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Xbox One S Thread: The S is for Sexy


After a while the fan started making more noise and is doing it consistently now. I don't think I hear it from my seating position, but it's definitely going to piss off OG owners upgrading. Found this YouTube video of the same exact noise, and the comments section isn't very promising.



After a while the fan started making more noise and is doing it consistently now. I don't think I hear it from my seating position, but it's definitely going to piss off OG owners upgrading. Found this YouTube video of the same exact noise, and the comments section isn't very promising.


Me and my wife each have a Xbox One S and neither are remotely sounding like that. It sounds like it is hitting something in the case. One of my OG Xbox One's did sound like this and when I exchanged it the new one was fine. A friend of mine had a OG that was silent, but he accidently pushed down a bit over the fan and it started to make this same type of mechanical noise, we opened it up and sure enough the fan was hitting part of the case. Not sure if that is exactly what is happening here, but it sounds like from that video that it is rubbing up against something.
With the P series debut pricing and the Scorpio around the corner this strikes me as a really good time as a consumer to hurry up and wait awhile.

These prices will be dirt cheap next year and we don't exactly know the price point, or the exact specs of the Scorpio yet.


After a while the fan started making more noise and is doing it consistently now. I don't think I hear it from my seating position, but it's definitely going to piss off OG owners upgrading. Found this YouTube video of the same exact noise, and the comments section isn't very promising.


Mine makes the same noise..amazon sent me a replacement and that one also made the noise. I decided to keep the original as all my games were already downloaded and updated. I can't hear it when playing (unless the game is silent) and it doesn't effect system performance. So I'm just going to try and live with it..


1080p scales well to 4k 900p just looks off imo.

Which 900p games did you play on your xb1S?

With the P series debut pricing and the Scorpio around the corner this strikes me as a really good time as a consumer to hurry up and wait awhile.

These prices will be dirt cheap next year and we don't exactly know the price point, or the exact specs of the Scorpio yet.

There's always new deals and new tech around the corner. At some point you gotta pull the trigger, or you just won't have anything.

Right now, consumers can get great deals on OG xb1's, or get xb1s which is a steal thanks to its 4K blu-ray drive.


Me and my wife each have a Xbox One S and neither are remotely sounding like that. It sounds like it is hitting something in the case. One of my OG Xbox One's did sound like this and when I exchanged it the new one was fine. A friend of mine had a OG that was silent, but he accidently pushed down a bit over the fan and it started to make this same type of mechanical noise, we opened it up and sure enough the fan was hitting part of the case. Not sure if that is exactly what is happening here, but it sounds like from that video that it is rubbing up against something.

I agree, it sounds like it may be rubbing something. It's a shame that the fans in current gen systems are so shitty. I had 3 bad fans in my OG XB1 systems. Took a while to get a good console. Was hoping the S would be better.
Yeah, I noticed that you can hear the Internal HDD accessing data a lot more than the original OG. I can only hear it if the room is silent, once playing a game even at moderately low volume I don't hear it at all, so it is not that big of a deal. Still loving the system. Very sleek and while not every game takes advantage of the improved performance, the few that I have that do it has been noticeable. It makes me wish they could of pushed the GPU a litte more and give more of a bump to the CPU. It seems like they have thermal headroom to have done it, but not sure how much louder it would of made the fan at full load. But with the die shrink, I am sure we could of had even more of a bump and a CPU bump.

Scorpio bro.
So I have a question out of curiosity. I do not mean this as a slight against people who like Xbox, on the contrary, I really just want to know what you like about it. Does anyone with the new S, or just the regular Xbox One also have a PC to game on? I guess I'm curious as to why you own an Xbox One, especially after all the PC versions of games were announced at E3. What benefit does the Xbox One offer you?
So I have a question out of curiosity. I do not mean this as a slight against people who like Xbox, on the contrary, I really just want to know what you like about it. Does anyone with the new S, or just the regular Xbox One also have a PC to game on? I guess I'm curious as to why you own an Xbox One, especially after all the PC versions of games were announced at E3. What benefit does the Xbox One offer you?

