31 Days of Horror: Invasion |OT| The October Movie Marathon


As the spookiest season of the year creeps in, it's time to raise from the dead our annual 31 Days of Horror Movie Marathon!
We post this thread in anticipation of October so participants can begin drafting lists, discussing years past, and drawing up the hype - remember it's best to not begin your movie viewing until October 1st.

Apologies for the tardiness to you all who look forward to this annual thread - I've had a busy few weeks and didn't have the time to get stuff together. I know it's not a lot of time to craft your lists and hype up the viewing season, but it'll have to do this year.

Anyways, scaring is caring, right?

🎃 What is 31 Days of Horror?

It's a daily horror movie marathon that culminates in Halloween

Participants watch, discuss, and review as many horror, thriller, classic, goreporn, zombie, psychobiddy, monster, slasher, anthology, found footage, etc. or Halloween-esque movies as they can get through during October. The goal is to watch a movie/day finishing up on October 31st. It can be difficult for everyone to find the time for 31 films, but don't let that dissuade, people participate if they watch zero to 62. Just have fun and chat about your passion for on-screen horror!

:messenger_ghost: Rules🦇

- Starting October 1st, watch as many full-length horror movies as you can until November 1st. Only discuss movies watched during this period.
- After each viewing, you must post which movie(s) you've watched and your thoughts/opinions on them. Be as brief or as detailed in your review as you'd like, but don't just list what you've watched - none wants to read a list. Please number your movies and keep a running tally of your progress. If you are cross posting your reviews elsewhere, do not only provide a link to the offsite review, post the full review here as well.
- Short films may be included, but should be 45 minutes in length or longer.
- TV series (The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, Stranger Things, etc) are okay to watch, but the catch is that you may only review and count an entire season towards your list.
- TV series consisting of stand alone short films (such as Masters of Horror) are allowed as long as they meet the 45 minutes or longer time requirement for short films.
- SPOILER TAG. SPOILER TAG. SPOILER TAG. Remember, many eyes read through this thread for suggestions, so try not to ruin anything for others, regardless of how long ago the film came out.
- Don't cheat. Jason will know.

🔪 Optional Extras 🪓

- Do 1 movie every day, so you end up with a 31 films as your final total. As before, the full 31 films total is fully optional. Only attempt this if you have a lot of free time and/or are completely insane and self-abusive.
- As the purpose of this is to expose yourself to new horror films, attempt to watch as many movies you haven't seen as possible. This makes going for the full 31 movies a lot more interesting than slogging though the same movies every year.
- Adding poster images, screenshots, quotes, trailer links, etc to your opinion posts are not mandatory, but will help bring attention to your reviews of each film - especially useful if you feel it's a film worth recommending to other participants.

🩸 Streaming Resources 💀

Here's a few free, legal streaming resources that may be available to you to expand your viewing pool.

- ShoutFactoryTV
- Troma (YouTube) [NSFW]
- Kings of Horror (YouTube)
- Shudder (free trial)
- Crackle

:lollipop_horns: Member Tips and Advice 🪦

if anyone has good links, ideas, resources, or lists to suggest I'll try to add them here so your post doesn't get overlooked

⚰️ Previous years' threads🕯️
31 Days of Horror: The Ravenous
31 Days of Horror: The Awakening
31 Days of Horror: Resurrection
31 Days of Horror 7 (The Purge)
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Me and my bros make a list every year. He's 2021

Halloween list 2021

Friday the 13th 1985 - Pluto TV
I see you 2019 - prime
The Vigil 2019 - Hulu
Scream 1996
Oxygen 2021 - Netflix
The Hallow 2015
In the Earth - hulu
Lamb 2021 - theaters
Nightmare on elm street 2 1985
Nightmare on elm street 3 1987
V/H/S 94 2021 - shutter
A Dark Song 2016
Halloween 2 1981
Block island sound 2021 - Netflix
Sleepaway camp 1983 - Prime, Tubi, Peacock, Pluto TV
The Djinn 2021
Halloween Kills 2021 - theater and peacock
Re-Animator 1985 - tubi
Till Death 2021
Terrified 2017
Cronos 1993
Jakob's Wife 2021 - YouTube tv
The Devil's Candy 2015
Misery 1990 - hulu
Grabbers 2012
The Belko Experiment 2016- Pluto tv
Antlers 2021 - theaters
Last night in Soho 2021 - theaters
Texas chainsaw massacre 1974 - Tubi, prime Hulu, YouTube tv


YES, we'll have 31 days of horror 2021, thanks DadEggs!

