Batman AK PC Perf Thread of DARKNESS, NO SETTINGS [30fps cap / intro removal in OP]


This is a first: I'm getting nostalgic for Arkham Origins. HBAO+! Multiple AA options! More than three graphics options!

And to think people thought that was a shit port.

I wanna get that freeze DLC I never got and play that instead but at the same time don't wanna buy WB stuff


Gold Member
So let's get this straight. Do you guys feel the purposefully left out AO and rain shaders in the game?

Do you HONESTLY think Nvidia posted some video showing the effects, then they later decided to remove the effects cause 'fuck PC gamers' ? Do Nvidia/Rocksteady really deserve to has a lawsuit filed against them for false advertising when said things are likely a bug?

I agree that the game should have been tested more, and these issues should not have happened.. but insinuating that they blatantly flat out lied about it and false advertised is pretty far reaching imo. If they make a statement saying the game has all intended effects... then it would be false advertising.

Ok well if that's the case then why were no pc copies sent out prior to release for reviewers?

Why didn't they come clean and say certain things aren't working?

Why didn't they delay the pc game till they could get their shit together?

I can't believe you are questioning whether they "deserve" it after screwing consumers to the tune of millions of dollars.

Poor nvidia/rocksteady, please have pity on them, the innocent bystanders in this shit storm.
So let's get this straight. Do you guys feel the purposefully left out AO and rain shaders in the game?

Do you HONESTLY think Nvidia posted some video showing the effects, then they later decided to remove the effects cause 'fuck PC gamers' ? Do Nvidia/Rocksteady really deserve to has a lawsuit filed against them for false advertising when said things are likely a bug?

I agree that the game should have been tested more, and these issues should not have happened.. but insinuating that they blatantly flat out lied about it and false advertised is pretty far reaching imo. If they make a statement saying the game has all intended effects... then it would be false advertising.

Just respond directly to someone saying that instead of saying "you guys." You'll only get responses from people who aren't saying or thinking that.

And whether it was purposefully or consciously done, it's still false advertising. Does it matter if the intent was malicious or if it was due to negligence? People bought the game based on promotional material, previews and even reviews (of the console versions), but the state of the actual product apparently never saw the light of day until today.
There is no option for AO, that makes it obvious that it's not a "bug"...

There's no option for motion blur, chromatic aberration, or film grain either. They're just there. Couldn't AO have been intended to be the same?

Out of curiousity, are these the rain stuff that everyone is saying is missing from their game, or is it something else?



There's no option for motion blur, chromatic aberration, or film grain either. They're just there. Couldn't AO have been intended to be the same?

Any PC game typically does have a AO on/off switch as it can be a performance hit on low end compared with grain or CA. It's one of the most obvious things to make an option for. So no, I don't think so.
So basically, even if I have a 980, buy the PS4 version??

Yes , I just woke up and apparently WarnerBros made a Post saying 'Recommended Spec GTX 760 = PS4'.

Its actually worse than PS4 , even if you have 4 Way SLI Titan X , the game has secretly gimped AO and rain effects.


Why the fuck are Steam and others still selling this, knowing what they know about how broken it is?

That is another thing that needs to become standard. If a game ships substantially broken, it shouldn't stay on the storefronts.

Or at least a warning. Instead, it's prominently featured. Fuck off with that shit.
Why the fuck are Steam and others still selling this, knowing what they know about how broken it is?

That is another thing that needs to become standard. If a game ships substantially broken, it shouldn't stay on the storefronts.

I have it and am loving it. If I were unable to buy it right now I'd honestly be pretty upset.

Edit: Nevermind, you edited it. I guess the warnings are sorta there though, in the form of the steam reviews. That 'Mostly Negative' reception...
Why the fuck are Steam and others still selling this, knowing what they know about how broken it is?

That is another thing that needs to become standard. If a game ships substantially broken, it shouldn't stay on the storefronts.

Its made by the same buffoons that tell us the Recommended Spec = PS4 when its actually worse than PS4.

The same idiots who cap the game at 30FPS.


