Legend actually difficult now. It's taking longer than I thought.
I'm a bit trigger happy with restarts because I like to test build orders and stuff, but man, the mid to end game is brutal now.
Pods are bigger, there seems to be more of them, too.
By the time Andromedon starts appearing, pods like 4 codex or 4 spectres start, too.
Also, by this time, multiple pods of 2 enemies start appearing, too.
The "4 big enemies" pod would only appear after Sectopods, iirc. And while the patroling pods of 2 units was a thing before, now they seem to actively run at you after concealement is broken. Either that or pod density is different. Anyway, thing is hard.
I actually think the whole "reverse difficulty" no longer applies on Legend.
Mutons take longer to appear, for example. They used to appear before I got mag weapons, now they appear sometime after.
Otoh, by the time you are nearing plasma weapons, the difficulty crank up way harder than it was before. I do believe a victory lap still awaits me at the tail end of the campaign, but the game is harder for longer now.
It used to be that by the time you got your first mimic beacon (which was around the time volatile mix and plasma grenades were also a thing), that was it, game was won.
Now it is relentless.