Neighbours from Hell
Typo in the OP, my mistake.
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Typo in the OP, my mistake.
Today is Jackie Robinson say in baseball too.Rip. If you haven’t seen 42, definitely put it on your list. If you have seen it, watch it again
Oddly enough yes since they couldn’t do it as normal (annually April 15th)Today is Jackie Robinson say in baseball too.
so he was sick during panther's production?
what a legend, i hope whoever takes the suit lives up to his ethic
For the older posters here, please get regular colonoscopies(typically every 5 years) once you hit 50. Obviously, cancer can strike anyone at any age, but it's highly recommended to do so and it could save your life.
I will open my Black Panther Vinyl album in his honor right now and listen to it.
I have to get them done every 2-3 years for that reason.And anyone who has ibs, ibd (UC, Crohns). I’m at high risk with this 5 year flare up and I’m finally getting it under control. I always encourage anyone with issues to get them looked at no matter the age. Some people are just scared to have someone see their butt. Don’t be scared, they’ve probably seen much worse.