Stellaris is still quite unbaked IMO. Not hard to get into but still gets boring quite fast and doesn't have all the mechanics working like CK2 or EU4 have managed.Ugggghhh... I really don't want to buy that much this sale since I have such a decent sized backlog from that past couple sales and am somehow still grinding away with Blood and Wine for TW3, The Long Dark and PUBG.
Somebody convince me not to buy some of this stuff:
Really, Prey and Edith Finch are the 2 games I wanted from this sale since I can see myself realistically playing them before the fall/winter sale.
I've wanted Stellaris for a while even though I never was able to fully get into CK2 (which I want to try and get back to one of these days). How easy is it to get into Stellaris if you're not super familiar with Paradox grand strategy games?
Dragonspear I'll probably get just cause its pretty cheap and its an excuse to play some BG again. Although, maybe I could wait and get it later this year since I'll probably feel a little burned out on RPGs by the time I finish Blood and Wine...
And Ultimate General Civil War looks great since I Ioved Gettysburg when I got it on last year's summer sale but I'm just debating whether I want to get it now or maybe wait a bit.
I just hate looking at my Steam purchase history and seeing games like Soma, Planet Coaster or Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and I've barely touched any of them and now they're a fair amount cheaper than when I bought them.
I had played the beta a while back. It was really good. Simple to play while still having a decent amount of tactical depth. It's very focused on positioning. If you've played the mobile roguelike Hoplite, it's kind of like that, but more complexI'm eyeing Pit People, too. I'm a sucker for turn-based games but I'm pretty bad at them. Looking forward to your impressions!
Thanks all. Think I'll go with Modern Warfare. Though would it be better to wait for the remaster?
I wouldn't get Stellaris and all of its DLC (doubling its price) if you're not even sure you'll be totally into it, much less play all of that before the Winter sale. Prey is cheaper on CDKeys.Somebody convince me not to buy some of this stuff:
questions about telltale's batman:
1. Is still laggy/buggy etc?
2. Is it like the other telltale games? With "fake" choices and only one ending?
Ugggghhh... I really don't want to buy that much this sale since I have such a decent sized backlog from that past couple sales and am somehow still grinding away with Blood and Wine for TW3, The Long Dark and PUBG.
Somebody convince me not to buy some of this stuff:
Really, Prey and Edith Finch are the 2 games I wanted from this sale since I can see myself realistically playing them before the fall/winter sale.
I've wanted Stellaris for a while even though I never was able to fully get into CK2 (which I want to try and get back to one of these days). How easy is it to get into Stellaris if you're not super familiar with Paradox grand strategy games?
Dragonspear I'll probably get just cause its pretty cheap and its an excuse to play some BG again. Although, maybe I could wait and get it later this year since I'll probably feel a little burned out on RPGs by the time I finish Blood and Wine...
And Ultimate General Civil War looks great since I Ioved Gettysburg when I got it on last year's summer sale but I'm just debating whether I want to get it now or maybe wait a bit.
I just hate looking at my Steam purchase history and seeing games like Soma, Planet Coaster or Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and I've barely touched any of them and now they're a fair amount cheaper than when I bought them.
questions about telltale's batman:
1. Is still laggy/buggy etc?
2. Is it like the other telltale games? With "fake" choices and only one ending?
I think my left analogue stick on the Xbox Elite controller is broken? I noticed when playing Witcher 3, that whenever I let go of the stick it will kick back, so Geralt won't only stop up, he will stop up and take a step back.
PoE certainly isn't a bad pick. The combat might put you off (Real-Time with Pause), but the world they built is interesting enough as is the main story. Lots of interesting little sidestories, too.Hey guys, I'm looking for something similar to Divinity OS and Divinity OS 2. I have Wasteland 2 sitting in my cart with Pillars of Eternity as well (I know PoE is not a lot like DOS, but a high fantasy RPG sounds great right now). Any suggestions?
Age of MythologiesDoes anybody know of a good RTS that plays/is paced like the AoE games?