A couple reasons:

1) MS has only recently pushed a shared Xbox/PC library. Most people who bought an Xbox had one before they announced this.

2) Friends game on Xbox. Gaming in parties is pretty much the only way I play nowadays.

3) $300 Xbox vs $700 for a decent PC. I get that it adds up with cheaper games, and that you'll get significantly better hardware, but in the end I'd rather just buy something I can pick up off the shelf.

4) I don't have a monster PC, but getting the few games I own to run can be a drag. Hate having to look up errors, widescreen hacks, reasons my controller isn't working, etc. People gloss over this aspect a lot when comparing PC and console gaming. 99% of the time I put a game in my console, it works the first time

5) I hate fiddling with graphics options. And I may get laughed at for this, but I genuinely don't care about framerate as long as it's locked. 60 fps feels good, but 30 fps is never a deal breaker.

In the future, I definitely want to build a decent PC. But as it stands, I really don't mind console gaming that much.
So I have a question out of curiosity. I do not mean this as a slight against people who like Xbox, on the contrary, I really just want to know what you like about it. Does anyone with the new S, or just the regular Xbox One also have a PC to game on? I guess I'm curious as to why you own an Xbox One, especially after all the PC versions of games were announced at E3. What benefit does the Xbox One offer you?

It's cheaper than a PC and easier to use. My wife loves it and hates computers...lol
So I have a question out of curiosity. I do not mean this as a slight against people who like Xbox, on the contrary, I really just want to know what you like about it. Does anyone with the new S, or just the regular Xbox One also have a PC to game on? I guess I'm curious as to why you own an Xbox One, especially after all the PC versions of games were announced at E3. What benefit does the Xbox One offer you?

me personally I am a big madden fan so I need my Xbox but I could just use my PS4 for that . Ill still use the Xbox as a good media box and really a lot of games my friends only play on Xbox like Division and I use it for other MP games. Others I use my rig for and usually play in 4k so it depends on who I will play with , price of games at the time and stuff like that
A couple reasons:

1) MS has only recently pushed a shared Xbox/PC library. Most people who bought an Xbox had one before they announced this.

2) Friends game on Xbox. Gaming in parties is pretty much the only way I play nowadays.

3) $300 Xbox vs $700 for a decent PC. I get that it adds up with cheaper games, and that you'll get significantly better hardware, but in the end I'd rather just buy something I can pick up off the shelf.

4) I don't have a monster PC, but getting the few games I own to run can be a drag. Hate having to look up errors, widescreen hacks, reasons my controller isn't working, etc. People gloss over this aspect a lot when comparing PC and console gaming. 99% of the time I put a game in my console, it works the first time

5) I hate fiddling with graphics options. And I may get laughed at for this, but I genuinely don't care about framerate as long as it's locked. 60 fps feels good, but 30 fps is never a deal breaker.

In the future, I definitely want to build a decent PC. But as it stands, I really don't mind console gaming that much.

Those are certainly good reasons...I especially can relate to not having the best PC out there, and the feeling of not wanting to deal with changing settings. This is why I asked this question, because I'm debating getting an S myself sometime soon. My computer can play some games alright, but it always feels like my computer will blow up if I play too long. While the same could be said of consoles, they usually just feel like they're more reliable.
Those are certainly good reasons...I especially can relate to not having the best PC out there, and the feeling of not wanting to deal with changing settings. This is why I asked this question, because I'm debating getting an S myself sometime soon. My computer can play some games alright, but it always feels like my computer will blow up if I play too long. While the same could be said of consoles, they usually just feel like they're more reliable.

That's completely understandable. Props to the people who game on PC, though. I envy how great your games look sometimes :p
So I have a question out of curiosity. I do not mean this as a slight against people who like Xbox, on the contrary, I really just want to know what you like about it. Does anyone with the new S, or just the regular Xbox One also have a PC to game on? I guess I'm curious as to why you own an Xbox One, especially after all the PC versions of games were announced at E3. What benefit does the Xbox One offer you?

