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XCOM 2: War of the Chosen |OT| Mario + Rabbids + Autopsies

Quick question:

I've played through the original XCOM twice (once with the expansion) but I never got around to the sequal.

Should I play XCOM 2 vanilla or should I play this new expansion?

Start with the expansion. It's a lot to take in but it's more fun than the original campaign.


I played Xcom 2 when it first came out and found the overworld map stuff hard to figure out. Which having a timer till bad things happened only added to frustration.

Is it "better" now?
If by "better" you mean "more stuff to do and to manage" then yeah, it damn sure did get better. It certainly hasn't gotten any easier or less involved.
4-5 hours in, and the main thing I've taken away is that the Reaper's Remote Start ability is fucking criminal - just wiped out the bulk of two pods by getting them to take cover around a truck, and it made the first appearance by the Warlock a cakewalk.
I have to say, now that the bugs have been ironed out and the game performs reasonably well, this game has some fantastic visual polish. I'm always impressed how seamless it is when enemy reinforcements jump out of a dropship or even just the animations of soldiers jumping and climbing around obstacles. There's still some stuff that looks janky, but I've never seen a strategy game with better presentation.

Hats off to Firaxis, they're doing amazing work with this series.


Any advice for the mission where you assault a chosen base?

I'm at the part where I have to destroy the sarcophagus and enemies keep pouring in. I would target it, but my soldiers don't do enough damage to kill it by the time the chosen respawns and wipes my squad.


Any advice for the mission where you assault a chosen base?

I'm at the part where I have to destroy the sarcophagus and enemies keep pouring in. I would target it, but my soldiers don't do enough damage to kill it by the time the chosen respawns and wipes my squad.

Bluescreen rounds work on the sarcophagus. They're especially good on units that can shoot multiple times per turn (skirmishers, pistol sharpshooters, reapers with banish)


well that's cool, i skulljacked a officer and the game fucking totally crashed on me. even had a custom crash message about sending the info to firaxis which was cool.

the not cool thing is now it's fuckin' stuck on preparing to launch and won't launch


Constant crashes in the mission preperation screen (where you choose and equip soldiers), no matter which mission I pick. I think my savegame is gone, which SUCKS!


verifying files seems to have worked, but now i'm watching giant bomb garbage (pax rumble) instead

i'll get back to the field later


Well, I'm going to start over. All my high level troops are dead and I'm now on a consistent roll of failing every mission now.

Any tips on my next new game (commander ironman)? I didn't build a Guerrilla Tactics School until much later, that was probably a huge mistake.

Make 4 of each class and level equally. Use higj ground
You start with more power than in vanilla.
It used to be that power had to be your third facility, but now it can be the fourth.
So my build order is (for legend):
GTS (don't rush, it will finish around the time you have your first sergeant without rushing)
Ring (rush) -> Proving grounds (rush), then I stop rushing buildings and focus my engineer into excavation and I juggle one of them between the proving ground and the ring.
Then it is power -> resistance comms -> training facility.

If you have the rulers DLC, an early proving grounds means an early bolt, frost bomb and axe which all helps so very much. If you don't, I would probably do GTS -> ring -> training -> power -> comms -> proving grounds.

I would say that Infirmary is DEFINTIELY more useful than Comms at this point.


Uh apparently the crash stripped all my mods from my save game and I dunno if I can even load them now


uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i think the gafcom saves might be affected



Does the expansion completely incorporate itself into the main game? I started a complete new game so will I experience everything?

Bump for new page.


Disabling mods did nothing (onyl had evac all and numeric health anyway). Still crashing. This is very disappointing.


How do you get more soldiers from the resistance factions? I'm close to finishing the game (all chosen dead, all regions contacted, etc) and I have high influence with all three factions, but I still only have one Templar and one Skirmisher. I somehow managed to get a second Reaper early on, but I don't remember how that happened...


I would say that Infirmary is DEFINTIELY more useful than Comms at this point.

Depends on both injuries and avatar progress, I guess. I have this thing that without a comm right after power, you just lose, but it may also depend on how reliable covert ops to reduce avatar project are.
Depends on both injuries and avatar progress, I guess. I have this thing that without a comm right after power, you just lose, but it may also depend on how reliable covert ops to reduce avatar project are.

Reducing the avatar project is part of it (and I usually got one every month or so, even at the beginning), but you can also get contacts through the Ring.