I love halloween and horror movies and this thread is the only way I can feel the vibe and participate with you guys, in my country we don't have Halloween
I saved a lot of movies to watch this month, and I'll post here soon

It's almost time, kids. The clock is ticking.

Cutty Flam

The Hallow
The Conjuring 2
The Clovehitch Killer
Lake Mungo
The Vigil
The Babadook
Fright Night
The Devil's Candy
The Cabin In The Woods
The Omen
The Amityville Horror

15/31 horror films chosen

Old Retro

As I did last year, I'll only watch movies on their anniversary year. No sequels or remakes unless they're too significant.

The Evil Dead
Ghost Story
The Nesting
Halloween II < they actually let me in the theater for this one 👧
Friday the 13th part 2
My Bloody Valentine
The Monster Club
The Howling
An American Werewolf in London

The Silence of the Lambs
The Pit and the Pendulum
Ernest Scared Stupid
The People Under the Stairs

Jeepers Creepers
The Breed
Bones [Snoop Dog]
Session 9 [David Caruso]
The Others [Nicole Kidman]
Ghosts of Mars
Thir13en Ghosts
Donnie Darko
Route 666

Red Riding Hood
Red State [Kevin Smith]

25 years old
From Dusk Till Dawn
The Craft



I'm not going to be able to do every night, but I hope to watch a few classics each weekend. I'm leaning on GAF lists and impressions to make my picks.

It's kinda stupid for format, but the Blackwell Ghost series was surprisingly engaging and didn't go too far off the rails until the last two entries. A super enjoyable watch for anyone into more subtle/subdued spook.

Kagey K

My favorite time of year. Usually I'm already dipping into the movies but decided this year I'd do some TV shows for pregame.

Been watching

Tales from the Crypt: A classic

Masters of Horror: A great Anthology series

Haunting of Hill House: Slow Burn but actually pretty good.

Haunting of Bly Manor: Long and boring. Showed promise at the start but man it turned into a love story and killed everything.

Midnight Mass: Only 2 episodes in so far, not scary but looks like some twists will come.

Sabrina the Teenage Witch: Melissa Joan Hart 'nuff said.

1. Beetlejuice - A classic movie that never gets old. Nice Fuckin Model *Honk Honk. * ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

tim burton way GIF
2. I Know What You Did Last Summer. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Ghost Whisperer, Fred from Scooby-Doo and the creepy brother from Cruel Intentions go drinking and driving. Hilarity ensues.

Seriously it was the first big teen scream to come out in the post Scream world, and tries to modernize the slasher genre. A 90s classic that has been referenced and parodied a lot. Also getting a new series on Prime Video soon.

Sarah Michelle Gellar GIF by Coolidge Corner Theatre
3. Scary Movie ⭐⭐⭐⭐

A parody of horror in Naked Gun style. Mostly Scream/I Know What You Did Last Summer. Some great jokes and references, lots of teen sex jokes.

scary movie hello GIF
4. Willys Wonderland ⭐⭐⭐

A mute old AF Nick Cage stars in Five Nights at Freddys the movie.
Nicolas Cage GIF
5. Childs Play ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

A dying man transfer his soul into a doll, meets a 6 year old boy and they become friends to the end.

childs play chucky GIF
6. ThanksKilling - No rating.

A jive talking Turkey terrorizes a group of teens.

Its Thanksgiving weekend in Canada so I thought this would be an appropriately themed movie. My second time watching this and I’m still undecided on it. It’s low budget, the dialogue is terrible and I still can’t tell if it’s so bad it’s good or just plain bad.
7. Addams Family Values - ⭐⭐⭐

Morticia and Gomez have a baby, Fester gets married and the kids go to summer camp.

Not as good as the first movie, I remember being disappointed in it as a kid, but it's somewhat more tolerable today. Watched due to some Thanksgiving themes.
8. V: The Original Mini Series (Part 1) - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Aliens show up on earth and come in peace, not long after the science/medical communities conspire against them (or so they would have you believe)

I haven’t watched this since I was a kid, and was inspired by the other thread to do so. This movie is mostly set up and there’s not a ton of action/face ripping the series is known for.

