And hot chicks with whips!
Fuck yeah.
There's something supremely bizarre about Taylor Swift covering Jimmy Eat World
Like it's just something that shouldn't happen, but has
It's fucking bizarre how
true the bolded rings. And don't even like either of those that much. It's like the kind of drunk coupling at the bar that somehow results in something great and earnest.
Meanwhile, Spotify's acoustic covers of Tswyzzle continue to suck horse smegma.
TIL what
bugchasing is.
I'm actually shocked you didn't know about that. It's been a staple of the antigay front since the early 90's at very least. It's gross and disturbing at so many levels.
I have so many shows to catch up with

Whenever I want to start a new show I just end up watching Top Gear, hah.
I used to love Top Gear, then I got fed up with Jezza's cuntery. I'm all for funny stereotyping, but that man is a hateful, despicable, violent cretin that happens to get around because he has a way with words and the BBC made him rich.
That infamous Ford Fiesta advert broke the camel's back for me. PR stunts have no place in a programme like Top Gear. That wasn't about talking about the car as much as it was about
selling it. Using the Beeb and the military to do that made it even tackier.
Houndmouth - Sedona
Get into the indie folk/hipster anthem of 2015.
This is the kind of shit that gets used in Microsoft TV ads, tbh. You are better than this, Jake.
Unrelated: Despite being a bit of a nerd, querlfrend had yet to watch Game of Thrones, so I grabbed the set and played the pilot in hope's she'd power through it in time to catch with the new season. Well, it looks like Dany has a new stan in town. She's also madly in love with Robb already, which is making me both uneasy for her and giggling with anticipation. /cuntery
I watched the movie The Hustler recently. Funky Papa looked so good in it. Oh my god.
A true classic. Paul Newman was ridic in that, but that was to be expected. I cannot imagine what would have been of that film if Frank Sinatra had got a hold of it.