Now this one deserves a "who the fuck are you?" if I have ever seen one.
Even in a good year for adam, that ain't true. Sorry adam.
I'm the motherflipping King of Games.
And that's my friend i'm proud to call....well my friend. Frankman.
Now this one deserves a "who the fuck are you?" if I have ever seen one.
Even in a good year for adam, that ain't true. Sorry adam.
Damn straight. You see who has your back, Frankman? Who your true friends are?I'm the motherflipping King of Games.
And that's my friend i'm proud to call....well my friend. Frankman.
Hey I agree with reilo on this one. Who are you, another Miami Heat lifelong?Now this one deserves a "who the fuck are you?" if I have ever seen one.
For the record, I am not affiliated with KOG in any way. He does this "your my friend" schtick in a few threads i.e. Little Nicky.Damn straight. You see who has your back, Frankman? Who your true friends are?
Hey I agree with reilo on this one. Who are you, another Miami Heat lifelong?
Pretty sure he's one of talisaynon's troll accounts. You know, the guy who said Nate Robinson was a starting PG on a playoff team?
For the record, I am not affiliated with KOG in any way.
Can a Triple L feel betrayal? Really now?DAT BETRAYAL
Can a Triple L feel betrayal? Really now?
I know...Wow the last two pages of this thread
Holy shit, I didn't realize that he dissed Godfather.
Oh shit. My bad...
I'll start it off.
They want him not to listen to media...I don't know why the Miami players won't start tweeting shit like
"The media is treating Westbrook wrong" or some shit just to inflate his ego.
Divide and conquer man!
NBA Store has everything
I just learned that their store in NYC is incredibly small and has about nothing
Even I don't think Westbrook will play that bad again.
OKC needs a no jumpshot rule or something. Especially for WB.
They're a jumpshooting team tho.
Thats not a good thing. A team this athletic should feast with off-ball cuts and slashes to the hoop. But no they would rather do a few crossovers and go for the pullup.
They do what works for them and it got them to the Finals so I doubt they would go away from that.
Fixed.Durant does what works for him and it got them to the Finals so I doubt they would go away from that.
Joey Crawford is reffing the game tonight...
That would be great, but I doubt it.time for the heat to win 3 games straight
still can't believe that an nba finals thread got stuck in the ot community. ugh.
gotta repost this one, just too good.
LMAO so Sage Steele got caught on camera tryin to hit on Jalen. And both of them are apparently married.
LMAO so Sage Steele got caught on camera tryin to hit on Jalen. And both of them are apparently married.
LMAO so Sage Steele got caught on camera tryin to hit on Jalen. And both of them are apparently married.