
As the spookiest season of the year creeps in, it's time to raise from the dead our annual 31 Days of Horror Movie Marathon!
We post this thread in anticipation of October so participants can begin drafting lists, discussing years past, and drawing up the hype - remember it's best to not begin your movie viewing until October 1st.
Apologies for the tardiness to you all who look forward to this annual thread - I've had a busy few weeks and didn't have the time to get stuff together. I know it's not a lot of time to craft your lists and hype up the viewing season, but it'll have to do this year.
Anyways, scaring is caring, right?

It's a daily horror movie marathon that culminates in Halloween
Participants watch, discuss, and review as many horror, thriller, classic, goreporn, zombie, psychobiddy, monster, slasher, anthology, found footage, etc. or Halloween-esque movies as they can get through during October. The goal is to watch a movie/day finishing up on October 31st. It can be difficult for everyone to find the time for 31 films, but don't let that dissuade, people participate if they watch zero to 62. Just have fun and chat about your passion for on-screen horror!

- Starting October 1st, watch as many full-length horror movies as you can until November 1st. Only discuss movies watched during this period.
- After each viewing, you must post which movie(s) you've watched and your thoughts/opinions on them. Be as brief or as detailed in your review as you'd like, but don't just list what you've watched - none wants to read a list. Please number your movies and keep a running tally of your progress. If you are cross posting your reviews elsewhere, do not only provide a link to the offsite review, post the full review here as well.
- Short films may be included, but should be 45 minutes in length or longer.
- TV series (The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, Stranger Things, etc) are okay to watch, but the catch is that you may only review and count an entire season towards your list.
- TV series consisting of stand alone short films (such as Masters of Horror) are allowed as long as they meet the 45 minutes or longer time requirement for short films.
- SPOILER TAG. SPOILER TAG. SPOILER TAG. Remember, many eyes read through this thread for suggestions, so try not to ruin anything for others, regardless of how long ago the film came out.
- Don't cheat. Jason will know.

- Do 1 movie every day, so you end up with a 31 films as your final total. As before, the full 31 films total is fully optional. Only attempt this if you have a lot of free time and/or are completely insane and self-abusive.
- As the purpose of this is to expose yourself to new horror films, attempt to watch as many movies you haven't seen as possible. This makes going for the full 31 movies a lot more interesting than slogging though the same movies every year.
- Adding poster images, screenshots, quotes, trailer links, etc to your opinion posts are not mandatory, but will help bring attention to your reviews of each film - especially useful if you feel it's a film worth recommending to other participants.

Here's a few free, legal streaming resources that may be available to you to expand your viewing pool.
- ShoutFactoryTV
- Troma (YouTube) [NSFW]
- Kings of Horror (YouTube)
- Shudder (free trial)
- Crackle

if anyone has good links, ideas, resources, or lists to suggest I'll try to add them here so your post doesn't get overlooked

31 Days of Horror: The Ravenous
31 Days of Horror: The Awakening
31 Days of Horror: Resurrection
31 Days of Horror 7 (The Purge)
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