PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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aka andydumi
Gonna need a source better than Trump.

A house subcommittee was apparently suppose to debate some gun legislation today.

Some interesting statements from Rand Paul and a few others on the damage that a rifle with so many bullets can do. Not sure what rifle was used that he means though.


There will be a baseball game, everyone will cheer and be happy that everyone is getting along.

It's not going to make Republicans suddenly stop trying to take away healthcare or Democrats agree with them about it.
Some interesting statements from Rand Paul and a few others on the damage that a rifle with so many bullets can do. Not sure what rifle was used that he means though.

Rand knew what they could do.



God I just hate politics in America. Fuck everything right now.

edit: That was a bit opaque. The below tweet gets at most of what I'm feeling:

This country has a bad obsession with turning any & every crisis into a call to patriotism, when it should be calls for self-examination.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

These clowns are tone-deaf. Pence is speaking as if everyone in the HHS wants it repealed. Morons.


May contain jokes =>
I too would love to live in an impossible utopia where murder never happens but if you live in any type of world where violence is not normal you're not living in reality.


I too would love to live in an impossible utopia where murder never happens but if you live in any type of world where violence is not normal you're not living in reality.
I think what disturbs Americans of today is not that violence isn't normal, but that the idea of political violence within America itself is foreign.

The 'small' events of bombing abortion clinics, or acts of violence against protestors, or the shutting down and shutting out of journalists don't register to people as explicitly political violence. But when you get to a point where politicians are being shot at, then it becomes undeniably political violence.

I am so glad I can type this by the way, my p key has not been working for the morning and there's no politics without p


Man, every single time a newsworthy event comes along and makes headlines, people proclaim "WELP SO MUCH FOR THE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION TRUMP GOT HIS DISTRACTION", and every. single. time. said "distraction" only lasts for, like, two or three days and then we're right back to the investigation being the main headline. It's a really weird cycle.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Man, every single time a newsworthy event comes along and makes headlines, people proclaim "WELP SO MUCH FOR THE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION TRUMP GOT HIS DISTRACTION", and every. single. time. said "distraction" only lasts for, like, two or three days and then we're right back to the investigation being the main headline. It's a really weird cycle.

Russia thing is not going anywhere. Only way it stops if Muller comes out and says nothing happened.


Man, Bill Maher is gonna probably get himself cancelled for real this weekend, his producers are probably sitting him down right now saying "No Bill, you can't say 'those mothers fuckers had it coming' on the show this Friday.".


Beat EviLore at pool.
Man, Bill Maher is gonna probably get himself cancelled for real this weekend, his producers are probably sitting him down right now saying "No Bill, you can't say 'those mothers fuckers had it coming' on the show this Friday.".

He will talk about health care and Sessions. I would be more worried what the Breitbart guy says.


Trump became so presidential today!

Dems get their first high-profile recruit in the Alabama governor's race, which they think they might have an outside chance on, given Bentley.


AL-Gov: Former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobb jumped into the 2018 gubernatorial race on Tuesday, giving Democrats their first high-profile candidate against recently elevated Republican Gov. Kay Ivey. Cobb’s name came up as a potential gubernatorial candidate in 2010 and 2014, but she refused to run in both of those races. She previously won election statewide to serve on to Alabama’s Court of Criminal Appeals from 1994 to 2006, and Cobb narrowly ousted appointed GOP state Supreme Court Chief Justice Drayton Nabers by 51-48 during the 2006 Democratic wave year in what became an expensive race.

However, Cobb chose not to seek another term on the state’s high court in 2012 and even resigned early in 2011, allowing then-Gov. Robert Bentley to appoint a Republican replacement. She later authored an editorial unloading on the unseemly role that fundraising played in judicial elections in which she bashed trial lawyers and labor. Cobb more recently backed then-Sen. Jeff Sessions’ nomination to become attorney general. Those actions could make Democrats reluctant to support Cobb, but their weak bench in this deep-red state doesn’t leave many alternatives.

It’s unclear if Ivey will seek a full term as governor or if she’ll make it past her many primary foes if she does run, but Alabama Democrats are nonetheless hopeful that they can gain traction thanks to disgraced ex-Gov. Bentley’s scandals and corruption elsewhere in the GOP-dominated state government. Ex-state Agriculture Commissioner Ron Sparks, who was the 2010 Democratic nominee, and party-switching former Rep. Parker Griffith, who was Team Blue’s 2014 nominee, have both said that they’re thinking about running again too.
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