So the 30fps cap is intentional, I think that solidifies me not rebuying this game as long as the game can't be run at a reasonably consistent rate at 50-70fps.
Why the fuck are Steam and others still selling this, knowing what they know about how broken it is?

That is another thing that needs to become standard. If a game ships substantially broken, it shouldn't stay on the storefronts.

Or at least a warning. Instead, it's prominently featured. Fuck off with that shit.

Because you know, according to the devs, it only happens to "some" and they are only investigating it now. So not broken, at least not that they knew of. :p
The one thing I really hope they fix is the insane VRAM usage. It has to be a memory leak or something, because it ballons until it pops and everything crashes with it. It's an absolutely crazy thing to miss for release.
What? It says right in there that they're working on a solution and the whole "changing the settings" thing is meant as a temporary fix.

The things you mentioned are pretty clearly meant to fit under the umbrella of performance issues.

If you say so; I personally don't see it. But I guess time will explain all.

It would certainly be nice if they fix everything up, but their response (let alone releasing BAK in this state to begin with) does not inspire my confidence.
I can't imagine that refunds are completely lossless for valve. Even if it's just paying people overtime to deal with the requests. That being said valve is more than happy to take a percentage of your money as it gets handed over to other con men and scam artists. That's what greenlight and early access are all about. Just ask Jim Sterling.
Go on then... Pick it apart line by line.

I've even done you a favor and formatted it perfectly for you to do so.


"Bugs" that meant AO is disabled and there is no mention of it in the ini file.

----yes it's there... find 'ambient'

"Bugs" that meant the rain shader is disabled on all surfaces, again with no mention of it in any ini file or menu option.

----again, the shader might be bugged.. just because the ini file doesn't say 'rain shaders on all surfaces = True' doesn't mean it doesn't exist...

"Bugs" that mean the game is locked to 30fps despite the benchmark running at higher frame rates.

----very easy to unlock... oh and locking framerates is nothing specific to this game.

"Bugs" that's cause memory leaks everywhere.

----Bugs DO cause memory leaks.. lol

"Bugs that mean the maximum texture option is normal.

----Who says 'normal' isn't the highest texture setting? LOL bu but where's my Ultra.. News flash... just cause it doesn't say high/ultra doesn't mean it isn't the highest given setting.

"Bugs" that prevent people from disabling CA, Film grain and motion blur in the menus.

----Developers have a vision for their game. It's their choice to enable effects settings to be changed or not.. this should be standard, but devs don't owe an explanation for it. Don't like it? I guess that's YOUR problem.. not the games.

"Bugs" that cause textures to not (sometimes never) load in properly.

----They can do that yes..

"Bugs" which cause the game to be a jaggy fest no matter what resolution you downsample from.

----Not sure what you're talking about here?

"Bugs" that are causing the game to stutter and hitch all over the place.

----The game surely needs some fixing on the performance side... I was never arguing that point.

Need I go on?



Does this game eat hard drive space? I swear, my SSD had 148gbs of space left after this game was initially installed, but after nine hours of playing, it has 127gbs of space left.


"Bugs" that meant AO is disabled and there is no mention of it in the ini file.

"Bugs" that meant the rain shader is disabled on all surfaces, again with no mention of it in any ini file or menu option.

Yes, that could certainly be a bug. I've heard of other high profile games having issues caused by errors in the build process that were fixed withing a couple of days.

"Bugs" that mean the game is locked to 30fps despite the benchmark running at higher frame rates.

The 30 fps lock doesn't seem to be a bug, at least so far, although it could certainly unintended. The benchmark being unlocked might be.

"Bugs" that's cause memory leaks everywhere.

Yes, memory leaks are considered bugs too.

"Bugs that mean the maximum texture option is normal.

If there's supposed to be a higher setting, sure.

"Bugs" that prevent people from disabling CA, Film grain and motion blur in the menus.

Unless, they screwed up the menu, I think that's just them omitting the options from the menu.

"Bugs" that cause textures to not (sometimes never) load in properly.

Could be that. Could be a graphics driver bug.

