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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Way too many randoms do the death chain thing. GROUP UP YOU IDIOTS. Stop running into the enemy team by yourself and keep dying. You're no hero.

I never understood that mentality, the other thing that gets me is why over extend on defense, Why? Why? Why?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Man, pick whoever you want. I'd rather have a good sniper than a player playing some shitty alt.

I would agree with this and say pick whoever you want - the point is to have fun, so have fun. But, and I've been saying this for years, I think in these types of team games, it's rare that a sniper makes as much a difference as one of the other classes when assaulting a position. I think people's frustration comes from those snipers who sit in the back while the team loses. I mean, at the very least, if there is one minute to go, assault the freaking objective!


I would agree with this and say pick whoever you want - the point is to have fun, so have fun. But, and I've been saying this for years, I think in these types of team games, it's rare that a sniper makes as much a difference as one of the other classes when assaulting a position. I think people's frustration comes from those snipers who sit in the back while the team loses. I mean, at the very least, if there is one minute to go, assault the freaking objective!

I welcome Widows to take care of any turrets or Bastions and her wallhack super is very useful. I can understand if players hate that they're not in the fight but a good Widow can help a lot. If we get more than one then that's a problem for me.


At the start of a defence match, our Mei put an ice wall in front of enemy spawn and trapped a teammate (Genji) who was at the door. Instantly died.


I'm attacking Hanamura as reaper and we get to point b.

I warp to their back line and take out a teleporter. One minute later I do the same thing for a second teleporter. Then I hear the third one go up with ten seconds left. I head there, get two shots off and die. Noo, I'll never get another chance at this achievement.

Boom! Mercy revive with 6 seconds left, I get the last shot off and get the three teleporter achievement. Thank you sweet angel.

Anyone else get their heart pounding from things like this??

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I'm sad to say I'm enjoying this game less and less every day, the balance issues and especially the servers are just killing it for me.
The day they tweak McCree's fan the hammer damage and McCree's flash my Roadhog expecting to fan > roll > fan me only to be left in front of me with their dick hanging out will be a good day.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I welcome Widows to take care of any turrets or Bastions and her wallhack super is very useful. I can understand if players hate that they're not in the fight but a good Widow can help a lot. If we get more than one then that's a problem for me.

That's what I always say - if you are going to be a widow, at least take out the F'ing turrets!
It seems pubs lately have figured out how to take out turrets as a group. Huge improvement from week one and two, where it was nothing but Torborings and Bastions and teammates would walk into the meat grinder over and over.


I have this strong feeling that I'll never get that one.

There's a tutorial video on youtube showing how to get it if you don't want luck to lead the way. As soon as you let off a shot(try to go for headshot obviously that's the way to get it) hit the jump button, that's how i got it. practice on the training bots to get the feel for it. I wonder if he got it by getting hit with something that sends you upwards if he wasn't actively looking for the kill.
I never understood that mentality, the other thing that gets me is why over extend on defense, Why? Why? Why?

The other night I was playing a match in which Bastion was taking everyone out on my team (random players) and EVERYONE decided to hang back. It was like everyone was saying "after you!" FRUSTRATING
There's a tutorial video on youtube showing how to get it if you don't want luck to lead the way. As soon as you let off a shot(try to go for headshot obviously that's the way to get it) hit the jump button, that's how i got it. practice on the training bots to get the feel for it. I wonder if he got it by getting hit with something that sends you upwards if he wasn't actively looking for the kill.
Will do, thanks!


I'm attacking Hanamura as reaper and we get to point b.

I warp to their back line and take out a teleporter. One minute later I do the same thing for a second teleporter. Then I hear the third one go up with ten seconds left. I head there, get two shots off and die. Noo, I'll never get another chance at this achievement.

Boom! Mercy revive with 6 seconds left, I get the last shot off and get the three teleporter achievement. Thank you sweet angel.

Anyone else get their heart pounding from things like this??

YOu lucky, lucky SOB

I just want my 'Sorry' emote spray ...


The other night I was playing a match in which Bastion was taking everyone out on my team (random players) and EVERYONE decided to hang back. It was like everyone was saying "after you!" FRUSTRATING

Guess no one used Genji? He's super great for Bastion.
I swear when I play Mei, the Lucios on my team troll me. It feels like half the time I freeze someone they blast them away before I get my icicle shot off. Which usually means whoever it was lives.
You know what I like to do? I like to stand outside the easily defensible position and let the enemy just bombard us without being able to fire back!

Tactical genius right here!


I swear when I play Mei, the Lucios on my team troll me. It feels like half the time I freeze someone they blast them away before I get my icicle shot off. Which usually means whoever it was lives.

Yeah, it drives me nuts when people knock around the frozen target without killing it. The freeze duration is so short that there's no time to readjust.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'm having a real good time playing this with my friends, but this RPS piece maybe sums up my...criticisms of the game? I guess?


Specifically that there's stuff that I look at and go "TF2 did this better out of the gate a decade ago", especially when it comes to that instantaneous recognizability but also in some more general senses

This game just feels like...90% of the way there for me. I wish the characters felt a little less overdesigned (the Dreamworks Shooter comparison is spot on) and I wish I felt more impactful
Give it a decent cooldown and restrict it to only being usable while she's on the ground and it's not really a problem. The idea that she shouldn't be able to hold her own 1v1 makes no sense really.

Or allow her to drain enemy life and heal herself if she points her Caduceus staff at enemies

Sorry but that is a terrible, game breaking idea. Supports are not meant to be able to easily 1v1 someone. It doesn't matter how long the cooldown is, it'll make the characters that are supposed to be strong against her much much much weaker. She can actually 1v1 with her pistol, at a disadvantage and that is how it has to be.

