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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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This and people that push up to the enemies door when we need to guard the point on D. I don't get that. We need to guard the point. Can't do that if 4/6 players are dead because they tried to single handedly take on the whole enemy team where they can easily revive. Then here I am as the only guy by the point with 5 enemy players coming to ruin my day.

I think a close defense can work as a delaying action if the players are good.

That said, the people who don't fall back when things get tough are just

Fall back you nerds


I try to balance my pub team by going reinhardt but after 20,000 blocked damage we still lose badly because my teammates don't know how to fucking follow me and shoot behind my shield.
The worst Rein feeling is when your shield breaks and you realize not only are no enemies dead, but there was never anyone behind you fighting with you.


The worst Rein feeling is when your shield breaks and you realize not only are no enemies dead, but there was never anyone behind you fighting with you.

Similarly, when your shield breaks as you're taking the point and you look around and you're alone


The worst Rein feeling is when your shield breaks and you realize not only are no enemies dead, but there was never anyone behind you fighting with you.

I kind of wish the 3rd person view was zoomed out a bit more so you could see who is behind you or just leave it first person so I can aim my fire strike in center screen without being blocked by my own model.


All these Reinhardt posts are just reinforcing my deep belief that Reinhardt is a crutch that makes teams weaker unless both the Reinhardt and the whole team is very good.

Playing well with a Reinhardt is hard. Doing the right things against a Reinhardt is very easy. Not to mention that Reinhardt is countered by the exact characters who are already pubstompers!

Play somebody with better offense. Anybody can push the payload. You can push it faster if the enemy team is dead first.
All these Reinhardt posts are just reinforcing my deep belief that Reinhardt is a crutch that makes teams weaker unless both the Reinhardt and the whole team is very good.

Playing well with a Reinhardt is hard. Doing the right things against a Reinhardt is very easy. Not to mention that Reinhardt is countered by the exact characters who are already pubstompers!

Play somebody with better offense. Anybody can push the payload. You can push it faster if the enemy team is dead first.

Winston is much better for pushing. You just jump behind the enemy lines and scare the shit out of them so they break apart. You don't even have to kill. But getting that supporting fire while the rest of the team moves the payload is much more fun.


A Reinhardt going Rambo is usually a dead Reinhardt unless he has back up.

If I'm surrounded because my teammates decided to all pursue someone or everyone decided to go off and flank randomly leaving me on the Payload, then I put the shield down because I would rather go out swinging literally than die with my shield up doing nothing.

Although usually in situations like that I use charge to escape. It usually works out well for me.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Are Winston punches even worth using outside of his ult, or should I always just spam his weak short range gun? I always feel more like an annoyance than a threat when playing as him. I can barely hit anybody during his ult because people keep running away, let alone kill someone. :(


Are Winston punches even worth using outside of his ult, or should I always just spam his weak short range gun? I always feel more like an annoyance than a threat when playing as him. I can barely hit anybody during his ult, let alone kill someone. :(
Usually as a Winston I'm pursuing people that are too fast for me to even land a melee hit on usually. More often I'm trying to murder a Widowmaker who seems to be panicking and jumping all over the place.

Where do you guys get the rankings?
Master Overwatch sometimes has them. No idea what you have to do for them to appear instead of "Unranked".

Also posting my Rein.



Loves the Greater Toronto Area
The worst Rein feeling is when your shield breaks and you realize not only are no enemies dead, but there was never anyone behind you fighting with you.

I fucking hate life.

Yesterday I remember specifically looking at my screen as both McCree and Hanzo are like 2' in front of my shield. I may have taken my hands off the controls to /facepalm irl.


There are three things you can do here.

First of all, if your mouse has DPI controls, you probably want it set to a low number, like 400 or 800. These are typically optimal numbers for FPSes. Second, in the Windows settings for mice (as well as whatever options for drivers you may have installed), you want to set sensitivity to the middle option so that there's no interference from there.The in-game options should be your last layer of customization.

I posted about this earlier in this thread, but chances are your sensitivity is several orders of magnitude too high for appropriate FPS play if you've just got it set to what is most comfortable for using a computer. You want to give yourself as large a margin of error as possible, and this means setting the sensitivity fairly low. How low you should go is subjective, but it's worth noting that strong FPS players generally have their sensitivity set such that a complete sweep from one side of the mousepad to the other results in one to two 360 degree turns. Chances are, if you're using unadjusted mouse settings, you're probably getting five, ten or even twenty 360 degree turns by going from one end of the mousepad to the other, meaning you must make extremely minute hand gestures to get correct aim. It is not hard to imagine why this would be a fairly significant handicap.

