Jimmy King
never underestimate tits
never underestimate tits
I think about this a lot... whether or not that stuff stands the test of time.
back in 98, sable teasing her tits on TV was a pretty novel concept, especially if you were a kid. not many had the internet, and there was no way to get your hands on a playboy, let alone a porn video.
today, anyone can google tits. most kids have a fucking supercomputer in their pocket and full length hd porn videos are a few taps away. does a female wrestler in lingerie teasing nudity work in 2015? I don't think it does, at least not as much as it did in the late 90s.
profanity can bring intensity to a promo, but again, it's not as shocking as it was back in the day. hearing profanity bleeped out on tv back in the late 90s was exciting! it's why springer was popular, and the attitude era took advantage of that. they were breaking rules! today, thanks to youtube, any kid can watch the angry video game nerd talking about fucking diarrhea shit. isn't pewdiepie the most subscribed youtuber? dude cusses all the time.
in the late 90s, the audience wanted a certain product. WWF supplied that (as did WCW), and it was rewarded with big time ratings. I don't think you can just copy and paste late 90s sensibilities, present them in 2015, and expect things to be good. you have to give the audience what they want. today's audience. personally, I think NXT nails it. new japan does as well, to an extent. straight forward storytelling and hard hitting matches. it's not as hard as wwe is making it seem.
But its not just about giving the fans what they want based on current culture. Its also about building up the wrestlers. Back in the day Austin and Rock became the biggest guys in the business because they were able to say the word "ass" twenty times per night. They gave the middle finger to everyone including the crowd. As a result they became household names. There is nothing of the sort today.
Today Cena is allowed to say the word "bitch" like once every 6 months and all the 7 year olds go crazy. That is about as much as Vince allows.
I also disagree about the sex and internet stuff. Lana is a good example of that. The crowd cheers her name a lot and the only thing she's ever done over the past year is throw her shoes into the ring. If today was the 90s she alone would probably double the ratings hehe![]()
More cringe than pro wrestling.But its not just about giving the fans what they want based on current culture. Its also about building up the wrestlers. Back in the day Austin and Rock became the biggest guys in the business because they were able to say the word "ass" twenty times per night. They gave the middle finger to everyone including the crowd. As a result they became household names. There is nothing of the sort today.
Today Cena is allowed to say the word "bitch" like once every 6 months and all the 7 year olds go crazy. That is about as much as Vince allows.
I also disagree about the sex and internet stuff. Lana is a good example of that. The crowd cheers her name a lot and the only thing she's ever done over the past year is throw her shoes into the ring. If today was the 90s she alone would probably double the ratings hehe![]()
bring back hogan
Nah. It has nothing to do with "TV is dying". WWE was super hot right after WM30, and they fucking threw it all away with shit output since then.
This is what happens when your creative is shit.
I agree, but the WWE screwed it up at WM 30. Instead of putting the title on one of the stars of the #1 movie of the summer, the WWE instead put it around the waist of a brittle little man who never moved ratings, never drew PPV buys, never drew house shows, but got the fans to chant a simple phrase, ala Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
What do people honestly expect WWE to do with Sandow? Seriously.
I think things have been going in a better direction but slowly I guess.
I agree, but the WWE screwed it up at WM 30. Instead of putting the title on one of the stars of the #1 movie of the summer, the WWE instead put it around the waist of a brittle little man who never moved ratings, never drew PPV buys, never drew house shows, but got the fans to chant a simple phrase, ala Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
Anything? I'm not saying he should get a world title push, but he has skills on the mic and could be doing SOMETHING. They've got three hours to fill, and it's not exactly jam packed with content.What do people honestly expect WWE to do with Sandow? Seriously. Apart from a successful cashin, he pretty much ran his course.
I agree, but the WWE screwed it up at WM 30. Instead of putting the title on one of the stars of the #1 movie of the summer, the WWE instead put it around the waist of a brittle little man who never moved ratings, never drew PPV buys, never drew house shows, but got the fans to chant a simple phrase, ala Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
You don't remember when he came back to raw with an impassioned speech thanking an apathetic audience? Or the subsequent raws where he was continuing to mimic others until settling on Randy Savage? Lol
His appearances stopped when the mega powers were disbanded due to hogans scandal. Him not being on TV since probably has to do with him not knowing what to do next
The optimist in me wants to believe that American wrestling fans are finally starting to see pro wrestling as the trashy, culturally destructive, bottom feeding bullshit that it is.
I really can not stand trolls like you, what pleasure do you get from trolling?
I think they have a lot to do with their own gimmicks yes.
No lies detectedPro wrestling died on March 26, 2001 anyways.
Pro wrestling died on March 26, 2001 anyways.
Pro wrestling died on March 26, 2001 anyways.
Stephanie literally has no mind for the business. But she's daddy's little princess.
What's Stephanie have to do with it? Vince is still running the show.
We lost Shane![]()
To be in wrasslegaf you have to immediately shit on people you were wild about five minutes ago once they get popular. Nothing genuine comes from that place.
Not many wrestlers do. If you have the WWE Network watch the Table for 3 series with The New Day. They talk about how they wanted to do their own stuff for a long time but weren't allowed to and instead had to do a gimmick Vince McMahon came up with. It was only until that was proven to be such a huge failure that they were allowed to come up with their own stuff.
I keep seeing people say that and it is really confusing me.
Do some research.
Stephanie has no blame here.
First rule of WrassleGAF: Never listen to anything dream says.Well aren't you extremely pretentious.
His UFC opponent is getting announced soon, right?FREE CM PUNK