PSN on PS3 is so bad it just froze my console
PSN on PS3 is so bad it just froze my console
PSN on PS3 is so bad it just froze my console
Will there be a physical release of the PC version? Or what we see in steam for pre-order is basically it?
when does the embargo ends?
when does the embargo ends?
Oh, and remember how awful the frame rate got back in the original when you entered Blighttown? Dark Souls II runs at a steady 30 frames per second throughout the entire campaign without a hiccup. Even in areas brimming with enemies and environmental interactions, the game never slows down, meaning that youll never have anyone to blame for a You Died screen other than yourself.
From IGN Review:
Glad to hear there is no slowdown!
From IGN Review:
Glad to hear there is no slowdown!
I'm surprised that the game has an uncapped framerate and that the 360 version runs as smooth as it does. I only glanced briefly but it seems noticeably smoother than the PS3 version.
You are late to the party
From IGN Review:
Glad to hear there is no slowdown!
This is not what we've heard from several people who have been playing.
There are very occasional frame rate issues that intrude on the grim elegance, but nothing on par with Dark Souls' Blighttown struggles.
From IGN Review:
Glad to hear there is no slowdown!
PSN on PS3 is so bad it just froze my console
wheres my game?
why do I keep seeing 3MB Dynamic theme?!
My ps3 just froze haha
I get the same thing when i select download.
Same here. When I go to "Download" it simply hard locks my system![]()
It's freezing every time I check to see if I can download it...
we're all dead
No download option for me on PSN.
Well this is off to a fine start. i forgot just how awful the ps3 psn experience is
I'm also stuck in the pre-order not appearing on my download list camp, what a bummer.
PSN pls...
Wtf is this shit, my PS3 either freezes when trying to download the game from PSN or I get sent back to the main PS3 screen
Wtf is this shit, my PS3 either freezes when trying to download the game from PSN or I get sent back to the main PS3 screen
Wtf is this shit, my PS3 either freezes when trying to download the game from PSN or I get sent back to the main PS3 screen
Wtf is this shit, my PS3 either freezes when trying to download the game from PSN or I get sent back to the main PS3 screen
This is vintage psn, it just wants to give the last big ps3 game a classic send-off.
Yeah, media black out time for me until 4 / 25. Enjoy you filthy bitches.
Freezing up here as well when attempting the PSN download. Bah.
How many of yall are downloading are actually from the US? Or did you guys create a US account just to download it?