Welp, I have several gaming PCs, a couple PS4s, and 4 Xbones (3 Elites + a newly acquired S model). Our household initially started out this gen firmly in the Sony camp but we've gradually gravitated towards Xbone more and more.

The short answer to your question is we've found it to be the best social and online ecosystem by far. It's not even close. My fam loves the whole avatar + achievement + social aspect.

If I'm gaming alone on a multiplat then I generally prefer PC if given the choice, but at least half the time I prefer Xbone as well for the sheer simplicity + ecosystem. I've been building / tweaking / benchmarking PCs for 20+ years and there's no doubt Steam and other advancements have greatly reduced the complexity of couch PC gaming, but it's still not as friendly/easy and will occasionally cause headaches I'm simply not in mood to deal with. This goes double when talking about MP / co-op since as of yet there's still existing limitations, such as no good method to play local co-op in a PC game with 2 or more accounts and unlock achievements for more than one person, etc.... There are occasions when local MP gaming PC is actually better than console, but it's really rare. One example is Dungeon Defenders, which is far superior on Steam vs. 360. But, it also requires a much bigger investment to play it "right" since you need two PCs, two screens set up next to each other, two speaker systems if playing on monitors, and the patience to deal with much more common technical difficulties (like frequent disconnects). DD is far superior on PC but sometimes even a game that good is just too much of a pain in the ass to get working correctly. Which is where consoles come in.

As for Sony, they have some great SP exclusives, so that's what my PS4s are used for now. But when we want to game together or a buddy comes over for some couch co-op...or I want to play MP it's generally Xbone all the way.


So I have a question out of curiosity. I do not mean this as a slight against people who like Xbox, on the contrary, I really just want to know what you like about it. Does anyone with the new S, or just the regular Xbox One also have a PC to game on? I guess I'm curious as to why you own an Xbox One, especially after all the PC versions of games were announced at E3. What benefit does the Xbox One offer you?

*None of the major third party titles have cross play and none of my friends play games on PC.

*I use my PC for editing media projects and doing work. I don't want to use it for games. I prefer consoles.

*Action and Racing are some of my favorite game genres and I feel that the Xbox One is the best console for games of those genres this gen. Especially racing; It's amazing how pitiful the PS4 has been for racers in comparison to its predecessors.

*I like the media integration of the Xbox One -- especially as a "cord cutter". The way the system integrates Antenna TV, HDMI, and all of my games (since I bought them digitally) is pretty seamless and no other console can do this.
I'm finding that my troubleshooting results were only temporary from my last post. At this point, not complaining, I haven't exhausted all my options, and I'm going to follow Colbert's advice and contact Xbox Support when I get a chance. My intent is more or less to document my problem and progress in solving it in case anyone else runs into the issue.

So, after my apparent "fix" this morning, before shutting the console down, I toggled instant sign in and instant on in my options just in case the console's configuration had gotten mixed up in the frequency of network traffic to the console (my ~250GB or so worth of downloading digital games) and network disconnects and power cycling. I shut down using the controller and just went to bed, not turning the console back on until I woke back up this evening. My immediate test for the network speed/connection was to try and boot up Netflix and start streaming some content. The test failed -- instant sign on worked, but I had no connection to live on bootup, and while it did eventually "connect" (ads loaded in, the notice to connect to Xbox Live went away), Netflix was not able to detect an internet connection and actually boot up completely. I then exited Netflix app and tried to just load the store page -- only a handful of actual thumbnails showed up, and attempting to load specifically into the Store resulted in a constant loading circle.

The good news is that my profile isn't getting kicked out like last night. At no point did the controller disconnect/profile sign-out occur today. I am, at least, seeing improvement with auto sign-in when I boot up and not getting kicked out of my profile, and my controller maintained a steady connection through subsequent Rise of the Tomb Raider and Forza 6 mini play sessions. My friend list also has no problem reporting who is online and their activities, but it seems all other network functions with my Xbox One S are rather slow and unreliable right now. It took quite a lot of power cycling of both my Xbox One S and modem to gain consistent network speeds to aid in the downloads of Forza Horizon 2, Forza Motorsport 6, Halo: Master Chief Collection, Sunset Overdrive, and a handful of Xbox 360 BC games to my S over the past week. It's also worth noting that initial console update took about 4 hours to download when I got it on Tuesday, and it disconnected twice during that process, and IIRC it weighed in at a little less than 1GB, something like ~890MB. Should not have taken that long. Once that initial install finished, it took some effort to establish a connection in order to retrieve my Xbox Live profile from my old Xbox, but I managed to power through it in about 30 minutes just with repeat attempts. After that, I did a power cycle of just the console, signed in without a problem, and then proceeded to queue my downloads.

