This has been making the rounds
Hasn't Rollins only won like 1 out of his last 20 matches?
Make the guy lose via DQ, not jobbing cleanly.
This has been making the rounds
Kevin Owens is fat.
If only WWE gave a platform for people to complain about Raw on Raw they could garner the same amount of incredible interest and longevity from such a segment that this thread has managed to get.
Double standards are a wonderful thing.When CM Punk and Daniel Bryan were champion/main eventing they were constantly getting blamed by WWE for the rating drops and shitty PPV buys (pre WWE Network). Daniel Bryan was completely removed from the main event scene at one point and CM Punk was never the focus of the show despite being the champion. Why is Seth Rollins so protected and getting a free pass?
When CM Punk and Daniel Bryan were champion/main eventing they were constantly getting blamed by WWE for the rating drops and shitty PPV buys (pre WWE Network). Daniel Bryan was completely removed from the main event scene at one point and CM Punk was never the focus of the show despite being the champion. Why is Seth Rollins so protected and getting a free pass?
Batista got fucked up by a fat dude.
The match was a draw!Batista got fucked up by a fat dude.
Hey. HEY. Batista won. Aren't people in here pooping their pants over Seth Rollins' record? Bateaster is legit undefeated.
When CM Punk and Daniel Bryan were champion/main eventing they were constantly getting blamed by WWE for the rating drops and shitty PPV buys (pre WWE Network). Daniel Bryan was completely removed from the main event scene at one point and CM Punk was never the focus of the show despite being the champion. Why is Seth Rollins so protected and getting a free pass?
Indy vs in house creation? maybe?
You know what I miss? Heel announcers. Some of my favorite matches had wonderfully funny/heelish commentary by Bobby Heenan or Jesse Ventura. When I watch the current product, the announcing team is as dull as dishwater. It feels like they play everything so safe and straight now.
There are a lot of problems with the current show. Writing, booking, etc. They have had some decent talent but it never seems to work out. CM Punk was one of the best things they've had in years but that didn't last. A lot of the current guys are just boring as hell. Very little character or charisma. I don't hate Cena personally but he's long overdue for some kind of massive heel turn or leave WWE to go show up in WCW to shake things up (oh wait...). Miz is okay. The New Day stuff is okay. Everybody else I can think of is either way past their prime or boring as hell. That women's division must be making them a ton of money somewhere because I don't know anyone who likes watching it and furthermore the crowd is usually silent and motionless during those matches unless they are getting up to pee. I don't care for the Wyatt family gimmick either, personally, but at least they are trying something besides "here is Tom Smith from Tupelo, MS. Cheer for him."
You know what I miss? Heel announcers. Some of my favorite matches had wonderfully funny/heelish commentary by Bobby Heenan or Jesse Ventura. When I watch the current product, the announcing team is as dull as dishwater. It feels like they play everything so safe and straight now.
There are a lot of problems with the current show. Writing, booking, etc. They have had some decent talent but it never seems to work out. CM Punk was one of the best things they've had in years but that didn't last. A lot of the current guys are just boring as hell. Very little character or charisma. I don't hate Cena personally but he's long overdue for some kind of massive heel turn or leave WWE to go show up in WCW to shake things up (oh wait...). Miz is okay. The New Day stuff is okay. Everybody else I can think of is either way past their prime or boring as hell. That women's division must be making them a ton of money somewhere because I don't know anyone who likes watching it and furthermore the crowd is usually silent and motionless during those matches unless they are getting up to pee. I don't care for the Wyatt family gimmick either, personally, but at least they are trying something besides "here is Tom Smith from Tupelo, MS. Cheer for him."
Let's not spread propaganda about the man who is going to come back and save the WWE. Batista remains undefeated in the combat sport of Mixed Martial Arts. He won that fight.Batista got fucked up by a fat dude.
Seth's an indy darling too.
Color commentary is a losing proposition when you're compared to those two greats. Nobody else even comes close. The only guy in the past decade that even hinted at that kind of potential at commentary was Punk. In a perfect world, Vince would have retired, Dunn would have been fired, Heyman would be booking creative and we'd have Mauro Ranallo and CM Punk doing play-by-play and color on a 2-hour RAW each week.You know what I miss? Heel announcers. Some of my favorite matches had wonderfully funny/heelish commentary by Bobby Heenan or Jesse Ventura. When I watch the current product, the announcing team is as dull as dishwater. It feels like they play everything so safe and straight now.
Their last two attempts at heel announcers were JBL and Cole and both of them were insufferable and just made me want to watch the show on mute. Not in a "heel" kind of way, but in an "I'm not enjoying watching this" kind of way.
Steen vs. Black... trying to kill each other in a Ring of Honor ring five years ago...Tyler Black isn/t an indie darling? is that what we're saying now?
Tyler Black isn/t an indie darling? is that what we're saying now?
He wasn't on the indies as long as Bryan was, and he doesn't have as much of a prototypical "indie look".
Papa HHH set his ass rightWell, he did at one point.
Well, he did at one point.
John gets mad
"Calm down, it's the last time I'm gonna tell you". John Cena literally can't handle the truth
Rollins has only one decent look, and that's at full genital mast donning mint-green trunks in softcore wrestling porn for horny gay dudes.Papa HHH set his ass right
I think D.Brine could make an Evil Amish character work.Seth's look is worse than Punk or Bryan (save for hipster airport Bryan, which is honestly a good enough reason to never push him again even without injuries)
I think D.Brine could make an Evil Amish character work.
He could take a horse-drawn carriage to the ring.
Force Brie to churn butter at ringside.
And try to brand his opponents with a hot poker that says YES YES YES at the end of it.
This has been making the rounds
I had a post mostly written up that I didn't actually submit.
But this mostly covers it:
Well, he did at one point.
When CM Punk and Daniel Bryan were champion/main eventing they were constantly getting blamed by WWE for the rating drops and shitty PPV buys (pre WWE Network). Daniel Bryan was completely removed from the main event scene at one point and CM Punk was never the focus of the show despite being the champion. Why is Seth Rollins so protected and getting a free pass?
He's chiseled and like 6 inches taller than either
Ambrose and Rollins both have their size/height undersold while WWE oversells Roman's.
Time for some fun measurables...Ambrose and Rollins both have their size/height undersold while WWE oversells Roman's.
Daniel Bryan - 5' 10"
Yeah, that's the problem with going by WikiPedia. Billed heights are all you've got to cross-reference and there's no good resource for non-billed actual heights. Bryan's stated himself that he's 5'8" so that's certainly not a tightly-kept industry secret or anything. I'm sure some of those other ones are exaggerated as well.Bryan's 5'8". 5'10" is his billed height.