Em is on skype but not on GAF anymore. She might come back at some stage but maybe not.
Em is on skype but not on GAF anymore. She might come back at some stage but maybe not.
are you guys dating yet?
bye bye Penguins yayyyyy
I think it has to be intentional honestly. And if it's not well fuck it's even funnier then.
It might be for attention. A while back she posted a video on Facebook saying that she was basically dying, which I took very seriously because she had posted before about numerous health problems even though I was also aware that she probably posted it because her boyfriend broke up with her a few days prior.
I also had a different friend who went suicidal because her girlfriend broke up with her for about a month. just occurred to me that most of my friends may be unstable when not in a relationship because all they talk about are relationships and how they don't need them until they're in one then all they can talk about are their SO's, and that I might have gotten influenced by their crazy in the same way that I'm getting influenced by the stupid in my household right now.
They sound... eccentric I guess.
are you guys dating yet?
These Final Fantasy stan wars in here
I've calmed down now Jake you can invite me back to chat
bye bye Penguins yayyyyy
Oh my. Was there a battle?
Quick, someone go create a puppet version of Em to take over FakeGAF leadership and fill the power vacuum left by her and Windam.
bahahah I forgot about Windumb
He got pissed because Skype interrupted his game for some reason and took him to the desktop which caused him to lose the match.
But he loves us again. So all is well.
I am surrounded by Penguins fans irl. Reading this was refreshing.
Need Nick back ='(
(we're still snapchat friends for lyfe)
These Final Fantasy stan wars in here
Happy Friday everyone.
Y'all have fun, be safe.![]()
My friend posted a picture on instagram of her looking at the sunset with flowers in the foreground and some filters over it, and the caption is "getting ready for my colonoscopy."
I don't...what?
I mean she has a habit of posting selfish with long stories under them that should probably just be Facebook or Twitter posts but this one...
She's probably a fan of Asa Akira's twitter.
Remember back in the glory days when fakeGAF was super busy and me, Jakey, Lisa, Al, Pete, Em, Timo, Kev, Adam, Nick, Megan and loads of other names I'm going to feel bad for forgetting used to sit in our clubhouse and chat shit all day eryday?
You've barely scratched the surface. Prepare to be emotionally destroyed by cases 4 & 5. Then you have 6 more games to play.Finally putting some time into Phoenix Wright, and I can't handle this Steel Samurai case. Shit's getting too real.
You've barely scratched the surface. Prepare to be emotionally destroyed by cases 4 & 5. Then you have 6 more games to play.
It shouldn't be too hard to find a DS copy of Apollo Justice or the first Investigations game. (The second one is trickier because of no official English release, but there's an amazing fully translated Let's Play of it on YouTube, and a pretty stellar translation patch. AAI2 is one of the best games in the series too, it's truly an under appreciated gem.) But a rerelease of AJ and the two Investigations as a compilation would be amazing.![]()
Not sure if I'll ever get to play Apollo or Investigations tho, unless they're rereleased someday.
All true.The final case in the third game will snatch every follicle left on your head.
Pls no, Dee Vasquez is already rustling my jimmies.The final case in the third game will snatch every follicle left on your head.
It's almost impossible to find over here, but I guess I could snoop around some UK sites.It shouldn't be too hard to find a DS copy of Apollo Justice or the first Investigations game. (The second one is trickier because of no official English release, but there's an amazing fully translated Let's Play of it on YouTube, and a pretty stellar translation patch. AAI2 is one of the best games in the series too, it's truly an under appreciated gem.) But a rerelease of AJ and the two Investigations as a compilation would be amazing.
Ah, that's too bad.It's almost impossible to find over here, but I guess I could snoop around some UK sites.
Just checked the score, they're not messing around anymore.Go Canucks Go!!
From Em with Love
Just checked the score, they're not messing around anymore.
Check that score again :|
Um, how did they loss a two goal lead so fast? o_oCheck that score again :|
And we're ahead again!
Megan must have temporarily started cheering for the other team.
Only explanation.