I played a game where they allowed that type of life drain from a healer. It was terrible. Firefall. They cut that out so fast. I don't see why you want a mercy buff when she is already a top tiered hero.


So even if I'm really good at sniping, should I just avoid the sniper characters so my teammates don't leave when I pick one? I wish they didn't get such a bad rep but whatever lol.

I wouldn't worry about it. Every class can be played poorly, it's just easier to point out a useless sniper.


This Overtime is why I love KOTH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCCRTJFMesU

While we were holding it at one point and took it back, there's two mistakes that can easily be pointed to that lost us the match. First, Rein going insane and rushing off the point. Secondly, while trying to get the point back, me forgetting Junkrat spawns bombs on death...

Still, so damn fun.


So even if I'm really good at sniping, should I just avoid the sniper characters so my teammates don't leave when I pick one? I wish they didn't get such a bad rep but whatever lol.

Keep playing who you want, just make sure you're actively helping out by trying to contest things in overtime and sniping people at the objective instead of camping near their spawn.

Not Spaceghost

Any one else feel like the problem with Genji is that his abilities tend to put the skill cap on the enemy rather than the person playing Genji?

His ult is nullified if the opponents react to the Japanese incantation and just run away.

His shurikens effectiveness is reduced heavily if the opponent just loves erratically while facing genji.

His deflect is nullified if they just stop shooting.

His dash is the most effective finisher but it is also his only escape so you're trading a chance at a kill for leaving your self open.

For a flanker character he is much more effective when in a group battle than when the focus is on him and that is kind of frustrating. He is still solid but i think he needs a bit of work on his mechanics, especially as people get better at the game.
I don't know how to enjoy this game anymore.

It seems all the fun and joy I had in the first week has given way to anger, self-doubt, anxiousness and boredom.

No idea what changed or how to get the fun back.

I play/played with friends but even then I get angry and my friends don't really enjoy playing with me anymore.

I just don't know what happened.

I don't derive any joy out of any engagements in the game anymore.
I just sigh every time I die.

I leave every game that has a Widowmaker in it.

Just can't take it anymore.

So horrendously dull.

Just done with this crap.

peace out.

Yeah, probably for the best...
I played a match this past weekend where a guy picked a 2nd Symmetra, placed down the teleporter in spawn, and the teleporter went off the side of a cliff. What the fuck man.

Thankfully there's the avoid feature so I can never play with that idiot ever again.

Someone posted this lame junk on YouTube about a week back so there were of course going to be copycats. Thank goodness for the block feature indeed. I've already blocked 4 people so far.
it has come to a point where I'm annoyed if someone else picks Lucio, depending on the map

Lol, oh, on Nepal and the Illy something map my team will routinely run double Lucio's and just blast everyone off the map. I had 8 knock offs and one two-for-one the other game. Loads of fun. Though 2 Lucio's is the max lol.
I leave every game that has a Widowmaker in it.

Just can't take it anymore.

My 4th most used character, lol. I love Widowmaker. Not going to roll her if we have another sniper though. That is unless the other sniper sucks (not taking out Pharah, Bastion or turrets). In which case I will double up.


I never understood that mentality, the other thing that gets me is why over extend on defense, Why? Why? Why?

I played a game as mercy with a reinhardt on my team. The guy kept over extending constantly. I just stopped following him because he just jumps into the enemy teams with his shoulder dash for no reason at all. We won but i said fuck him and concentrated on the other team mates instead of following him into a fight.
Way too many randoms do the death chain thing. GROUP UP YOU IDIOTS. Stop running into the enemy team by yourself and keep dying. You're no hero.

Exactly. I wait for my teammates every single time because it doesn't matter what character you run, you will destroyed going in solo. I have to mention this pretty regularly in chat.


Man, had a great "in the zone" feeling today playing Widow where I managed to get a quad kill. Just that moment where you empty your head and just point > shoot > point > shoot etc and it hits the head every time with a rythm.

Of course it's not gonna happen for another decade now
Man, had a great "in the zone" feeling today playing Widow where I managed to get a quad kill. Just that moment where you empty your head and just point > shoot > point > shoot etc and it hits the head every time with a rythm.

Of course it's not gonna happen for another decade now

Just takes practice. Some games will be better than others, but I will a lot of times pick Widow on Payload to make the other team back off the objective then switch to Reinhardt once we're moving. I make sure to mention this ahead of time though so no one has an aneurysm because I'm playing Widow on attack.


I'm a little upset that I had a match with a Zarya where I played Lucio and I never once got shielded but I saw Zarya shield Mei 5 times and each time was pointless because she went into Ice. I really wan ted to yell at him "Stop shielding your waifu and shield the guy healing you goddammit!" Semi-rant but I wanted to get it off my chest.


Everytime I get on the brink of quitting the game when there's no group to play with, I get KOTH and enjoy playing the game again.

Please Blizzard, let me play it when I please. I beg of you.

So is discord the best way to get a group of Gaffers going? I was on there yesterday and it seemed kind of dead.

Tried a few times and it's dead for EU console players that's for sure.
Best thing in the game is playing Soldier 76 with a Mei on your team and without fail they always put up their wall to block off the entire enemy team every single time you use your ultimate.
Honestly a lot of the time it feels that this game doesn't want you to have fun and it just feels like a grind. I don't know if this is some sort of Blizzard design that people are used to and expect.
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