With this in mind, the sensitivity to shoot for is generally the lowest possible value that you can stomach while still being able to move comfortably. Set your sensitivity to an amount and see if you can still move around the stage easily, and then go lower until you can't. The reason that this is a good method is that movement really doesn't require precise mouse input, but aiming does; therefore, your config should strive to make those precise inputs easy.

A note on acceleration: I'm not taking into account players who use acceleration in this post. Acceleration makes calibrating sensitivity far more complicated. There are benefits to acceleration but there are also significant drawbacks; it is best to get used to using a linear sensitivity setting first before you experiment with acceleration. The advantages of acceleration are fairly obvious -- you can get faster turns and more comfortable movement without sacrificing aim -- but many players find it difficult or impossible to be consistent with acceleration enabled and therefore play without it. YMMV but I consider the use of acceleration to be fairly advanced so you shouldn't worry about it for now.

Thank you for advice. I'd missed it earlier. I'll definitely try looking at this and then seeing how it affects things when I'm playing and adjust character settings from there as need be.
Are Winston punches even worth using outside of his ult, or should I always just spam his weak short range gun? I always feel more like an annoyance than a threat when playing as him. I can barely hit anybody during his ult because people keep running away, let alone kill someone. :(

His gun will do more damage than his punches. He's all about getting in, doing some damage or picking off a quick kill, then getting the hell out. His Ult is the ultimate disruption. You're not looking to get kills but to break up the enemy team's current formation, so them all running away certainly contributes to that.


I played a match this past weekend where a guy picked a 2nd Symmetra, placed down the teleporter in spawn, and the teleporter went off the side of a cliff. What the fuck man.

Thankfully there's the avoid feature so I can never play with that idiot ever again.
Are Winston punches even worth using outside of his ult, or should I always just spam his weak short range gun? I always feel more like an annoyance than a threat when playing as him. I can barely hit anybody during his ult because people keep running away, let alone kill someone. :(

Melee's are 99% of the time, not worth it.

Winston is great against low health enemies, and you should be using your primary weapon with your bubble almost all the time.

Bubble has shit for health, so it works best against a single target, or in a mess of confusion.

Typically if you find a Reaper/Genji/Tracer/Lucio(who is too dumb to speed boost away) by themselves. Jump at them, drop a bubble and start electrifying them. That bubble will protect you from the first chunk of damage they could do to you. By the time they realize they aren't going to make it away, your jump should be recharged to chase them and finish them off.

Also works great for targetting a Mercy. Also Also... never attack someone being healed by mercy.
Are Winston punches even worth using outside of his ult, or should I always just spam his weak short range gun? I always feel more like an annoyance than a threat when playing as him. I can barely hit anybody during his ult because people keep running away, let alone kill someone. :(

I only quick melee with him if I need to reload and they're almost dead. It's not worth it outside of that. You generally want to focus on squishy targets (like Mercy) when you're firing. Only go after tanks if you have people with you.

His ult is best on KOTH or areas with cliffs since you can just punch them off the point or off cliffs. His jump cooldown is way lower during his ult so don't be afraid to jump around a lot with it.


Are Winston punches even worth using outside of his ult, or should I always just spam his weak short range gun? I always feel more like an annoyance than a threat when playing as him. I can barely hit anybody during his ult because people keep running away, let alone kill someone. :(

Punch does 30 dmg. Takes almost a second of channeling to do that much with his zap so if they're close to death and you're in range punching them may be worth it. I usually just use my gun though because it's easier to aim in close range when everyone is jumping all over the place.

I use ult mainly for escape. Jump in and weaken all the soft targets w/ my tesla cannon then when I'm about to die I hulk out and try to knock everyone back then jump away back to my team.

You only do 40 dmg per punch so it's not a lot.. pretty hard to kill someone unless they're in a corner. Your jump has a 2s cooldown and that adds some damage though so you can sometimes jump and punch then jump again. It's kind of hard to tell what's going on once you ult though so IDK.

Bubble has shit for health, so it works best against a single target, or in a mess of confusion.