During the first couple of hours, I was seeing my S report speeds of about 21mbps on the downloads, which is perfectly consistent with my previous Xbox One and the general WiFi signal I get in my bedroom. I had Rise of the Tomb Raider fully downloaded and ready to go within 2 hours of starting, and Horizon 2 was able to reach "ready to play" status shortly thereafter. I had the console actively on this whole time, sort of out of excitement for the new console. I played a little bit of Rise of the Tomb Raider after it finished downloading. After I eventually turned it off via controller command, assuming it had basically gone into sleep mode and would continue downloads, I later came back to find that minimal progress had been made on the remainder of Horizon 2 and it had slowed to a crawl of 800-some kbps. This would basically be the speed that would typically be reported by my Xbox One S, and through several power cycles and even resetting my modem, I was able to occasionally get it to go back up to 20-ish mbps speeds, and it would maintain during that particular "session," but would revert back to slow speeds on shutdown. It was solved temporarily with the same power cycling routine, and eventually I was able to complete all of my download queue, usually by maintaining a session where I was able to achieve good speeds.

During one particular session that SEEMED ok starting out, I experienced numerous profile disconnects, in which my console would automatically sign me out of my user profile. This often resulted in an app booting back to its main menu and requiring a profile login all over again in order to load back into the game -- this was the occurrence I detailed in my last post in this thread. Eventually, power cycling console and modem once again fixed this.

Anyway, I've had my laptop connected to WiFi and my PS4 connected, and neither have issues. Played a game of Rocket League on my PS4 today after my login was showing abysmal speeds again. Connected to a US East Coast server from Colorado via WiFi and maintained between 32-36 ping the entire time, smooth as ever. Been watching YouTube in 1080p60fps like I always do -- some of Digital Foundry's recent features, Dunkey's new videogame difficulty video, etc... Doesn't seem to be my network.

I am not the network admin at my residence -- that would be my landlord, who is on vacation right now but texted me the network administration login info so I can do some troubleshooting when I get off of work in the morning. I am thinking either my ISP got super mad about the huge amount of data I pulled on that device and is now throttling or blacklisting it (if they have the power to even do that) or that the network antenna/adapter inside the console is defective. Plan now is to do some network troubleshooting when I get home -- if no results, then call Xbox support, then if nothing from that then try to exchange the console at GameStop for a new one. In any case, I never had any issues with my old Forza 6 Edition 1TB console, and I know my landlord actually opened ports for Xbox One/Xbox Live (my NAT type actually reports as "Open" in network settings currently)...

Might pick up a smaller sized external SSD to transfer my games so I don't have to worry about downloading them all over again in the event of an exchange being required due to defect.


So I have a question out of curiosity. I do not mean this as a slight against people who like Xbox, on the contrary, I really just want to know what you like about it. Does anyone with the new S, or just the regular Xbox One also have a PC to game on? I guess I'm curious as to why you own an Xbox One, especially after all the PC versions of games were announced at E3. What benefit does the Xbox One offer you?

Short answer. I want a UHD Blu-ray player and it's the cheapest one out there. I had an original Xbox One that I never touched and I hated how huge it was along with the massive power brick. I figured I'd get the One S to use as my UHD player and get rid of the unsightly original XB1.

This generation has turned me into primarily a PC gamer and with Xbox having nearly zero exclusives, you're correct. If you are a PC gamer, there's really no reason to have one outside of 4k features.