"Bugs" which cause the game to be a jaggy fest no matter what resolution you downsample from.

Hard to say what would cause this. I'm not a graphics programmer, so I don't know if there are rendering techniques that could result in this.

I assume that these "bugs" you speak of are the same ones that caused you to come into this thread without knowing what the fuck you are talking about?

Condescending much? I don't think I've really said anything that would indicate I don't know what I'm talking about. I've seen enough footage and read enough posts to know the extent of the issues.

If you'll remember to a few minutes ago, I was just guessing that the rain effects not working is probably just a bug.

"Bugs" that meant AO is disabled and there is no mention of it in the ini file.

----yes it's there... find 'ambient'

"Bugs" that meant the rain shader is disabled on all surfaces, again with no mention of it in any ini file or menu option.

----again, the shader might be bugged.. just because the ini file doesn't say 'rain shaders on all surfaces = True' doesn't mean it doesn't exist...

"Bugs" that mean the game is locked to 30fps despite the benchmark running at higher frame rates.

----very easy to unlock... oh and locking framerates is nothing specific to this game.

"Bugs" that's cause memory leaks everywhere.

----Bugs DO cause memory leaks.. lol

"Bugs that mean the maximum texture option is normal.

----Who says 'normal' isn't the highest texture setting? LOL bu but where's my Ultra.. News flash... just cause it doesn't say high/ultra doesn't mean it isn't the highest given setting.

"Bugs" that prevent people from disabling CA, Film grain and motion blur in the menus.

----Developers have a vision for their game. It's their choice to enable effects settings to be changed or not.. this should be standard, but devs don't owe an explanation for it. Don't like it? I guess that's YOUR problem.. not the games.

"Bugs" that cause textures to not (sometimes never) load in properly.

----They can do that yes..

"Bugs" which cause the game to be a jaggy fest no matter what resolution you downsample from.

----Not sure what you're talking about here?

"Bugs" that are causing the game to stutter and hitch all over the place.

----The game surely needs some fixing on the performance side... I was never arguing that point.

Need I go on?


The Man just said Recommended Specs = 30FPS Console Equivalent.


Cross posting from the other thread:

PC got fucked with water quality as well it seems...

You can also tell the rain density difference between versions.

I really don't think we'll get these "features" on PC.


Wow, their response is disheartening. 30fps cap intentional, recommended specs for 1080p30 @ 'normal' graphic quality and worst of all they're implying only "some" users have trouble playing the game. What a shit show.


The disc installer is busted; it only installs 8GB of the game in total. I suspect this is related to Steam's cache verification feature causing the game to delete itself and that some sort of over-protective function of Denuvo is to blame.
So basically this is a waste of time? Should I try downloading it?


Wow, their response is disheartening. 30fps cap intentional, recommended specs for 1080p30 @ 'normal' graphic quality and worst of all they're implying only "some" users have trouble playing the game. What a shit show.

Bet they fix a couple things, leaving the game still substantially lackluster, and then move on and call it "fixed".


Neo Member
So I've clocked about 2 hours in it now and I think I'm confident in my experience. First, my specs, 980ti OC'd an extra 300mhz, 4670k OC'd to 4.5ghz, 24gb ram, installed on SSD. I unlocked the framerate only and have all settings maxed on my 1080p TV. FPS overlays are not working but I do seem to get 60fps pretty consistently. I do get microstutters but not that bad. I haven't had the game lock up on me yet and driving around in the batmobile does produce stutters, but it seems to be more of a general framerate drop more than anything. Also worth noting, locking the game at 30fps, I still get microstutters but is actually much smoother than most other games at 30fps.

I don't think I'm getting it nearly as bad as everyone else and have definitely played worse ports (watch_dogs). I'll count myself as a lucky one. It is undeniable the missing effects though. I would like to play a PS4 version to compare directly. Maybe I'll redbox one over the weekend just to play with.

Playing on stock msi 980ti, i7 4770 @ 4.2ghz, 32gb ram. Win 7 Ultimate, 1080p display, standard hdd. Nvidia game works off everything else on high (is that the max?). In game vsync off, forced vsync with noida inspector.