I would say that Infirmary is DEFINTIELY more useful than Comms at this point.

Infirmary isnt needed until after comms and prov8ng ground.

In WotC you should have 3 to 4of each classleveling up and the 3 heroes. Unless your wounded everyone in every mission you shpuld have plenty of people yo rotate.

Comms means much moremoney , more upgrades , etc. Continent bonuses.


I realized I needed an Infirmary after my entire squad ended up with the "Fear of the Chosen" trait after a mission. But yeah, I don't think it's a priority early on.


okay, i managed to load the mission and then it crashed again. not sure what's going on, but i think i can at least access the saves
Fucking shit fuck cunt....just starting out my first real proper play-through of xcom 2

apart from using full cover whats the best ability to get or invest for your squads so they dont get raped and can actually shoot at and not miss something at point blank range

Just had my whole a team squad raped from behind cover because they could not hit an enemy literally 4 feet away from them....was like that naked gun scene
Did y'all know that Mutons can just run up and punch people like Rangers do?
Well, now I do... (she missed) I hadn't seen that happen until he did it twice in a row

Fucking shit fuck cunt....just starting out my first real proper play-through of xcom 2

apart from using full cover whats the best ability to get or invest for your squads so they dont get raped and can actually shoot at and not miss something at point blank range

Just had my whole a team squad raped from behind cover because they could not hit an enemy literally 4 feet away from them....was like that naked gun scene
  • Ok, first up: don't say raped, say defeated or something else. Be civilized, Commander.
  • Second up: Be aggressive! Take advantage of stealth to set up (overwatch) ambushes--trigger it with a grenade or squadsight sniper for maximum effect. Done right, this can eliminate a pod or maybe even two. It also helps outrun timers, but they're less of an issue in WotC.
  • Third up: Build the Guerilla Tactics School right after building a Resistance Comm. The former will expand your squad size, and the latter will expand your income via contacts (They are like XCOM 1's satellites on the global map). These two are key.
  • Fourth up: Embrace the Reaper. They are a class of faction heroes and they're really good at stealth, ambushes, and scouting. Having one can make all the difference early on when soldiers are as threatening as mewling kittens, and as durable as play-doh.
  • Fifth up: You can force evacs anywhere you want in most missions. In some missions that go entirely pear-shaped, it's better to take the loss, evac, and walk away with some soldiers, rather than gamble for victory at the risk of losing everything. Just keep in mind that this is always an option, especially with the Chosen on the prowl.
  • And lastly, sixth: Take the high ground or flank your targets--this is how your mewling play-doh soldiers can kill things with ease. While it won't work for every enemy, it's a good tactic to start with.

Good luck, Commander.


Did y'all know that Mutons can just run up and punch people like Rangers do?

Well, now I do... (she missed) I hadn't seen that happen until he did it twice in a row


  • Ok, first up: don't say raped, say defeated or something else. Be civilized, Commander.
  • Second up: Be aggressive! Take advantage of stealth to set up (overwatch) ambushes--trigger it with a grenade or squadsight sniper for maximum effect. Done right, this can eliminate a pod or maybe even two. It also helps outrun timers, but they're less of an issue in WotC.
  • Third up: Build the Guerilla Tactics School right after building a Resistance Comm. The former will expand your squad size, and the latter will expand your income via contacts (They are like XCOM 1's satellites on the global map). These two are key.
  • Fourth up: Embrace the Reaper. They are a class of faction heroes and they're really good at stealth, ambushes, and scouting. Having one can make all the difference early on when soldiers are as threatening as mewling kittens, and as durable as play-doh.
  • Fifth up: You can force evacs anywhere you want in most missions. In some missions that go entirely pear-shaped, it's better to take the loss, evac, and walk away with some soldiers, rather than gamble for victory at the risk of losing everything. Just keep in mind that this is always an option, especially with the Chosen on the prowl.
  • And lastly, sixth: Take the high ground or flank your targets--this is how your mewling play-doh soldiers can kill things with ease. While it won't work for every enemy, it's a good tactic to start with.

Good luck, Commander.