I also didn’t pick up on the parallels of the aliens and their propaganda/conspiracies to the Nazis/Hitler regime, when I was a kid. Only now it’s scientists who are being oppressed.

Probably going to watch part 2 tomorrow and then continue the series from there, it was one of my fav shows when I was a kid and I don’t really remember much from it.
9. V: The Original Mini Series. (Part 2) - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

A group of rebels take the fight to the visitors after they overstay their welcome.

As a standalone series it has a self contained story line but it leaves some stuff open as it's very obviously setting up for the TV series that was set to follow it.
10. Childs Play 2 - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Unhappy with the way the friendship ended last time, a boy and his doll are reunited so they can be friends to the end…... Again.
11. Batman Forever - ⭐⭐⭐

Two Face and Riddler try to defeat the Bat in this instalment of the series.

Technically not a horror movie, but there is a scene with a Jack o Lantern and kids Trick or Treating so I decided to watch it in celebration of DC Fandome.
12. The Day After - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

The US and Russia go into full war mode and decide to nuke each other, depicts the lead up, bombing and fallout from a nuclear strike.

This 1983 made for TV movie permanently scarred a generation of kids who lived in fear of nuclear war during the Cold War. It was horror because it could potentially happen in most kids minds at the time. It’s still a great depiction of what could potentially be the repercussions of a full on nuclear assault.
13. Tucker and Dale vs. Evil - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

After running into a couple hillbillies a group of teenagers form a suicide pact.

Love this movie, and it’s twist on the slasher genre, hilarious and full of tongue in cheek jokes.

14. Zombieland - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

A college kid who plays by his own rules during the zombie apocalypse teams up with a grizzled veteran with a hankering for Twinkies.

I love this movie, its funny, it’s gory and reminds me of Dead Rising.

Woody Harrelson Sony GIF by Zombieland
15. Dawn of the Dead (1978) - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

A group of survivors get stranded at a mall while the zombies try to get their Black Friday on.

A George Romero classic, and inspired one of my favorite games of all time. Not much that can be said about it that hasn’t been said already.
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Cutty Flam

These make 26 total on the list. Will find the rest tmrw

The Ritual
The Wailing
The Host
Train To Busan
The House That Jack Built
Children Of The Corn
Paranormal Activity 3


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I'm in, going with the decade of the 80's:


Thoughts as we go along:

  1. Possession
    Still waiting on my DVD

  2. Something Wicked This Way Comes
    Still waiting on my DVD

  3. Creepshow
    Man these 80's horrors wanted their viewers to imagine the pain huh? 3/5

  4. Silver Bullet
    Not bad, I've seen worse movies in the genre

  5. Videodrome
    I honestly don't know what the hell I just watched. It didn't help I ate a powerful gummy first, but whoa. I'm going to have to rewatch this one later

  6. The Lost Boys
    Cry little sister! Still one of the greats. 80's time capsule of a movie. Completely unique take on the vampire movie genre as far as I know

  7. The Changeling
    Not bad. Really spooky at times. I had the feeling of de ja vu many times while watching it. I wonder if this has been remade since then, maybe given a different name

  8. Night of the Creeps
    It's like some old pulp sci-fi horror lept off the paperback and onto the 1980's silver screen. Gross, entertaining, titillating (just kidding)

  9. The Stuff
    This movie was gross but I loved it. I wouldn't show it to children

  10. The Evil Dead
    Great horror movie all around, I see why it's a classic. I have seen a lot of crazy stuff since embarking on this 80's horror fest, but I didn't expect to see a woman get fucked by shrubbery

  11. Christine
    It was OK, some decent acting from the lead. The premise was just kind of silly, and I feel like it was too difficult to simply go indoors to escape a killer car in the 80's

  12. The Howling
    Better than Silver Bullet, more going on, but still not that great

  13. Razorback
    I am surprised I never heard of this. As far as early creature features goes this was pretty good

  14. Phenomena
    Great film. I need to watch more of this director's work

  15. Scream
    I took a break from the 80's to rewatch a 90's classic. Still holds up. Still the best metacommentary on slasher films to that point in time
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Starting tonight with the fear streets trilogy, gonna wait for midnight to start watching tho.
Gonna edit as it goes and post per session as i did last year. I've got a BUNCH in stock

this year may include the never seen before first 4 saw movies, the fear street trilogy, A stuart gordon movie i've never seen before and many more movies from around the globe over the past century.
How i ended last year - I was certain i ended up with a few more than 56 but oh well.

