That's what NXT is for.Couldn't they dedicate a whole hour to the women, or break it up over the course of the show? That would effectively make it a two hour program for the traditional (mostly) all male portion, right?
That's what NXT is for.Couldn't they dedicate a whole hour to the women, or break it up over the course of the show? That would effectively make it a two hour program for the traditional (mostly) all male portion, right?
I am also convinced that unless you had an interest in wrestling growing up, there is no reason why you would start watching on your own volition later in life.
I can't remember the last time I watched a full episode of Raw. It's gotten so boring and stale. Stuff like Lucha Underground (please let there be a season 2 coming) and NXT absolutely buries Raw these days. Changing it it back to being two hours would be a nice start.
I don't think you're missing out on anything by not seeing the Cena/Orton era. I think you should start with WWF 1997 and watch every segment of Stone Cold, HBK, the Rock, Foley, Bret Hart, and the Undertaker.
If you want to cut right to the most awesome stuff of the Atittude Era, start with the night after Summerslam 97. That's when Shawn turns heel.
I am also convinced that unless you had an interest in wrestling growing up, there is no reason why you would start watching on your own volition later in life.
Aside from perhaps some sort of severe head trauma that happened later in life, I agree.
Late 80s early 90s was my jam with wrasslin, really loved when they would ring the bell and all the guys would come out and piledrive each other. Stopped watching when drama was added.
Smarks want new faces getting time to wrestle and have quality matches. New faces (i.e. past few years) have dominated Raw... and ratings still fall.
Could the ratings drop just be incidental?
I think lots of wrestling fans are young adults who are dropping cable subscriptions at a crazy rate.
I've never watched a wrestling show from any era that didn't have drama. That's kind of wrestling's thing. What show did you watch? WCW?
they need to start resorting to shock tactics. people only watched wrestling back in the day because it was shocking and trashy. stuff looks like a bunch of action figures fighting in a virtual ring these day,
aren't football ratings the highest they've ever been?
i'm pretty sure wwe is just the drizzling shits and people aren't wasting 3 hours on a monday night to watch it
3 words:
Sting vs Undertaker.
Lol I haven't watched wrestling since the late 90s as at teen and this cracked me up. That charisma. Who is this?
This is kinda gloom and doom sounding, but isn't this inevitable? TV in general is increasingly dying, at least for live content stuff. I assume lots more people watch via DVR or Hulu or something that aren't counted in the ratings, right?
So, I dunno. It sounds bad, but it seems like it's just something that is going to happen as more people watch via the internet and DVR than as it's airing.
Why does anyone want this?
Can you identify the elements that would be entertaining in this scenario?
I agree with the posts above that want Heyman Smackdown back. That was one of those wonderful times when the quality of the talent and the booking worked together like magic.
Smarks want more wrestling, less talking. There's more longer wrestling matches than ever on Monday Night Raw... and ratings still fall.
Smarks want higher quality wrestling. There's higher quality matches for free every week on Raw than there ever were in the past... and ratings still fall.
Smarks want new faces getting time to wrestle and have quality matches. New faces (i.e. past few years) have dominated Raw... and ratings still fall.
What the fans really want is the edgy, trashy content and the violence and the stars of the Attitude Era to return. The fans don't want what they say they want, because if they did, they'd be watching instead of still complaining that what they want isn't happening when what they say they want is, in fact, happening.
what the hell did they put in Darren Young's Kool-Aid?
Step 1: Get rid of Big Show
Step 2: Etc...
Nobody wants to hear dick jokes, see bloody matches with no substance, and Russo induced storylines in 2015.
The games on ESPN are doing extremely well. The viewership is probably the same, males in the 18-34 demo the highest of each show or something in that region.Yea but the NFL is on network TV that you can get free with an antennae and also I would guess NFL audience skews older than wrestling on average.
Nobody wants to watch the current shit in 2015.
Nobody wants to watch the current shit in 2015.
If today was the 90s Vince would turn Cena heel and have him do more than just sell shirts. Guys like Rollins, Ambrose and Wyatt would actually have crazy controversial storylines. There would be match variety. There would be more engrossing segments because of little things like mild nudity or profanity. They have so much crazy talent but can't anything because they are held back by the rules.