I need a gif of 2048 zone mode.
The trophies look hard as fuck but everything else I've seen in my first hour is pretty much perfect.
Now, Sony, rebuild Reflections and make a new Destruction Derby and I'll be happy forever.
Yeah, this is stunning.
Just so happy to be playing it.
Also, is it me or have they beefed up the audio in this game.. like, significantly? As big a fan as I am of this series it has been a while since I've played either HD or 2048, so I can't remember what they sounded like. But I played the first race of HD, activated a Turbo and.. it blew me away. Sounded unbeleivable.
The game is obviously visually stunning and unrivalled in terms of style, but it's the audio that's jumped out at me with this release. Anyone else?
It's funny how club culture and WipEout are so 'connected', playing the Omega collection makes me wish I was 20 years younger and still clubbing weekly lol.
We are doing ok, don't need rebuilt![]()
GAME sent their copies out in a jiffy bag. My steelbook is scratch-less but good lord, it's a fingerprint magnet.
2097 had the Redbull brand plastered on every building in every track, and the biggest names in the OST. There was a clear target towards the night clubbing "neon" crowd. I loved that game so much.
They definitely upgraded the sounds of HD/Fury and even gave them those sounds the ships had in 2048. I love it, the sound matches it's visuals finally!Yeah, this is stunning.
Just so happy to be playing it.
Also, is it me or have they beefed up the audio in this game.. like, significantly? As big a fan as I am of this series it has been a while since I've played either HD or 2048, so I can't remember what they sounded like. But I played the first race of HD, activated a Turbo and.. it blew me away. Sounded unbeleivable.
The game is obviously visually stunning and unrivalled in terms of style, but it's the audio that's jumped out at me with this release. Anyone else?
Time to compete for the top Anulpha Pass Zone leaderboards, again. I have a 248,000 Score to beat. Can't believe it's been 8 years. Eight. Years. WHAT.
So this happened on my first attempt said:![]()
Mr. Leaderboard and I are best friends now.
You know ProblemSolver?Quoting myself because... Holy fucking shit. I'm going to need a moment. Sorry about the upcoming wall of text!
My WipEout "Mr. Leaderboard" story finally has some closure, so I guess now is a good time to write about it and move on. (An odd thing to say on a release day!)
See, back in 2009 I discovered the joys of Zone mode, and I kept on playing that lovely Anulpha Pass circuit to death (probably because of a Zone 120 video on YouTube achieved on AP). So while making my way to the game's Platinum Trophy to master it all, I kept on training on AP.
I eventually got ~ 258,500 points (not 248K like I said before) with Zone 84. A super sweet performance, I was more than satisfied with it!
Still, I adored that game, so I kept on playing throughout 2009 and one day I made it to Zone 91. You can probably imagine the rush, the excitement of finally going beyond an already hard zone to reach. However, Mr. Leaderboard was not happy with it.
See, Zone 91 is cool and all, but I most likely didn't perform as many barrel rolls, as many perfect zones or laps, and so my score was also ~258,500... only 100 points below the previous one. I was so excited about reaching 91, even managed to perform a perfect lap after 80, but 84 remained my best run. Argh!!
During the past 8 years, WipEout HD remained a game I launched for the occasional Zone, sometimes losing before Zone 75 due to a lack of training or focus, rarely reaching 80 and beyond again. My score was out of reach no matter how many times I told myself "This is it".
So today I go grab my WipEout Omega pre-order thinking, eh, why don't I give it a serious shot before I start re-learning the game at my pace. To me that meant not giving up on barrel rolls and such until at least Zone 50, etc.
Forgive me for the phone camera photos, no time to think, even after typing this I'm still shaking.
Still got it!
Zone Mode, I love you. 8 years later and the adrenaline has never been this strong.
I don't even know if I want to play through the rest of my newly purchased WipEout Omega more than occasionally, as this success was to be an ending, not a beginning, but does it matter? I've just experienced one of the best feelings I've ever had playing a video game, and it was 8 years in the making.
My post isn't about showing-off, just in case, it simply is a love letter, a warm farewell, and probably a new start, eventually...