So I have been asking if anyone else is seeing their TV's go on and off real quick with the S. I finally just decided to make a video as it is much easier to see what I am talking about.

Here is the video.

It was happening right when I started the video (why you see the info at the top), and then it happens several times throughout the video, at the :09 second mark, the :20 second and :22 second mark, then one last time at the :38 second mark.

This has only started happening since I hooked up the Slim itself. It has not happened in at least a year to me, and the only other time it did happen is when I was in the Beta Preview Program for the One Dashboard. In fact it was so bad then that the steps to remove myself from the Preview program and just get the public version of the Dashboard. Lo and behold the issue went away when I did

Even more interesting tonight I have figured out that the issue no doubt gets worse if I choose other inputs on my receiver. If I go to the input for my PS4, Chromecast, or Roku 4, it makes the issue that much worst. The more inputs I go to, the more frequent the issue is.

Now here is what is truly perplexing. This appears to be an issue with CEC. However I have disabled it completely on all devices and the issue still persists. It ONLY happens on the Input for the Xbox One Slim.

I am not looking for any solutions. My past experience tells me there are none and I have to wait for the One itself to get an update. I am just wondering if anyone else at all is experiencing the same behavior, and if so what are your components?

I have a Vizio M65-C1 (2015) for my TV and a Denon AVR-S910W as my receiver.

I very well may have to go back to not running my Cable Box through my One.
My wife the past two days has of course been busting my balls saying shit like “you just had to get the latest console” and “see what happens when you get technology first.” I cannot say I blame her.

There is no doubt whatsoever this is an issue with the Slim itself.


So I have a question out of curiosity. I do not mean this as a slight against people who like Xbox, on the contrary, I really just want to know what you like about it. Does anyone with the new S, or just the regular Xbox One also have a PC to game on? I guess I'm curious as to why you own an Xbox One, especially after all the PC versions of games were announced at E3. What benefit does the Xbox One offer you?

I got the S because it's the slim revision of the XB1, also it does away with the power brick, one of the actual reasons why I used my 360 less since space is an issue for me.

I like the controller better than dualshock 4 after playing around in demo kits/family's places

I do not have an intention of building a gaming PC, I use a laptop for my PC needs, I rarely game on PC and the only thing I can think of that I play on it is some really old PC games and the Shadowrun games, and since I do not have a gaming PC, XB1 is the only way for me to play Forza and Scalebound down the road

I have every intention of getting a PS4 down the road, probably sometimes during the holidays next year.


So I picked up an Xbox One S bundled with those 4 games, Sunset Overdrive, Halo collection, Halo 5, Rare Replay and Gears of War Ultimate.

What other Xbox One exclusive games that are not also available on the PC are worth picking up? Games that are ONLY on the One?
So I have a question out of curiosity. I do not mean this as a slight against people who like Xbox, on the contrary, I really just want to know what you like about it. Does anyone with the new S, or just the regular Xbox One also have a PC to game on? I guess I'm curious as to why you own an Xbox One, especially after all the PC versions of games were announced at E3. What benefit does the Xbox One offer you?

None of my friends have gaming PCs and they all play games on xbox one. So anytime there's a multiplayer game out that we want to play I'll grab it on xbox (Destiny, The Division, etc). I play all my single player stuff on PC.

I basically never double dip between PC and xbox, so this crossbuy stuff is super awesome for me. I like the cross platform party chat too, I can be playing something on steam and still interact with my buddies via windows xbox app.
Gaming with friends is waaaay more important to me than resolution or framerate increase on PC.


So I picked up an Xbox One S bundled with those 4 games, Sunset Overdrive, Halo collection, Halo 5, Rare Replay and Gears of War Ultimate.

What other Xbox One exclusive games that are not also available on the PC are worth picking up? Games that are ONLY on the One?