Not aiming to beat it this year around, 56 is more than enough.... BUT...

October 1st
1. Phase IV - 1974 ⭐ - Highly Recommended
2. Fear Street Pt. 1 - 2021
3. Fear Street Pt. 2 - 2021 🍿

October 2nd
4. Malignant - 2021 - Yes watch it, is it good?... 🤷‍♂️

October 3rd
5. Feart Street Pt.3 - 2021

October 4th
6. Knock Knock - 2015 - 🍈 🍈
7. The Block Island sound - 2020 - (y)
8. Escape Room 2 - 2021 - Wish my friend told me this was a sequel before going to the movies.

October 5th
9. Urban Legend - 1998 - 🏕️ ⭐
10. Escape Room - 2019 - better than the sequel.

October 6th
11. End of days - 1999
12. Final Girls - 2015 - 🍿 ⭐
13. House at the end of the street
14. Saint Maud - 2019 - ⭐ - Biggest Recommend if you don't mind feeling like shit.

1. The dead don't die - 2019 - oct.4 - amazing movie.
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1-children of the corn 4k
2-event horizon
3-evil dead 1-army of darkness
4-texas chainsaw massacre 1-4
6-killer klowns in outerspace
7-night of the creeps
8-poltergeist 1-3
9-lucio zombi,burial ground,city of the living dead
10-night of the living dead savini,dawn and day Romero.
11-dead alive,bad taste
12-house 1-2
13-night of the comet
14-the funhouse
15-castle freak
17-phantasm 1-5
18-fright night
19-puppet master 1-3
20- demonic toys
21-creepshow 1-2
22-idle hands
23-wax works 1-2
24-blob remake
25-chud 1-2
26-the gate 1-2
27-from beyond
28-demons 1-2
29-the thing,they live
30-the nest,terrorvision
31-Halloween 1-5,night of the demons,trick or treat.
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Starting tonight with the fear streets trilogy, gonna wait for midnight to start watching tho.
Gonna edit as it goes and post per session as i did last year. I've got a BUNCH in stock

How i ended last year - I was certain i ended up with a few more than 56 but oh well.

Not aiming to beat it this year around, 56 is more than enough.... BUT...
So I lied, I started with

1. Phase IV - 1974⭐

Coworker Brought that one to watch tonight since he knows I'm doning thise october Horror binge and I have to say, it starts the month STRONG

It's about ants developing intelligence and 2 scientists trying to navigate through the events.

The cinematography makes me wish I was watching this in an altered state, It's surprising how effective ants were shown to be a threat without being turned into enormous monsters and that's coming from the guy who played way too much EDF. Using their Hivemind compared to our individualism as human when paired with heightened intelligence Is simply dreadful. Highly Recommend.


2. Fear Street Pt. 1, 1994 - (2021)


Series of murders are happening and a group of meddling kids are stuck in the middle of it.

Complete mixed bag on that one, entertaining one, but mixed bag nonetheless. It is quite pleasing to look at, but the over-use of music is almost distracting at time.
it is a R.L. Stine flic and it feels exactly like it. while a little more bloody than i remember goosebumps being, it feels like a movie you're supposed to watch around the age of the characters for maximum effect which sadly as passed for me.
still enjoyable enough to make me watch...

3. Fear Street pt.2 1978 - 2021

following the events of the first one, we get to see the story of what happened in the town 16 years prior

A little campier that's a great pun that I had to do, not sorry. but overall better quality than the first one, might even say that it was good ! it got me hooked for the last part, I enjoyed my time with that one and made watching the first movie slightly more enjoyable.
Also watched 2 episodes of Bly manor since i never finished it
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John Bilbo

1st film: No One Gets Out Alive
Director: Santiago Menghini

I didn't like No One Gets Out Alive very much. It had some interesting ideas worthy of exploration, but none of the ideas were realized fully.

The main character lacked personality and mostly just wandered from scene to scene so the spooky stuff could happen.

2nd film: Fear Street - Part 1: 1994
Director: Leigh Janiak

This film was bad and I think it was intentional. I got some good laughs out of it.

