STEAM Announcements/Updates 2013 - Summer sale start date? No one knows, don't ask

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I have no idea. I'm largely interested because Acti abandoning the James Bond license just three months after 007 Legends released made me paranoid about licensed games/games with licensed properties in general having a short shelf life.

Activision games are always a gamble. I'm so glad I got Blur for $5 before it was yanked.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I see Rome 2 is getting TF2 items. Now I have to remember to pre-order at some point within the next couple of months.


GMG payment page not loading is probably a sign that I should wait for the Steam sales. Oh well, Star Trek is only -66% and if it's only -50% on Steam it'll still be cheaper.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Activision games are always a gamble. I'm so glad I got Blur for $5 before it was yanked.

The least Acti could have done with the James Bond games prior to washing its hand of the license is serve them up as a Midweek/Weekend Deal at 75% off. :( "Last chance! These games will be disappearing soon!"


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Looks like Top Gun got removed from Steam. Booooo. Darkspore as well.
Ok, kind of tempted at Resident Evil 6, it can't be worse than 5, can it?

Does it play good with mouse + keyboard?

Depends on what you're looking for. If you're over the fact that Resident Evil isn't a survival horror since RE4 and you're looking for a nice TPS then it might suit you.
The game doesn't explain jack shit at the controls and the tutorial (prelude) is horrendus : ridden with useless QTEs, hand holding and forced camera angles.
The campaign is ok though it tries to be too cinematic and everything at the same time, there's some parts of the campaign with a lot of QTEs, bad vehicle segments, forced camera angles, bad stealth/rail shooting/whatever segments. The graphic quality is very unequal through the game too.

However, the gunplay and combat is excellent if you're tired of cover based shooters and you're looking for some variety, there's the usual stun-melee combo from RE4/5/Rev but you can roll, slide, slide and turn back while sliding and shoot while lying on the ground. There's also a counter system when you're going to get hit by an enemy.
Just don't try to play this game like a cover based third person shooter and you'll be fine, the cover is completely useless in this game and you can do a professionnal run without ever using cover.

Mercenaries mode is kinda the core of the game, it lets you experience the great combat system of the game without all the BS the campaign put you through and the game's worth it @ 20£ alone. The campaign can last you 20-25hrs if you're good so it's the best bang for your buck you'll get for that kind of game.

Here's a series of videos that Sectus made, it really shows how rich the gameplay is :
Here's his channel if you're looking for more :
Regular Mercs runs are more laid back and about learning the enemy spawn rotation while No Mercy is non stop mindless fun.

The controls are very good on keyboard, I find it to be much better than a gamepad but that's just my opinion. The moves (that the game won't explain to you) are :
-Aim (RMB) + direction + space bar = Roll in direction
-Run (Space bar) + Aim (RMB) = Slide
-Back when sliding = turn back while sliding
-RMB while sliding/rolling = aiming on the ground when the move is done
-RMB + LMB while sliding = shoot while sliding
-RMB + LMB = quick shot (stuns the closest enemy)

TL;DR : Great TPS, bad campaign, stellar gunplay, ok for a RE game if all you care about is the story/shitty for a RE game if you're exepecting a survival horror.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Looks like Top Gun got removed from Steam. Booooo. Darkspore as well.

Darkspore will be back when EA fixes the server issues rendering the game unplayable or patches out the DRM.

So it will never be back

Edit: Top Gun being yanked makes no sense considering it was published by Paramount and Top Gun is a Paramount film.
Yes it's the new one, but don't buy it it's really bad

Yeah, I knew it was bad but if the price was low enough I thought I'd buy it due to my love for the franchise. As it so happens I managed to load the site for a short moment and saw the price.

Still not low enough.


Has there ever been a bundle with the Portal games?
I really hope they make one, I think i'm the only one that haven't played them yet.
Has there ever been a bundle with the Portal games?
I really hope they make one, I think i'm the only one that haven't played them yet.

No, but they always go for really cheap.

Portal was free for a day one time.

*Edit* I was wrong apparently...but still! Really cheap!


no worries. Valve games go on sale often. Just be patient.

Happens virtually every sale - so you should be in luck

Yep, it was $6.24 during the Winter Sale.

No, but they always go for really cheap.

Portal was free for a day one time.

*Edit* I was wrong apparently...but still! Really cheap!

Portal 1 has been free for multiple days,

Thanks for the answers!
time to try to save some money.


Unconfirmed Member
Just completed Dear Esther.

It might just be my melancholy mood, but that was quite moving. One would have to be in the 'mood', I suppose, to be immersed as it intends.

So pretty, and I could almost smell the ocean, like a man, sitting at a PC screen, on which there are pictures and sounds of the ocean, and one walking the shore. Etc, etc.

Wordy, and no doubt not everyone's cup of tea, but as an ambitious 'games-as-art' piece (or whatever it is): two thumbs up.
I hope I can enjoy it. Really liked To the Moon.


Resellers are fine if they are not dodgy (offering Russian only keys or ones that need a VPN to activate). GMG are fine, just like Humble, Getgames, Gamersgate etc

What about G2play? They sold a multilanguage Borderlands 2 (Russian) key for like €11. Is that legit?

Joe Molotov

Resellers are fine if they are not dodgy (offering Russian only keys or ones that need a VPN to activate). GMG are fine, just like Humble, Getgames, Gamersgate etc



gave away the keys to the kingdom.
What about G2play?

G2Play and its ilk bulk-purchase games at Eastern European retail and resell the keys for profit. Discussion of such resellers was banned due to people not informing others of the risks involved (some resellers needlessly require proof of identification; some keys require the use of a VPN to activate and in some cases even play the the game in question, plus there may be issues with region-locked DLC; and the proof of purchase exists on the reseller's end, so you could very well lose your game if ownership of the key is disputed) and G2Play in particular was caught selling stolen keys.

There are reputable key resellers -- well, as reputable as such enterprises can be, anyway -- but obviously I can't get into that, and even so the risks mentioned above still apply. At the end of the day, you're better off just waiting a while longer for a deep discount on Steam itself or an authorised third-party partner.


Am I the only one getting my cards legitimately.
Cards got me to play through games I bought but never played, like They Bleed Pixels, Offspring Fling or Anodyne. Not a fan of idling, but I did it in games I have already beaten.

Ok, kind of tempted at Resident Evil 6, it can't be worse than 5, can it?

Does it play good with mouse + keyboard?
Got it on Nuuvem during the weekend. Enjoying it more than I thought, but it can really look hideous when it tries to be "cinematic" (oh my god
the car chase
looked so bad I was crying with laughter). I always liked the trashy stories in the series, and the Chris campaign does not disappoint so far.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Really! I'm surprised they're still in business. I keep seeing their ads right here on NeoGAF too, enticing me with their 5% discounts. Lol

Yeah. He later confirmed in another thread that "the popular bargain-priced key site" was in reference to G2Play.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
How bad do you want them?

I've pre-ordered it, that's why I ask.

I have this weird love/hate affair with promotional TF2 items: I pre-order games to get them, but then I just immediately sell them. Fortunately, though, in most cases I'm interested in the game they're attached to.
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