Forza Horizon 2 is very good. If you like that type of open world game. I know I am looking forward to Forza Horizon 3 coming out in September. Especially since it will be the first XBOne game to take advantage of HDR.


my hard graphic balls
So I have a question out of curiosity. I do not mean this as a slight against people who like Xbox, on the contrary, I really just want to know what you like about it. Does anyone with the new S, or just the regular Xbox One also have a PC to game on? I guess I'm curious as to why you own an Xbox One, especially after all the PC versions of games were announced at E3. What benefit does the Xbox One offer you?
The console experience is more complete and cohesive.
I only love playing games on PC that are definitively and significantly better experiences (or only found there), DOTA 2, Rainbow Six Siege, later I'll get Overwatch...etc.
Graphical settings aren't enough of a significant improvement in experience, unless of course it's broken on console. But if it's 900p or higher and holds its fps target well, I'll get it on Xbox.


So I have a question out of curiosity. I do not mean this as a slight against people who like Xbox, on the contrary, I really just want to know what you like about it. Does anyone with the new S, or just the regular Xbox One also have a PC to game on? I guess I'm curious as to why you own an Xbox One, especially after all the PC versions of games were announced at E3. What benefit does the Xbox One offer you?
I have answered this question before, but happy to do so again. I have both an original Xbox One, and a very capable gaming PC. Some games I just prefer to play on console over PC. I don't see this changing in the future, so I'm happy to carry on like this. Play anywhere is also good for me as I buy all my games digitally and it gives me the choice of where to play. I appreciate that not everyone feels the same though!!
Been trying to connect my new controller to my PC via Bluetooth but can't seem to get it to work, it starts pairing but keeps asking me to enter a code to pair it. When I enter a blank code it seems to install but then immediately disconnects again and the controller keeps flashing.
I've updated it already, any ideas what could be wrong? Maybe it's not compatible with the Bluetooth dongle, it's rather an old one.


So I have a question out of curiosity. I do not mean this as a slight against people who like Xbox, on the contrary, I really just want to know what you like about it. Does anyone with the new S, or just the regular Xbox One also have a PC to game on? I guess I'm curious as to why you own an Xbox One, especially after all the PC versions of games were announced at E3. What benefit does the Xbox One offer you?

Playing in front of my TV is much more comfortable then on my PC, the TV screen is bigger and I kind of was always more invested in the Xbox ecosystem.

I use my PC for strategy games, sometimes a shooter.

But most of my gaming I do on Xbox One.

But if you don´t prefer the Xbox ecosystem I kind of agree that PC / PS4 would be the better choice.


So I have been asking if anyone else is seeing their TV's go on and off real quick with the S. I finally just decided to make a video as it is much easier to see what I am talking about.

Is it possible you have a faulty cable?

Looks like the connection is lost sometimes for a split second when using full bandwidth (2160p).

Maybe you can try using a new high-quality HDMI cable.


Yep October release for 500gb and 1tb in the UK. Apparently the 500gb model will come with Fifa17, makes sense to delay it for that.

Hmm. Son wants Fifa 17 for birthday, wonder if I could trade across from a White OG for not much more money?


Junior Member
Hmm. Son wants Fifa 17 for birthday, wonder if I could trade across from a White OG for not much more money?
Probably cost about £120~ with a trade in for the original 500gb with no games I imagine. Not sure if the FIFA bundle is confirmed but rumoured and seems highly likely given the success of the fifa16 bundle.


Just a heads up for those wanting the 2TB in the UK and can't get one online

I was able to get one from my local GAME store yesterday after they got a couple more in stock, so its worth ringing your local stores directly to check

I hate to see people getting fleeced by the fucking scalpers that are popping up! (even on the GAME website ffs!!)

Mr White

So I picked up an Xbox One S bundled with those 4 games, Sunset Overdrive, Halo collection, Halo 5, Rare Replay and Gears of War Ultimate.

What other Xbox One exclusive games that are not also available on the PC are worth picking up? Games that are ONLY on the One?

Forza Horizon 2 is amazing. And that's it. X1 have very small amount of exclusive games. SO, FH2, MCC and Rare Replay are the only reason why I didn't sell my console
Isn't there a year warranty for these consoles. When I did my kinect adapter request it said warranty ends 10-17-17
even better!