3rd film: Fear Street - Part 2: 1978
Director: Leigh Janiak

The best one of the Fear Street trilogy. The use of popular music was almost as bad as in the first part, but atleast there was an attempt at an coherent plot this time around. Acting was better.

4th film: Fear Street: 1666
Director: Leigh Janiak

First half of this film was better than the second half. In the second half I noticed the characters stopped following the rules established before in the story. The plot also got even more convoluted than in the first or second part.

I don't know man. Such a weird trilogy.

5th film: Jaws
Director: Steven Spielberg

Wow this was a bloody good film! Hadn't seen it in years. The score, the acting, the script... everything seems to come together in this one. The shark effects looked very good also apart from one scene.

6th film: Rear Window
Director: Alfred Hitchcock

Damn. I watched this movie half way through and took a pause. Next day when I returned watching, the movie had been removed from the streaming service.

I really enjoyed the premise, set and acting in this film. The attention to detail was great.

6th film: Psycho
Director: Alfred Hitchcock

What an unsettling film. Very good.

The film seemed a lot shorter than it is. Must be because of the pacing. There is not a lot of fluff here. Every scene and almost every line of dialogue pushes the story further in someway.

I liked the way the scenes were composed. There was always something interesting to look at on the screen. The sets were well build and detailed.

7th film: Oats Studios Season 1
Director: Neill Blomkamp

A compilation of short films. Mostly the dialogue was too on the nose for me. Too much telling, too little showing.

It is weird this collection is on Netflix. There was little to tie the short films together. Maybe some sort of weirdness? Also the runtime between the shorts was all over place.

Sometimes it was visually interesting and some of the ideas could be worthy of more exploration.

8th film: Death Note (a Netflix film)
Adam Wingard

I tried to watch this film with fresh eyes as a tale of its own. I think I didn't fully succeed.

I found some inconsistencies in the story. Acting wasn't too great. I found L's actor to be a bit better than Light's.

As this is quite far removed from the original story, they could have leaned more in the gore and made this a silly splatter movie like Bad Taste or Braindead.

I am pretty sure this is not worth a watch, unless you want to see a different interpretation on the original story.

9th film: Squid Game Season 1
Director: Hwang Dong-Hyuk

There were some very good stuff in this series. Character motivations were made clear from the get go and it was interesting to watch different characters handle the events according to their goal and personality.

In a couple of occasions I found the events to be against previously established rules and there were some plot armor on atleast one character.

10th film: The Ritual
Director: David Bruckner

This film really pulled me in right from the beginning with interesting, flawed characters. I wasn't as engaged in the last third of the film, but still this was a worthwile watch.

11th film: Scream Season 1

12th film: The Invisible Man
Director: Leigh Whannell

Thumbs up for this film. The manipulation and mind games were depicted chillingly with nice acting from the main actress and from the supporting cast as well.
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1. Dead End (2003)



A little known horror movie starring Lin Shaye and Ray Wise. Lin Shaye might as well be a horror icon at this point, so watch it for her. Basically about a family guy that takes a shortcut during a late night drive, and it just gets crazier from there. Go in without knowing anything. It will totally mess with your mind and make you question your own sanity by the end of it. It has a great vibe to it right from the get go, as many of these early 2000's movies do. In many ways it's quite like a dark comedy with the dialogue but serious enough to scare the crap out of you. Highly recommend.​

Cutty Flam


The Conjuring 2
Directed by James Wan

Started off the month strong with this film. The Conjuring is one of the most frightening horror flicks around. And The Conjuring 2 is about as great of a follow up as you can ask for. Overall, I’d say that this is the better film of the two; but the first one had a more powerful effect in its fright and was far more eerie in some of its scenes

This movie reflects the events of what has been called by many as the “Enfield Poltergeist”

A single mother and her three children move into a new house in Enfield, England and are faced with a malevolent spirit that lives within the confines of their residence

Scares 8.8/10
Acting 9/10
Story 9/10
Overall 8.9/10

It’s a well made horror film. It reminded me a lot of the greatness of Wes Craven’s, Scream, except this is a classic ghost story of sorts that deals with the terrifying haunting experiences and cases of a demonic possession. If you were to view this film alone, in the dead of night, with quality headphones then it would likely be an intense experience for most horror fans despite the horror coming in waves. I’d recommend this series to any hardcore fan of horror; James Wan does an incredible job here


uses 'M$' - What year is it? Not 2002.
just want to throw my recommendation for a movie for GAf to watch is the 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead one of my favorite zombie movies
night of the living dead horror movies GIF by absurdnoise

Kagey K

2. I Know What You Did Last Summer. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Ghost Whisperer, Fred from Scooby-Doo and the creepy brother from Cruel Intentions go drinking and driving. Hilarity ensues.

