer-beater, damn stole Sakuragi's big moment really did not expect that.
Some pretty cool visuals they use to show characters perspectives, like Ruwakawa moving completely on instinct and all he can see is the outlines of the jerseys.
I can attest to Demon Lord Dante's quality, it deserves a spot on that list. The original manga is a classic, and I believe anime original parts were written by the guy responsible for Space Sherif Shaider, one of the finest shows ever.Sölf;199791734 said:
When Clannad: After Story is rated as the #8 greatest anime of all time maybe its time to wonder how many of those ratings are white noise that you shouldn't particularly care about. MAL ratings sure as shit aren't representative of this community.
In my top 5. It's so good. The pacing issues suck but I love it so much.
It is not, but that's part of my point. These ratings only represent a subset of MAL users that is in itself a tiny subset of the community as a whole. More-over systems like these tend to be very difficult to impossible to extrapolate outside their respective communities because these ratings are not given in a vacuum.Well top shows having 700k users scored them doesn't mean that the upper limit of MAL users is 700k as not everyone watches the same shows or scores them. Of course even counting that there are more people watching anime worldwide but especially if you subtract those people that watch only one or too mainstream shows (like for example Pokemon, Dragonball, or Naruto) I would say MAL represents at least a substantial amount of anime fans.
- 5 Centimeters per second
I liked Oikawas serves, especially the "ooooooooohhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" coming from the seijou cheerleaders.
Fafner: Exodus is the best mecha in the last few years.
JoJo tomorrow?
Just adding some corrections.
Just adding some corrections.
This person is saying the truth here.
GuP - 1
Is this just a bad Strike Witches?
When does this air?
It starts April 10. An English simulcast hasn't been announced for it yet.
No matter how good Fafner: Exodus may be, the fact that it has CG Mechs and Hirai faces automatically sets it below Gundam Build Fighters, which has no Hirai faces and has 2D mecha.
Cross Game ep1
Damn damn damn this first episode. That was unexpected turn of events 😭
The bad artstyle and setting ruins a compelling anime. I wish they went the TribeCoolCrew route. Will watch only for the soundtrack alone.
GuP - 1
Is this just a bad Strike Witches?
The main characters whole resolve of moving away to a different school to not do tankery got changed in a couple of minutes.
Edit: I didn't necessarily dislike it, I'll watch 4 more episodes tonight and see how I feel about it.
I would be suprised if you don't enjoy the show all the way through, although the next arcs aren't as good.Fairy Tail ep.42-48 (Thunder Tower arc)
Ok, the formula hasn't gotten old yet. Definitely the power of friendship to the max, but man, the battles were excellent between the clan members and Luxes. I admit, that ending with Master and the signal got me; beautiful.... How can I feel bad for that douche? I also don't trust Gadjeel, but I was surprised at that scene with master.. This is still really good guys.
What the fuck, Nitroplus. This is the creepiest April Fools ""joke"" ever.
Broken Blade 10
Ok, this is damn good, the mech designs are nice and battered and the battles are visceral, the MC is tolerable... why I haven't heard of this series before? I hope the last 2 episodes don't ruin it.
I like it even more because it looks like one of my dream game ideas that I hope to make one day.
While I agree that 2d mechs are better, fafner has really good CG. I also never had any problem with Hirai faces but thats a question of taste at this point.
In the end Exodus is just way better then gbf.
I didn't know what you meant exactly until I saw the OP.
So good
I don't think we saw the same thing if you think Super Sonico's site for April Fools this year isn't one of the creepiest things you've ever seen.
Well, either way, it takes a lot to disgust me and this is crossing a line.
Don't even GO FUCKING NEAR that site for April Fools if you're anywhere near anyone. It's not pornographic but I'm quite frankly in shock that a company like Nitroplus would do something like this, even as a joke, for April Fools.
I don't think we saw the same thing if you think Super Sonico's site for April Fools this year isn't one of the creepiest things you've ever seen.
Well, either way, it takes a lot to disgust me and this is crossing a line.