Typically if you find a Reaper/Genji/Tracer/Lucio(who is too dumb to speed boost away) by themselves. Jump at them, drop a bubble and start electrifying them. That bubble will protect you from the first chunk of damage they could do to you.

The bubble helps a bit in CQB but it's more so that the straggler's team can't help them in the fight IMO. Once you jump on someone and drop a bubble it becomes a 1v1


Without being rude, you should probably just try to die less as Genji and Soldier 76. You can benefit your team as assault a lot by just not dying and providing as much consistent DPS as you can.

I don't take any offense to that. I'm trying to get better at Genji but the first half of the games were really really bad lol. I did a lot better after.

Soldier I haven't learned yet but barely play him.


Looking at my stats, seems that I've only played Rein 3 times. Huh, weird. Guess I think it's too boring lol.

He's really fun once you get going with him. That fucking hammer does so much damage.

Without being rude, you should probably just try to die less as Genji and Soldier 76. You can benefit your team as assault a lot by just not dying and providing as much consistent DPS as you can.

Everyone should die less on everyone.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
On PS4, can someone explain to me the difference between Team Voice Chat, Group Voice Chat, and what's the difference is between On and Auto-Join?
Team is for your whole team including any randoms you were matched with while Group is your private in game party. I think auto join will auto switch the channel for you, if both are set to auto join group chat will supersede team chat. You can manually switch between channels under the social menu.
I try to balance my pub team by going reinhardt but after 20,000 blocked damage we still lose badly because my teammates don't know how to fucking follow me and shoot behind my shield.

One of my biggest pet peeves. I'll start as Reinhardt on payload and push the car and my team in pubs will be everywhere but behind my shield. Normally 4 flanking all around the map then one walking in front of my fucking shield. SMH


Oh fuck me. I just got my reflect trophy on Genji by reflecting a Rein's range attack, Zen's balls, and whatever their third DPS was shooting. Got a double kill with that and finished the Reinhardt off....then the power got cutoff and didn't get to record that on neither my PS4 nor my PC. 😒
I kind of wish the 3rd person view was zoomed out a bit more so you could see who is behind you or just leave it first person so I can aim my fire strike in center screen without being blocked by my own model.

Look at your crosshairs not your model. I aim that shit like a pro.

I fucking hate life.

Yesterday I remember specifically looking at my screen as both McCree and Hanzo are like 2' in front of my shield. I may have taken my hands off the controls to /facepalm irl.

I played A LOT of Rein this weekend and realized that sometimes, it looks like people are in front of you, but they're not. In killcams, some of those players who looked to step in front of my shield were actually behind it. Latency.


I played a match this past weekend where a guy picked a 2nd Symmetra, placed down the teleporter in spawn, and the teleporter went off the side of a cliff. What the fuck man.

Thankfully there's the avoid feature so I can never play with that idiot ever again.

That sounds hilarious.


Just started playing Zarya for the first time the other night, she's my new favorite.

When I play Roadhog make sick MLG plays, Zarya wins games. Both are awesome.

Edit: score/minute on Zarya puts me in the top 1000
Edit2: my win rate with Mcree/Lucio/Zarya is ~50%. My winrate with Roadhog is 30%. Roadhog is very powerful, but he's not helping my team win games despite playing well with him.



-Come in to a game with 2 min left on the clock, Knights Row map, team stuck in spawn point can't get out

-Pick bastion to lay down fire from within spawn

-We end up at the capture point at least with me going on a kill streak that decimates opposition

-Get yelled at by salty guy saying why play bastion on Attack :_)
One of my biggest pet peeves. I'll start as Reinhardt on payload and push the car and my team in pubs will be everywhere but behind my shield. Normally 4 flanking all around the map then one walking in front of my fucking shield. SMH

If you solo queue I've found its never worth going reinhardt or mercy, both those classes really require the team to work together. Just 6x DPS works fine or any combo of dps/whatever.

The worst is when you get two or three guys who constantly switch classes every death, that pretty much means game is lost and you may as well do stuff that you find fun in game, like hunting one single enemy player to the exclusion of everything else or trying to get super high as a sniper and just take down anyone who comes near.
This confuses the hell out of me too for whatever reason, hopefully someone can answer.

