Good Lord...
I really want to put my face in there.
Good Lord...
me: *touches straight guy's butt*
straight guy: Im not gay
me :
I don't know how I can have watched 600 odd episodes of One Piece and still need more
But I do
I need it
Me learning that One Piece has over 600 episodes. Animu is truly the king of filler.
Me after encountering the alien for the first time in Alien Isolation:
I tried to play it a few months ago, but I got stuck before the alien showed up. :negmon:
Me not smarts. Might try it again soon, but I'm gonna be busy with Bloodborne and Phoenix Wright games for a looong time.
"Why isn't Alien Isolation and Phoenix Wright more like Bloodborne?"
I got stuck once at the beginning because I wasn't quite sure where to go, but I figured it out eventually.
I've lost count of how many times I've died already...... Feels good, man. ^_^
After a couple hours I realized I made the wrong choice in picking the pistol over the shotgun. So I deleted and started over.
First boss absolutely #shrekt me just now, but at least I found a nice shortcut. I'm gonna have to grind a bit before I try again tonight. What's your PSN btw? I need more friendos
Seriously enjoying it so far, I'm about to become a disgusting Fromsoft fan like everyone else.
Finally played episode two of Telltale Game of Thrones.
Shit went down at the end and I am here for it. Mira's storyline in King's Landing is the best bit of the game.
Just getting to that?
I'm readying myself to play episode 3 because I know I'm going to be redoing it at least 3-4 times until I'm satisfied. O__O
I really enjoyed forginga letter from Margaery to the Glenmores. And of course the assassination attempt was everything.
I want to see some damn dragons in the next episode.
I want to non consensually fuck hay fever right in the ass.
Goddamned spring.
My day in gif form.
I have so many shows to get into. I've still only watched two episodes of True Detective.
The struggle. :negman
I have so many shows to get into. I've still only watched two episodes of True Detective.
The struggle. :negman
Yeah. For me True Detective was right up there with Fargo and Hannibal last year.
The endingtroubled some people but I prefer to look at it as being about Rust experiencing emotion he hadn't felt in decades.
The ending of The Road almost made me do the ugly cry. What a book.
So evocative and layered with symbolism. Not to mention just unbelievably eloquent. Incredible.
I've only seen the first two episodes of GoT...