Yes.Am I understanding this correctly, that Endor is the name of the forest moon, which gives energy to the shield protecting the new Death Star?
Yes.Am I understanding this correctly, that Endor is the name of the forest moon, which gives energy to the shield protecting the new Death Star?
Alright, so I think I understand everything so far but the Empire's fleet.
The Return of the Jedi got better as it progressed really. Though, I found the mission on Endor close to boring but understand why they wanted to show all three parts of the attack. Ioved the scenery on Endor though, which is probably my favorite of all of the planets/moons yet.
Having finished the original trilogy, I rank them pretty confidentially like this:
01. Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
02. Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope
03. Star Wars: Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi
I'm gonna watch Episode I right after I have finished the laundry.![]()
I think Han had plenty to do infiltrating that base, and then getting into that trap. Anyway, to add some other thoughts; going in, I thought they would make more use of the force, and that Darth Vader and especially the Emperor would be showcased as more powerful. I were actually surprised to see, that there were still a little bit of good inside Anakin.
I also thought the ending shots, with Darth Vader's funeral and the different planets celebrating their freedom were beautiful (and some of the cuts from planet to planet were nice, while other cuts were more rough).
Am I understanding this correctly, that Endor is the name of the forest moon, which gives energy to the shield protecting the new Death Star?
I'm sad about this. Is Yub Nub a track? I should really watch the unedited versions some day.A bunch of cuts to different planets were added, and they changed the ending song as well. You didn't get to experience the joy of 'Yub Nub'
I should really watch the unedited versions some day.
Oh so Endor is a planet, which is housing the gas on its forest moon, that powers the shield?
And with that, I just finished Episode I: The Phantom Menace. I have to sleep on it and collect my mind, but just quick thoughts are, that the CGI generally looks very nice, but also very weak in spots (the large green area where the battle between the Gungas and droids take place).
I had no problem with the boy playing Anakin Skywalker, and Darth Maul remains my favorite Sith I think. He's just all kinds of badass in fights. And talking about fights, the lightsaber fights looks so much cooler here.
I really liked Jar Jar Binks in the first hour and didn't have a problem with him, but towards the last half an hour to an hour, the comic relief became too much. It just went on to be too much really. The podracing were thrilling and at times intense, but by the third lap, it also felt like this segment dragged.
Actually, I'm not sure I understand the start and setup of The Phantom Menace, but I'll get around to the story tomorrow. Got to sleep on that.
I'm sad about this. Is Yub Nub a track? I should really watch the unedited versions some day.
Is this still canon? If I recall correct, the gas giant itself was only mentioned and seen in legends material. It makes complete sense that it would exist, but I'm curious as to Lucasfilm's official stance on its existence.Endor is the planet, specifically a gas giant, they are on it's forest moon. The forest moon has an imperial outpost that provides an energy shield that protects the Death Star II
This Clone Wars show is doing a much better job of setting up Anakin's eventual fall than the movies ever did. The prequels just made him seem like a teenager throwing a huge tantrum.
It is no longer canon.Is this still canon? If I recall correct, the gas giant itself was only mentioned and seen in legends material. It makes complete sense that it would exist, but I'm curious as to Lucasfilm's official stance on its existence.
Oh so Endor is a planet, which is housing the gas on its forest moon, that powers the shield?
And with that, I just finished Episode I: The Phantom Menace. I have to sleep on it and collect my mind, but just quick thoughts are, that the CGI generally looks very nice, but also very weak in spots (the large green area where the battle between the Gungas and droids take place).
I had no problem with the boy playing Anakin Skywalker, and Darth Maul remains my favorite Sith I think. He's just all kinds of badass in fights. And talking about fights, the lightsaber fights looks so much cooler here.
I really liked Jar Jar Binks in the first hour and didn't have a problem with him, but towards the last half an hour to an hour, the comic relief became too much. It just went on to be too much really. The podracing were thrilling and at times intense, but by the third lap, it also felt like this segment dragged.
Actually, I'm not sure I understand the start and setup of The Phantom Menace, but I'll get around to the story tomorrow. Got to sleep on that.
I'm sad about this. Is Yub Nub a track? I should really watch the unedited versions some day.
Is this still canon? If I recall correct, the gas giant itself was only mentioned and seen in legends material. It makes complete sense that it would exist, but I'm curious as to Lucasfilm's official stance on its existence.
Interesting that people who have never seen the movies before are able to notice oddities and things that look out of place which are inevitably the result of Lucas' constant tinkering. Just goes to show that all of the "enhancements" are really nothing of the sort.
This Clone Wars show is doing a much better job of setting up Anakin's eventual fall than the movies ever did. The prequels just made him seem like a teenager throwing a huge tantrum.