Alright, I don't think I got any responses, but I did find out that the difference between ON and AUTO-JOIN on PS4 is:

ON = listen-only
AUTO-JOIN = listen and talk

Then I think the difference between GROUP and TEAM is:

GROUP = both teams
TEAM = just your team

If there's a TEAM voice chat, though, that will always take priority over GROUP.


Wall ride is your friend and fun to do when youre trying to escape. half of the time i just go up vertically lol.
I feel you, I do that too lol. I imagine that looks hilarious to the opposing team. I saw a great Lucio player wall running like a pro keeping himself alive and being almost impossible to hit.


ffs are you serious blizzard.

Just got thrown into a game, see a near immediate defeat screen before even picking a character, then get 0 xp and get thrown back to main menu to restart search for a game

Fucking give people a proper xp reward when you throw them into the middle of a game
ffs are you serious blizzard.

Just got thrown into a game, see a near immediate defeat screen before even picking a character, then get 0 xp and get thrown back to main menu to restart search for a game

Fucking give people a proper xp reward when you throw them into the middle of a game

Yeah, this has happened to me a few times. It's pretty damn annoying.


Look at your crosshairs not your model. I aim that shit like a pro.

I played A LOT of Rein this weekend and realized that sometimes, it looks like people are in front of you, but they're not. In killcams, some of those players who looked to step in front of my shield were actually behind it. Latency.

Do you drop shield to aim? When you're in shield the crosshairs are right on your back when you're looking forward unless I'm missing something.


ffs are you serious blizzard.

Just got thrown into a game, see a near immediate defeat screen before even picking a character, then get 0 xp and get thrown back to main menu to restart search for a game

Fucking give people a proper xp reward when you throw them into the middle of a game
If you're able to pick a character just before that screen you'll still get XP.


There are three things you can do here.

First of all, if your mouse has DPI controls, you probably want it set to a low number, like 400 or 800. These are typically optimal numbers for FPSes. Second, in the Windows settings for mice (as well as whatever options for drivers you may have installed), you want to set sensitivity to the middle option so that there's no interference from there.The in-game options should be your last layer of customization.

I posted about this earlier in this thread, but chances are your sensitivity is several orders of magnitude too high for appropriate FPS play if you've just got it set to what is most comfortable for using a computer. You want to give yourself as large a margin of error as possible, and this means setting the sensitivity fairly low. How low you should go is subjective, but it's worth noting that strong FPS players generally have their sensitivity set such that a complete sweep from one side of the mousepad to the other results in one to two 360 degree turns. Chances are, if you're using unadjusted mouse settings, you're probably getting five, ten or even twenty 360 degree turns by going from one end of the mousepad to the other, meaning you must make extremely minute hand gestures to get correct aim. It is not hard to imagine why this would be a fairly significant handicap.

With this in mind, the sensitivity to shoot for is generally the lowest possible value that you can stomach while still being able to move comfortably. Set your sensitivity to an amount and see if you can still move around the stage easily, and then go lower until you can't. The reason that this is a good method is that movement really doesn't require precise mouse input, but aiming does; therefore, your config should strive to make those precise inputs easy.

A note on acceleration: I'm not taking into account players who use acceleration in this post. Acceleration makes calibrating sensitivity far more complicated. There are benefits to acceleration but there are also significant drawbacks; it is best to get used to using a linear sensitivity setting first before you experiment with acceleration. The advantages of acceleration are fairly obvious -- you can get faster turns and more comfortable movement without sacrificing aim -- but many players find it difficult or impossible to be consistent with acceleration enabled and therefore play without it. YMMV but I consider the use of acceleration to be fairly advanced so you shouldn't worry about it for now.
This is weird advice to me but I've almost always have played with decently high sensitivity. IS it worth it for me to try out this advice?

Edit: Damn, sorry for the double post.
Haha this thread looks like a MOBA thread. When in doubt, it's always someone else's fault you lost.

You'll eventually realize you aren't as good as you think you are in your mind. You're not Seagull being held back by random pubs or a bad Hanzo/Widow/Mei. You're just as bad as they are.


ffs are you serious blizzard.

Just got thrown into a game, see a near immediate defeat screen before even picking a character, then get 0 xp and get thrown back to main menu to restart search for a game

Fucking give people a proper xp reward when you throw them into the middle of a game

You get a backfill 400xp and 250?xp for finishing the match. Been in those myself...not that bad for a minute of doing nothing..
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