Actually, none of those attacks go through Reinhardt's shield.
Beam weapons can't be deflected by Genji or blasted by D.Va's defense matrix, but Reinhardt's shield does not care about that stuff.
Only Symmetra's alt-fire goes through Reinhardt and Winston's shields.
Have any of you guys bought the loot boxes?.. >_>
I fucking hate last minute Bastions
I have not once touched a loot box that was bought with cash. I have remained pure.Have any of you guys bought the loot boxes?.. >_>
Passive Reinhardts are the worst. I cringe when a Reinhardt hides behind wall once his shield breaks, instead of going rambo on the enemies in front. I can only understand that if there is a Bastion (or a Widowmaker) shooting at him, but depending on how close the Bastion is you can charge and take it down.
I hate Bastions that switch over to Widowmaker on defense when the Payload is really really close to reaching the objective. I don't understand, why even bother? Just stick with Bastion at this point.
Hyper X Cloud II are amazing for the price which you may be able to find for under 100$ at the moment. I use them and they do not disappoint.since the sound design is great and works better with a headset. any recommendations on one?
What helped me when I was really frustrated with my random teammates is realized that the opposing team probably has stupid random teammates aswell
You need to play with a group then. Most of the time, it feels like the game matches you up pretty good, but those times when it matches you up with MLG pro teams can really be demoralizing.
Passive Reinhardts are the worst. I cringe when a Reinhardt hides behind wall once his shield breaks, instead of going rambo on the enemies in front. I can only understand that if there is a Bastion (or a Widowmaker) shooting at him, but depending on how close the Bastion is you can charge and take it down.
Passive Reinhardts are the worst. I cringe when a Reinhardt hides behind wall once his shield breaks, instead of going rambo on the enemies in front. I can only understand that if there is a Bastion (or a Widowmaker) shooting at him, but depending on how close the Bastion is you can charge and take it down.
Have any of you guys bought the loot boxes?.. >_>
Winston's gun goes through it and Symmetra's alt fore (which is absolutely terrible because of how slow it is).
Passive Reinhardts are the worst. I cringe when a Reinhardt hides behind wall once his shield breaks, instead of going rambo on the enemies in front. I can only understand that if there is a Bastion (or a Widowmaker) shooting at him, but depending on how close the Bastion is you can charge and take it down.
I'm only have one skin I like for the characters I play. I mean it's just $10, right? >_>
Yeah, rambo Reinhardts (and Roadhogs, and Winstons, and D.Vas) are why I find myself asking where the enemy team got all these ults from.There are situations I'll go aggro when the shield is breaking, like if I think I can take their healer out. Doing that every time would be stupid. Why die/feed them ult charge instead of waiting 5 seconds for it to come back?
And unless Bastion is reloading or you're literally on top of it, no you won't.
whats the range on lucio's alt fire? i swear sometimes ive been closer than that without it registering.
Have any of you guys bought the loot boxes?.. >_>
It seems really, REALLY inconsistent. I mean a lot of the game does, but sometimes I'm up close and I knock people back an inch, other times I'm very far away and they get blown onto a different map. It's odd.
Passive Reinhardts are the worst. I cringe when a Reinhardt hides behind wall once his shield breaks, instead of going rambo on the enemies in front. I can only understand that if there is a Bastion (or a Widowmaker) shooting at him, but depending on how close the Bastion is you can charge and take it down.
A Reinhardt going Rambo is usually a dead Reinhardt unless he has back up.
Have any of you guys bought the loot boxes?.. >_>
I love it for how slow it is. People second guess its speed, so more often than not for area denial, I usually either see people overestimate it and get hit anyway, or underestimate it and keep the lane clear longer than they need to. Its huge hitbox helps when holding down ADAD spammers.
A Reinhardt going Rambo is usually a dead Reinhardt unless he has back up.
There are three things you can do here.Been wondering on this too since I admit I'm not sure what to do with those really or how to find the right fit. I will try dialing it down, though would that be done in game settings or those on the mouse itself?
Man junkrat does insane damage. Guy on team did 22k and he wan't even mercy boosted. I've only seen bastions get that high.
Have any of you guys bought the loot boxes?.. >_>
Have any of you guys bought the loot boxes?.. >_>
Yeah as soon as that shield shatters, you get lit up. Usually not enough time to even make it through the charge wind-up and good luck just strolling up for hammer swing range.
I've purchased two of the 50 packs. No regrets. I have no qualms putting money into games I enjoy and know will be supported.
Al this talk about bad Reinhardt players makes me wonder how could they be so bad. With 15 hours of Reinhardt under my belt, I think it's safe for me to say that he's one of the easiest heroes to play as. Just hold up your damn shield and advance while your teammates shoot from behind your shield.
20 tick
bad reinhardt here. AMA
how did that 12 minutes on fire feel
try going against 6 mei's at the last point of route 66.
Holy shit that tried my patience. we eventually won, but at the end it was back to back to back freezes. they went 2 at a time and could trap us and kill us. Hello, diminishing returns, would love if you existed here
bad reinhardt here. AMA
Yeah, I know....probably need to add some Gaf'ers.
I'm just going to make the march to level 25, and then wait for competitive mode...
I like playing as Reinhardt everyonce in awhile, but I can't stand it when a PUG team doesn't understand I'm throwing up the shield to make a push. They just eff around.
When you turn your back on the action with the shield out, how does that affect your gameplay?