Does anybody know of a good RTS that plays/is paced like the AoE games?
So does Fallout 4 get better or worse as it goes on, and does the performance start to tank in later areas? So far it's running well. I've put 90 minutes into it and so far I'm liking it, it's not blowing me away but it's enjoyable and I'm leaning towards keeping it at £9.99. I've installed a bunch of mods already that apparently make the game better without changing it too much. I can't get the unofficial patch sadly as I don't have the DLC and can't afford to get it either, but are there other ones I should look into? I'm looking for stuff that just improves the experiance without going OTT or hurting performance.[IMG]
One thing I don't like, and it's not just this game is when I sprint turning the camera feels really stiff, I wonder if there's a way to fix that?[/QUOTE]
I can just tell you that the main story is pants-on-head ridiculous and makes zero sense, so don't play it for that.
I add Star Wars Battlegrounds and Rise of Legends to those two.Age of Mythologies
Rise of Nations
1) Oh god yes. This was the biggest problem for Batman. The engine was complete garbage. I can handle Telltale's jank, but this took it to a new level. It was almost unplayable at points.
2) I think certain minor aspects can be changed, but to my knowledge, it's like the other Telltales titles in regards to following a mostly linear path for the main story beats.
If the game is fixed up, I'd recommend it. I liked the game a lot when it was actually working.
I dont know what it is but I find it very hard to enjoy most first person games...I like seeing my character![]()
Battle Brothers has no legs. I want legs in my games.
The superior Rise of Nations.
Also Empire Earth if you want a AoE like in 3d.
Capcom's dungeons and dragons mystara collectionNeed some suggestions for online coop brawlers. Something along the lines of Dragons Crown.
Brotherhood for sure.![]()
New ones except for FFVII. I was looking at Pillars of Eternity but it looks like the developers have been up to some dodgy practice...
I've only ever played the first Assassins Creed a long time ago, if I only wanted to play maybe 2 or 3 games in the series which would be the ones to go for? 2, Unity, Syndicate?
Don't go near Empire Earth 3
I add Star Wars Battlegrounds and Rise of Legends to those two.
For someone who likes the Dark Souls series but didn't care much for Hollow Knight, what are some other games?
Regional pricing it seems?Shadow Tactics is 40$ usd in NA store ? Wtf the full price in mine is only 12$.
Fallout 4's performance is terrible. The load times into the open world take minutes, I dunno how anyone can bear it.
This wasn't on an SSD, but still. It's one of the longest load times I've ever experienced.
Regional pricing it seems?
What region r u in?
not a big discount but player unknown battlegrounds is cheaper on humble bundle today.
not a big discount but player unknown battlegrounds is cheaper on humble bundle today.
I haven't played it in ages but I don't remember the load times being that bad (I don't have a SSD either).
Still shows $29.99 for me. If you got the Monthly, then maybe it's applying that 10% discount for you?
Hey guys, I'm looking for something similar to Divinity OS and Divinity OS 2. I have Wasteland 2 sitting in my cart with Pillars of Eternity as well (I know PoE is not a lot like DOS, but a high fantasy RPG sounds great right now). Any suggestions?
Still shows $29.99 for me. If you got the Monthly, then maybe it's applying that 10% discount for you?
I think you should be able to increase the dead zone slightly through Steam's big picture mode the same way you would a Steam controller to mitigate that.I think my left analogue stick on the Xbox Elite controller is broken? I noticed when playing Witcher 3, that whenever I let go of the stick it will kick back, so Geralt won't only stop up, he will stop up and take a step back.
I don't have it either but my understanding is the game is actually pretty decent but there's little replayability for what's supposed to be a co-op game and the performance is kind of bad in spots.hows warhammer deathwing ? heard it was poor at launch but they patched alot, any one here play recently ?
Either is fine imo.what's more worth $20 and your time: Dishonored 2 or Deus Ex: Mankind Divided?