Uh, the bolded isn't even close to being true. 80s and early to mid-90s WWF and WCW were WAY more cartoony than this.
The whole "PG is the culprit!" argument is garbage. Adding scantily clad women, profanity, and adult storylines will be pointless with the same terrible writing. Know why the Attitude Era was great? They had complete storylines from the main event all the way down to the cruiserweights. Mid-card guys--Steve Blackman, Val Venis, Goldust, Boss Man, Road Dogg, the Radicalz, Jericho, D-Lo, etc.--ALL had thorough storylines. All of them at once! Tag teams had thorough storylines that intertwined. And, of course, you had a couple main event guys that were superstars beyond the wrestling ring. You aren't getting that now--nowhere close.
The WWE's problem is that they're trying to be what UFC is. I'd argue the WWE isn't cartoony ENOUGH at this point. Most of the guys are just "First name Last name" with similar theme music. Vignettes backstage and on the Network let us see into their real lives! They let us see how these guys are outside the ring! You know who else does that? UFC. And guess what? It's real.