It's one of the main reasons I think the prequel trilogy would have benefitted from three films with an adult Anakin instead of two.
Im on mobile right now and for the next two days I'm out. So excuse any misspellings. I also won't to get to watch more until Thursday.
Thinking about The Phantom Menace, what was the setup? I got all used to the Rebels vs Empire. But in the new trilogy it is about the trade routes getting blocked, so that Naboo can't do any deals?
So they go to the and vote for a new senator, that will stop the blockade?
Who blocked them? And was it because they wanted control of Naboo?
Thinking about The Phantom Menace, what was the setup? I got all used to the Rebels vs Empire. But in the new trilogy it is about the trade routes getting blocked, so that Naboo can't do any deals?
So they go to the and vote for a new senator, that will stop the blockade?
Who blocked them? And was it because they wanted control of Naboo?
Who said he wanted a new senator? Not sure why you keep mentioning that. He was already the senator. He wanted a new supreme chancellor, so he himself could run and hopefully win the election for Supreme Chancellor.Why would Darth Sidious want a new senator though?
Why would Darth Sidious want a new senator though?
Feel like this one is more complicated for me personally to understand, than the three films before it. Though I did like the movie.
So Darth Sidious is actually Palpatine (were this revealed in Episode I? I don't seem to recollect that). So he were under disguise as Palpatine so it looked like he were the senator of Naboo, and thus getting sympathy when he runs for Supreme Chancellor?
He wasn't in disguise as the senator. He was the senator. pAlpatine is who he was born and raised as. He got into politics and was elected as senator. Darth Sidious is his sith persona.So Darth Sidious is actually Palpatine (were this revealed in Episode I? I don't seem to recollect that). So he were under disguise as Palpatine so it looked like he were the senator of Naboo, and thus getting sympathy when he runs for Supreme Chancellor?
I think I should watch this movie again.
So Darth Sidious is actually Palpatine (were this revealed in Episode I? I don't seem to recollect that). So he were under disguise as Palpatine so it looked like he were the senator of Naboo, and thus getting sympathy when he runs for Supreme Chancellor?
It doesn't hurt that in episode one McDiarmid is very clearly playing both Sidious and Palpatinefor someone who watches these films for the first time in 2015 I think it's quite possible to not understand that palpatine is sidious, I dare say most movie watchers didn't understand that back in '99.
and no, it was not officially revealed in episode 1, that reveal is in episode 3, but it's damn obvious for everyone in episode 2 and of course everyone who is interested a little bit in star wars knew it already in episode 1. not only because it's the same actor as in ROTJ.
It doesn't hurt that in episode one McDiarmid is very clearly playing both Sidious and Palpatine
Reading all of this, just one small detail I need to be sure of. Darth Sidiois is in the original trilogy as well? If so, is he the Emperor in those?
Darth Sidious is Senator Palpatine who becomes Emepror in Revenge of the Sith.Reading all of this, just one small detail I need to be sure of. Darth Sidiois is in the original trilogy as well? If so, is he the Emperor in those?
Darth Sidious is Senator Palpatine who becomes Emepror in Revenge of the Sith.
All the same character. All the same actor Palpatine is the villain of the entire 6 film Saga up until this point.
All 3 of the below pictures are of the same character (and same actor):
I thought about this as well. Wonder if they're gonna build up something entirely new.This topic has just made me think about how odd it is going to be to have Palpatine NOT be the main villian of The Force Awakens.
Every piece of on screen canon media we have had so far be it the prequels, the original trilogy, the clone wars, and rebels all have had Palpatine as the main overall villain whether is be up front or behind the scenes Palpatine has always been the big bad.
Oh wait wow! It is that guy! So he actually succeeded in becoming the Supreme Chancellor. I'm a little shocked. I definitely got to rewatch the movie.
I didn't catch the whole Darth Sidious plot.
I thought about this as well. Wonder if they're gonna build up something entirely new.
I still hope that palpatine plays a role in the sequels (not necessarily TFA), it is about past sith lords after all and sidious was one of the if not the strongest of them. and Ian McDiarmid is awesome.
How can Palpatine play a role if he is dead? Through the Force?
well there were comics with clones, but I hate clones. luckily they are not canon.
the force awakens deals witha collector of sith artifacts, and we have seen yoda communicating with a "ghost" of an ancient sith lord in the clone wars tv show, so it's not too far fetched to have palpatine involved somehow
Personally I hope Palpatine is nowhere near the sequel trilogy. He was a great villain but with a new chapter in the Star Wars saga, I hope they stick with new villains. I never enjoyed the Palpatine clones in the old EU.
As far as the new movies go, this sounds like what you do when you've run out of ideas.