(been out of the console loop for a minute)

point is-if you are buying this new from anywhere-initial registration is all you need to activate the built in warranty. I wouldn't fear anything


After a while the fan started making more noise and is doing it consistently now. I don't think I hear it from my seating position, but it's definitely going to piss off OG owners upgrading. Found this YouTube video of the same exact noise, and the comments section isn't very promising.


The only thing I like al lot about the OG Xbox One console (apart from the controller) is that it is dead quiet. So it was a legit concern that a so much smaller console would most likely be louder.

From what I hear in that video I don't think it's a disaster. It's certainly louder than my OG Xbox One, but it also seems to be less loud than the PS4. Get your OG Xbox 360 started again and you'll hear what a loud console is like! :)


The only thing I like al lot about the OG Xbox One console (apart from the controller) is that it is dead quiet. So it was a legit concern that a so much smaller console would most likely be louder.

From what I hear in that video I don't think it's a disaster. It's certainly louder than my OG Xbox One, but it also seems to be less loud than the PS4. Get your OG Xbox 360 started again and you'll hear what a loud console is like! :)

It's true it isn't as loud as last gen, but this is meant to be on while watching tv, not just gaming. Nobody wants console noise while watching tv.


So I have been asking if anyone else is seeing their TV's go on and off real quick with the S. I finally just decided to make a video as it is much easier to see what I am talking about.

Here is the video.

It was happening right when I started the video (why you see the info at the top), and then it happens several times throughout the video, at the :09 second mark, the :20 second and :22 second mark, then one last time at the :38 second mark.

This has only started happening since I hooked up the Slim itself. It has not happened in at least a year to me, and the only other time it did happen is when I was in the Beta Preview Program for the One Dashboard. In fact it was so bad then that the steps to remove myself from the Preview program and just get the public version of the Dashboard. Lo and behold the issue went away when I did

Even more interesting tonight I have figured out that the issue no doubt gets worse if I choose other inputs on my receiver. If I go to the input for my PS4, Chromecast, or Roku 4, it makes the issue that much worst. The more inputs I go to, the more frequent the issue is.

Now here is what is truly perplexing. This appears to be an issue with CEC. However I have disabled it completely on all devices and the issue still persists. It ONLY happens on the Input for the Xbox One Slim.

I am not looking for any solutions. My past experience tells me there are none and I have to wait for the One itself to get an update. I am just wondering if anyone else at all is experiencing the same behavior, and if so what are your components?

I have a Vizio M65-C1 (2015) for my TV and a Denon AVR-S910W as my receiver.

I very well may have to go back to not running my Cable Box through my One.
My wife the past two days has of course been busting my balls saying shit like “you just had to get the latest console” and “see what happens when you get technology first.” I cannot say I blame her.

There is no doubt whatsoever this is an issue with the Slim itself.

I have a 2016 Vizio P Series, and this is a known issue. It happens to me in ALL HDR Blu Ray Disks, except worse. I get audio but no picture at all. If I turn off HDMI Sub Sampling, everything works fine. I have to toggle sub sampling several times to get the picture to come through. At this point, I don't know if it is an issue with the Vizio TV, the Xbox One Itself or simply a "handshake" issue. If you look at the KS8000 forum on AVS, you will also see that Samsung owners are experiencing the same problem. Based on that, I think it must be something to do with the One S itself (be it hardware or software). At this point, I don't think anyone knows.


Just curious does it happen if you have the xbox outputting a different resolution?

Only time I seen an issue like that was due to a HDCP handshake issue.
I will be honest, the one thing I have not tried is another resolution, as that would kind of defeat the entire purpose of picking up the Slim itself and that would really truly suck if that was the case. But good idea and I will see whats up.

Is it possible you have a faulty cable?

Looks like the connection is lost sometimes for a split second when using full bandwidth (2160p).

Maybe you can try using a new high-quality HDMI cable.
Purchased the latest and greatest cables from Amazon on Thursday and even paid for $5.99 for Same Day Shipping since I had the day off from work and had time to switch out the cables. Doing so in my entertainment is a chore to say the least but they are the latest standard. Also using the cable MS provided with the One for the connection from it to my receiver.
I should note this issue happened when I had my One connected directly to my TV as well. I was bypassing my receiver completely. Still seeing it. Shit now typing that out makes me realize it was not related at all to CEC.