With frame rate unlocked there are areas where the frame rate with hold at 60 but just moving the camera to a certain location can drop this to low 50's, gliding around can take the frame rate down to 40's or under, batmobile will drop the frame rate to 30's. I will say the visuals with frame rate unlocked look clear.

Now with locked 30fps the frame rate never goes under 30 but it still fluctuates for me 31-32 fps and looks a blurry mess and grainy.

You would expect the game to perform better with these pc builds with just normal textures right?

I've tried taking motion blur off the in the .ini file but this sadly crashes the game on start up.
Anyone notice the shitty textures on the batmobile? Adjusted the textures for the vehicle and look at the difference. Character stuff doesn't change batman's textures and comparing npc's would be hard. I'll try adjusting further.





Cross posting from the other thread:

PC got fucked with water quality as well it seems...

You can also tell the rain density difference between versions.

I really don't think we'll get these "features" on PC.

I'm sure if you dig enough there will be a lot more missing things in other areas throughout the game, this port is screwed far beyond scope of some patches.


"Bugs" that meant AO is disabled and there is no mention of it in the ini file.

"Bugs" that meant the rain shader is disabled on all surfaces, again with no mention of it in any ini file or menu option.

"Bugs" that mean the game is locked to 30fps despite the benchmark running at higher frame rates.

"Bugs" that's cause memory leaks everywhere.

"Bugs that mean the maximum texture option is normal.

"Bugs" that prevent people from disabling CA, Film grain and motion blur in the menus.

"Bugs" that cause textures to not (sometimes never) load in properly.

"Bugs" which cause the game to be a jaggy fest no matter what resolution you downsample from.

"Bugs" that are causing the game to stutter and hitch all over the place.

Need I go on?

I assume that these "bugs" you speak of are the same ones that caused you to come into this thread without knowing what the fuck you are talking about?

The first two bolded aren't entirely true. AO is mentioned in the BmSystemSettings.ini file and is enabled by default but not showing up in game or an in game option. The rain effects may be controlled by Rain_TemporalSplashPatternName in BmEngine.ini but I'm not certain, it seems like the closest thing to it at this point.

That third bolded point is true, I really wish they made it easy to disable CA, film grain and motion blur because it's not working from the .ini files. Motion blur just crashes the game when it's disabled and CA and film grain I'm not sure about but in BmEngine.ini there are these two which may relate to it:

(I accidentally lost what is following the '=' because I didn't make a backup of the BmEngine.ini so if anyone can provide that I'd appreciate it).
There is a defense force for anything.

Nah, the problem is you have armchair devs running though ini files spreading false info with no real idea how things work.

By all means refund the game due to the performance. It obviously wasn't optimized well enough... but saying they purposefully left out effects and fucked over PC games... I think that's bullshit.


Nah, the problem is you have armchair devs running though ini files spreading false info with no real idea how things work.

By all means refund the game due to the performance. It obviously wasn't optimized well enough... but saying they purposefully left out effects and fucked over PC games... I think that's bullshit.

I'm telling you there is no in game option for SSAO, like every other game does, you're showing me ini picture that could be anything or unused from UE3. Their intentions are very clear from what's in the actual game. There are tons of stuff missing, not just AO either.
I bought my key from a co-workers nvidia bundle. If it were more than $25 I would be a little more up in arms. At least I still have witcher 3 to hold me over. I think I need to step away from this one for a week.
I'm telling you there is no in game option for SSAO, like every other game does, you're showing me ini picture that could be anything or unused from UE3. Their intentions are very clear from what's in the actual game. There are tons of stuff missing, not just AO either.

CHECK YOUR OWN FILE THEN FFS.. I give you the name of the file... I give you the parameters to search for... Just because there's not an AO option in the game doesn't mean it's not there..

And REALLY... REALLY.. you do think the consoles would have it and the PC missing it is on purpose? LOL, just some UE3 unused code...

Is there an AO option on the console versions?

It's a DEFAULT setting of the game... which means it is meant to be on at all times..
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