I wish the Fury ships didn't have extra stats. I prefer the HD look to the ships, but the extra Fury points just render them useless in my eyes.
There's people.. then there's sunhi "legend" Gif
I wish the Fury ships didn't have extra stats. I prefer the HD look to the ships, but the extra Fury points just render them useless in my eyes.
You have to unlock the HUD styles over the course of the game. For example the 2097 style.
I wish the Fury ships didn't have extra stats. I prefer the HD look to the ships, but the extra Fury points just render them useless in my eyes.
I wish the Fury ships didn't have extra stats. I prefer the HD look to the ships, but the extra Fury points just render them useless in my eyes.
goddamn how can you rack up loyalty points? I've been using only piranha and i'm 90% done with the HD campaign...still no 2048 hud
We talked about that a few pages ago, they are not obsolete. There is a lot of hidden stats like weight, center of mass, etc... For example: HD Feisar is lighter than Fury Feisar, you can sometimes get a barrel roll with HD craft where you couldn't with Fury version.
A few thoughts:
- HD/Fury still my favourite racer of all time, and this is a stunning port! I'll easily be playing this all year.
- 'Time Spent Looking at Stats' stat made me smile. You cads.
- I've never been too keen on 2048 and this release solidifies that feeling. I guess I'm just more comfortable with HD's 'feel'. At the time of original release I kinda put it down to it being on handheld, but there's definitely something off for me - and I find it waaay too hard, too fast by default and frantic. REALLY frantic. Combat mode is just utter chaos with no finesse like Fury had (IMO), and I'd much rather see if I'm winning. Just my personal feels though.
- That said, pretty lovely track design in 2048 and I LOVE the multiple leech beams.
- Detonator bores me then and bores me now, such a slog. Zone Battle still feels like a bizarre little mode but its fairly fun for the short time they last.
- As previously said by others, you'll never need to play the HD ships, despite them looking better in some cases.
- I've really gelled with Mirage and Auricom this time around. Mirage is responsive as hell.
- Zone is still eye-bleedingly tense.
- Ship audio design is fucking fantastic throughout. You can really feel these things cruise, crash and crunch.
- They really should've featured classic tracks in this series, I would've gone crazy for that. Wip3Out tracks?
- I miss Rollcage, so I downloaded Grip. It's pretty great!
2:30 on the dot.
Nice lmao
Yep, exactly. The base craft aren't outdated at all. Even if they were, I'd pick them every time because they all have more character than their Fury counterparts. Try and show me one Fury ship that looks better than the HD version, you can't!
Metro Park A+ challenge is insane!
What a hectic and action packed race.
Not exactly my best racing, but it was mad fun:
I'd fully agree if it wasn't for Mirage, Fury craft looks much better.
Yep, exactly. The base craft aren't outdated at all. Even if they were, I'd pick them every time because they all have more character than their Fury counterparts. Try and show me one Fury ship that looks better than the HD version, you can't!
Absolutely amazing.
Those colors!
And I can actually SEE wtf is happening in 2048. Like a whole new game!
Try and show me one Fury ship that looks better than the HD version, you can't!
I'd fully agree if it wasn't for Mirage, Fury craft looks much better.
Feisar looks much better than the OG one imo
still, wish they presented the stats in-game
Fury Piranha is probably the best looking ship in the HD campaign so yeah, some fury ships do look better.
For me when it comes to ship design...
Feisar OG
Quirex Fury
Piranha Fury
AG Systems OG
Triakis OG
Goteki 45 Fury
Assegai Fury
Mirage Fury
Harimau OG
Nuricom Fury
Icaras Fury but I use OG, I'm too sentimental I guess lol
This game is a fucking drug.
This game is a fucking drug.
One gripe - I wish I didn't have to hold X down to accelerate, since I'm doing that 100% of the time (outside of zone). My poor X button.
Just tried HD for the first time. It starts off wayyyy slower than 2048, golding everything with ease. The UI looks much worse though, they should have unified them all into 2048's HUD.