I can hear it, 60FPS Sol, calling to me. Maybe not today! :S
I hope you all enjoy your time with WipEout, my fellow gaffers, whether you're veterans or newcomers. Here's to hoping we get a proper sequel!
Cheers, and race on!
PS: #TeamFeisar <3
2097 had the Redbull brand plastered on every building in every track, and the biggest names in the OST. There was a clear target towards the night clubbing "neon" crowd. I loved that game so much.
You know ProblemSolver?
It's me.I now remember the name, and for sure ProblemSolver inspired me to do all of this due to this video:
I never joined the WipEout community, I was a lurking 16 year old at the time.
Oooooooh shit this game pretty
It's me.Thx for the flower!
I once ran zone 135 on AP on WOHD. find the soundtrack quite lacking
Time to work on a dedicated Spotify playlist I guess.
Redbull wasn't available here when XL/2097 released. "Powered by Redbull" left me thinking, for a few years, that Redbull was Psygnosis's game engine. When I finally saw a can in my local store, I was kind of blown away, in that "my entire life has been a lie" sort of way.
There a few reviews on Amazon UK now, mentioning the condition of the steel books.
Yeah, this is stunning.
Just so happy to be playing it.
Also, is it me or have they beefed up the audio in this game.. like, significantly? As big a fan as I am of this series it has been a while since I've played either HD or 2048, so I can't remember what they sounded like. But I played the first race of HD, activated a Turbo and.. it blew me away. Sounded unbeleivable.
The game is obviously visually stunning and unrivalled in terms of style, but it's the audio that's jumped out at me with this release. Anyone else?
I agree. I immediately noticed the engine sounds on the other racers. I honestly couldn't remember hearing them in HD/Fury but Omega's all pod racing with the awesome engine sounds. I love it.
Yeah, this is stunning.
Just so happy to be playing it.
Also, is it me or have they beefed up the audio in this game.. like, significantly? As big a fan as I am of this series it has been a while since I've played either HD or 2048, so I can't remember what they sounded like. But I played the first race of HD, activated a Turbo and.. it blew me away. Sounded unbeleivable.
The game is obviously visually stunning and unrivalled in terms of style, but it's the audio that's jumped out at me with this release. Anyone else?
Yeah, this is stunning.
Just so happy to be playing it.
Also, is it me or have they beefed up the audio in this game.. like, significantly? As big a fan as I am of this series it has been a while since I've played either HD or 2048, so I can't remember what they sounded like. But I played the first race of HD, activated a Turbo and.. it blew me away. Sounded unbeleivable.
The game is obviously visually stunning and unrivalled in terms of style, but it's the audio that's jumped out at me with this release. Anyone else?
Yep, this is one complaint I always had with previous wipeouts. You are flying a ship doing 1000kph but the engine sound is like someone gently blowing in your face. Its still not great here but its definitely better than before.
Yo, we heard you guys really don't mind this particular franchise, so we're going to send you a bunch of cool shit associated with it. Feel free to put it on eBay for a stupid price or whatever.This is wasted on the press. =/
Think any of them have a spare code for Van Uber?4 people playing this on my friends list and saw a few others earlier.
Anecdotal but it seems like a lot.
Hope it's selling well.
Man didn't Shopto use to promise release day delivery? Nothing turned up
ps3ud0 8)
Beautiful story Croash <3Quoting myself because... Holy fucking shit. I'm going to need a moment. Sorry about the upcoming wall of text!
Damn 2048 is brutal for noobs. You basically have to take every track shortcut to win. Going to stick with HD on novice for now until I feel better about myself lol.
Maybe fellow Yorkshiremen can relate to this - anyone catch when the 2048 female announcer says turbo as "tur-bohhh" with a deep Yorkshire twang...
Something about the way she says "shield active" too, it's almost kid-like. Weird inconsistencies to pick out I know.
How does pitch work without motion sensors? Do you control it with the left analog/dpad?
If so is there a way to invert it so when I point forward on the stick my ship goes down and when I pull back it goes up... like an actual ship.
I remember Next Generation's feature on WipEout like it was yesterday.