I have a 2016 Vizio P Series, and this is a known issue. It happens to me in ALL HDR Blu Ray Disks, except worse. I get audio but no picture at all. If I turn off HDMI Sub Sampling, everything works fine. I have to toggle sub sampling several times to get the picture to come through. At this point, I don't know if it is an issue with the Vizio TV, the Xbox One Itself or simply a "handshake" issue. If you look at the KS8000 forum on AVS, you will also see that Samsung owners are experiencing the same problem. Based on that, I think it must be something to do with the One S itself (be it hardware or software). At this point, I don't think anyone knows.
Thanks. At least makes me feel better. The simple solution for me is to just turn my receiver on and off and the issue maybe happens once every 30 minutes. So I no doubt believe my receiver may not like the One (and in turn it is also a culprit), but that it is somehow coming from the One itself.
Since my fatty was having a tough time working lately, I caved and pre-ordered the Madden bundle. I am super excited to get it into my living room.


I have a 2016 Vizio P Series, and this is a known issue. It happens to me in ALL HDR Blu Ray Disks, except worse. I get audio but no picture at all. If I turn off HDMI Sub Sampling, everything works fine. I have to toggle sub sampling several times to get the picture to come through. At this point, I don't know if it is an issue with the Vizio TV, the Xbox One Itself or simply a "handshake" issue. If you look at the KS8000 forum on AVS, you will also see that Samsung owners are experiencing the same problem. Based on that, I think it must be something to do with the One S itself (be it hardware or software). At this point, I don't think anyone knows.

And yes, I've tried multiple cables, different HDMI inputs, etc. It's always the same result. Either the first batch of Xbox One S systems are defective or it's a software issue which needs to be corrected via firmware update. In either event, if it's not resolved close to my 30 day Amazon return period, I will be exchanging for another system just to be safe.
So I picked up an Xbox One S bundled with those 4 games, Sunset Overdrive, Halo collection, Halo 5, Rare Replay and Gears of War Ultimate.

What other Xbox One exclusive games that are not also available on the PC are worth picking up? Games that are ONLY on the One?
Stranger of Sword City, Raiden V, Zoo Tycoon, Powerstar Golf are probably some of the more decent ones. The Forza games (5,6,Horizon 2)

I've heard Screamride is kind of meh.

Also, did you have a 360? Might be worth it to help recommend you some 360 backwards compat exclusives you might not have tried


So I have been asking if anyone else is seeing their TV's go on and off real quick with the S. I finally just decided to make a video as it is much easier to see what I am talking about.

Here is the video.
I have a 2016 Vizio P Series, and this is a known issue. It happens to me in ALL HDR Blu Ray Disks, except worse. I get audio but no picture at all. If I turn off HDMI Sub Sampling, everything works fine. I have to toggle sub sampling several times to get the picture to come through. At this point, I don't know if it is an issue with the Vizio TV, the Xbox One Itself or simply a "handshake" issue. If you look at the KS8000 forum on AVS, you will also see that Samsung owners are experiencing the same problem. Based on that, I think it must be something to do with the One S itself (be it hardware or software). At this point, I don't think anyone knows.
Damn, this looks just like what was happening to me.. NOT a Vizio, though. Went through two Samsung monitors.
Has anyone had trouble with the S dropping video signal constantly while in 4k? My monitor is a Samsung LU28E590DS/ZA, and I've already replaced it once. Happened on both monitors.

Funny thing is, after initial setup of each monitor, it was flawless. But if I ever turned the Xbox off, even in instant-on mode, the next time I powered on, it would again constantly drop video signal. Nothing I did could recover from this state, aside from getting a new monitor.

Tried to exchange my S, but they were out, so I just returned it. I'm currently S-less :(
I'm guessing it's a Xbox issue, hopefully solved through an update.

Edit: Also, my issue isn't just during 4k movies (my monitor is not HDR10), but also in games and at the dashboard.
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