Seriously it was the first big teen scream to come out in the post Scream world, and tries to modernize the slasher genre. A 90s classic that has been referenced and parodied a lot. Also getting a new series on Prime Video soon.

Sarah Michelle Gellar GIF by Coolidge Corner Theatre


So I lied, I started with

1. Phase IV - 1974⭐


2. Fear Street Pt. 1, 1994 - (2021)

3. Fear Street pt.2 1978 - 2021

Also watched 2 episodes of Bly manor since i never finished it
messed up my quote at first, sorry, wrote it on my phone at 2am.

October 2nd

4. Malignant - 2021

woman seemingly haunted by the visions of murdered people by some entity that controls electricity?

This is a goof. I feel like I'm being made fun of or something? I'm perplexed to what the movie wants to be.

Im pretty sure it was suppose to be a message on abortion or taking a pregnancy to term and what could entail of it, but then its about birth defect at the same time? Or is it a medical responsability thing? BUT then they almost just discard the message(s) and oh god what is this movie, why is this a reverse kung fu movie now. And now well give you an empowering message about overcoming trauma ????

I dont think its a good movie, it had too much budget for its own good and feels like theres a second movie tacked into or onto it's back. It is a straight mess that you too should watch. I enjoyed my time watching in a bunch but left me bewildered.
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Kagey K

As always I feel at this point I need to recommend


Its fucking disgusting, it makes no sense and only watch it if you hate yourself.

I will never watch it again, but for anyone that thinks they can handle horror, they need to watch this.

Its 5 stars if that’s what you are into and negative 1000 for everyone else.

Probably the grossest fucked up thing I’ve ever subjected myself to.

I don’t know anyone else that has watched it, but it literally ruined horror for me for a long time.
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Cutty Flam


The Vigil
Directed by Keith Thomas

An American Horror film that centers around a young Jewish man who agrees to act as a shomer for one night, until dawn

Kind of a difficult film to review so I'll go by feel in these categories

Scares 6/10
Atmosphere 8.5/10
Acting 9.5/10
Suspense 7/10
Story 9/10
Psychological 4/10
Overall 6.7/10

I liked this film, I'm going to round it up to a solid 7/10 because it's well made. But since this is a horror film, and it's kind of tame in that regard, it should receive a lower score. Originally I had it at 8.2/10 but then I thought, "Why reward the presentation when it's not giving the audience exactly what they came for?" It is unsettling at times, the atmosphere is great and the actors involved do an excellent job. There's enough suspense throughout and the story is the best part of this film in the themes it explores; but more details within the story could have heightened the experience. Nothing here that will get into your head and prevent you from falling asleep at night or haunt your dreams or anything like that. Usually horror films that involve demons psych me out and leave me kind of on edge after watching, but this one was not so traumatic or frightening to watch; I found it more interesting if anything tbh


♫It's the most wonderful time of the year!♫

1. Nightbooks (Netflix) - I assumed this one would be pretty tame as it's based on a kids book but it had some surprisingly dark/violent scenes! I haven't read the source material but I enjoyed it.
2. Midnight Mass (Netflix) - I wasn't a fan of the overly long conversations between some of the characters but aside from that it was AMAZING and incredibly scary (one character reminded me of the crazy religious lady in The Mist) - I'm never going to church again!
2. Run (2020)


This was really good. Sarah Paulson plays her character so well. It had elements of Misery thrown in there by Stephen King. Very entertaining movie that keeps the tension going throughout.

Good performances by the leads keep you watching as well.​
As always I feel at this point I need to recommend


Its fucking disgusting, it makes no sense and only watch it if you hate yourself.

I will never watch it again, but for anyone that thinks they can handle horror, they need to watch this.

Its 5 stars if that’s what you are into and negative 1000 for everyone else.

Probably the grossest fucked up thing I’ve ever subjected myself to.

I don’t know anyone else that has watched it, but it literally ruined horror for me for a long time.

Ok. Ok. That's tonghts viewing.
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