Very good post


[*]Second up: Be aggressive! Take advantage of stealth to set up (overwatch) ambushes--trigger it with a grenade or squadsight sniper for maximum effect. Done right, this can eliminate a pod or maybe even two. It also helps outrun timers, but they're less of an issue in WotC.
i strongly disagree with that.
overwatch ambushes are actually a trash tactic and here is why: everyone shoots random targets with no guarantee to kill anybody.

what you need to do is to think how you can maximize the damage to the pod with the opening attack (grenade to shred armor, preemptive shrapnel with reaper combo etc).

after they run to cover, you either flank them with carefully placed soldiers or just blow up the cover of the most powerful enemy and wipe it out. rest of the pod should be little of challenge, you'll suffer like 1-2 attacks at most.

if you do overwatch ambush, you opt yourself to be left with full living pod (its xcom baby) and they get following turn to flank the shit out of you.

you have to dictate the battlefield flow, not rely on chance


apart from using full cover whats the best ability to get or invest for your squads so they dont get raped and can actually shoot at and not miss something at point blank range

Grenades dude. Grenades.

Enemies are way easier to shoot when the thing they were hiding behind is not there anymore.


overwatch ambush depends on who you have free. if you have duders you can't flank with or do anything useful, you may as well dump them in overwatch.

if you could mark targets beforehand from ambush that would be fucking dope.


Just had my squad get totally wiped out during the first advent blacksite mission... Arrrggg... Lost Mox too. I blame the stupid chosen. Wondering if I should start over or not.
Any advice for the mission where you assault a chosen base?

I'm at the part where I have to destroy the sarcophagus and enemies keep pouring in. I would target it, but my soldiers don't do enough damage to kill it by the time the chosen respawns and wipes my squad.

I think you just need to be prepared to
kill the chosen 2 or 3 times, and for the enemy waves inbetween. Crowd control items like frost bomb, flashbang, psionics, can help to slow down mobs while part of your squad focuses on enemies, and others focus on the sarc. With the training center, spend ability points on damage heavy skills like grenadier chain shot. Take advantage of bonds, so you can use things like advanced teamwork to give damage dealers extra actions when you can actually fire on the sarc.


Let's not get into what makes sense or we'll be here all week
ye i agree.
on a final note, imo there is not enough squad member interaction between each other. for a squad based game, it mostly feels like everyone in your group is on his own.
reapers changed that to a degree, wish there were more changes to that part of the game.
Welp finally caved last night and brought the expansion pack.
First ironman/Commander playthrough ended with me getting absolutely fucked by the hunter + the lost.

Think ima turn off the cinematic stuff this time, cause that intro is reallll long.


The breakthrough that adds an extra slot to rifles does so for the bolt caster, which seems like a bug because it turns the weapon invisible.


I skip a lot of ambushes due to the knowledge that sectoids and priests have priority. A pod like 2 stun lancers and a sectoid would be perfect for an ambush if you could target the sectoid last.


Do people fond the weapon brealthroughs worth it? I plan on legendary playthrough so not sure about doing them.

The damage ones seem good but not aure abput add pn break thrpughs
i strongly disagree with that.
overwatch ambushes are actually a trash tactic and here is why: everyone shoots random targets with no guarantee to kill anybody.

what you need to do is to think how you can maximize the damage to the pod with the opening attack (grenade to shred armor, preemptive shrapnel with reaper combo etc).

after they run to cover, you either flank them with carefully placed soldiers or just blow up the cover of the most powerful enemy and wipe it out. rest of the pod should be little of challenge, you'll suffer like 1-2 attacks at most.

if you do overwatch ambush, you opt yourself to be left with full living pod (its xcom baby) and they get following turn to flank the shit out of you.

you have to dictate the battlefield flow, not rely on chance

Yeah, overwatch ambushes aren't a good idea. I don't use them at all. I prefer a powerful opening salvo and the ability to move my soldiers. Not to mention that overwatch shots miss frequently.


Ambushes don't suffer aim penalty, so if you're going to shoot anyway, by not ambushing you are trading a target out of cover vs one in cover.
Do people fond the weapon brealthroughs worth it? I plan on legendary playthrough so not sure about doing them.

The damage ones seem good but not aure abput add pn break thrpughs

You need the Sniper add-on breakthrough(s) so you can turn the Reaper's Banish ability into a delete-unit button.

Ambushes don't suffer aim penalty, so if you're going to shoot anyway, by not ambushing you are trading a target out of cover vs one in cover.

Huh, didn't know that.
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