All The Last of Us 2 leaks/spoilers in here and nowhere else.


i don't get it: why does abby look like a man and her bf (the bald asian) looks like a woman?
DUCKMAN! what kind of fuckery is this?

holdup, wtf? the bald asian with the arrows is a man?
i've forgotten the older hanging trailer's finer details, but the asian totally sounds/looks like a female in this fight scene.


This is even way worse than BF5 lol, so I hope it bombs just as hard, people vote with their wallets, so they should send the message, just as what happened with the lootbox craze not so far ago and now it's almost gone.

Have you guys seen this, SHE is called The moscular Barbie lol

Pretty sure ND will hit her up to be one of TLOU3 main character ;)

That's not realistic.

Nothing is realistic other than all sorts of simulators, as the name suggests. Games, movies, books etc. are just an entertainment, they are meant to be fun, no matter the means. I personally cannot stand the way Iron Man flies in the movies, how Spider Man's body bends like he has no spine, and so on, but there are millions who do like or even love it, to each of their own. The key word here is "believable" - if it doesn't stress the actual real world rules too much, it can be easily accepted, because well, people are fully aware that's just an entertainment. But they will however immediately sense when someone is trying to sell them bullshit, like BF5 for example, a supposedly WWII game that had very little to do with WWII. Unless you're doing it on purpose like Sharknado for example, where everyone clearly knows it's for the laughs.


Can’t Git Gud
You play half the game as ellie then you play a trans woman that killed joel.
The hanging lady from the trailer?
Oh that sucks a lot

Sorry, I don't want to be ignorant. or not tolerant. It's all fine
I just do not believe that in apocalypse, women would be super powerful heroes or be thinking about lesbian stuff openly. Most women would most likely be slave labor just as weak men
Apocalypse/war world is a domain of man and that's just because man is stronger and more violent.
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oh fuck, that's harsh


Saw this on reset. Pretty much give the entire plot in more detail. Don’t know how accurate it is.

God... I SERIOUSLY I need the standalone multiplayer game to be a reality and not just a rumor. Was that 100% confirmed?

I'll hate play the game once for whatever advancements in enemy AI or combat mechanics are there, and then I can't see me going back a 2nd time.
This is how you do it. First you create beautiful father&daughter adventure everyone can relate to that gets universal praise. No controversial moments, everything is “normal” (yes, even ending is logical and justifiable).

And then, when you have everybody’s attention and good will on your side, you’re good to go to push any agenda you wanted to push from the start and Druckmann certainly had quite a few.

First, you start slowly with DLC just to test waters. It’s not mandatory and probably not that many people bought it. But that’s how you start. Anyone who objects to 12 year old girls sexualization is clearly homophobic so all good. Fuck those people, right?

And now, when you’re on top of the world, you go full crazy realizing your dark fetishes and agendas. Clearly nobody was there to restrain him, certainly not Sony or anyone else. This is all him. Batshit crazy mind.

And this is not left vs right issue. This is spending too much time in a certain bubble (liberal California) that you lose touch with reality. Nobody wants shit like this in their games, literally nobody, even gay and trans people. Just look at twitter reactions. Are all those people alt-right? Please.

And why would you make main character uglier than her model and her breasts significantly smaller? How does that work? That’s extremely disrespectful to her.


I think that Ellie looks average, not ugly; she's not unpleasant to look at.

She is hard to look at, compared to TLOU1 Ellie.
I don't know what they've done. copy/pasted TLOU1 Ellie's face onto a larger head?
All the features are sharp and pointed. I keep thinking of Kif from Futurama when I look at TLOU2 Ellie.


Can’t Git Gud
This is so stupid and I wanted to buy the game.
What I dislike a lot is playing as different characters in 1 game. I really disliked this about gta v for example.
It rarely works.
I am interested how resetera sees the game and if they ban any haters... but I don't want to visit and look there lol
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Just think about the progress we are making. In just 6 years we went from an openly lesbian protagonist in a major game being a first (tlou left behind) until today where they are so normalized that the next big block-buster will spend most of the game to hunt and try to kill the very same lesbians.

Progress at a rapid pace.
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Gold Member
I think the proportion thing is mentioned because it stands out. It would be as stark as making Joel have the build of Marcus Fenix, it would just look stupid in that setting. Joel just has mass and size, thick forearms, it's not as if he has his top off and has rippling muscles and a six pack


This fits the normal human man. This does not and would be equally as ridiculous as Joel's build


I mean that's obvious. The characters are built relative to their world. That's why other Gears are all big and chunky. It's why JCVD wasn't fighting guys like Arnie in Bloodsport etc. I mean you can visibly see the abs through her clothes here, the chest is basically flattened through low body fat and you can see the exact curvature of the muscle in the arm. She just doesn't fit the world and it looks ridiculous.


It's not that women can't ever be like this or aren't built like this, it's just in this setting it looks stupid for a series that's grounded in girtty reality. Why wasn't Tess/Marlene built like this? Marlene is actually ripped but at a scale that makes sense



This looks stupid:



My personal beliefs are quite staunch (read: im a stubborn cunt) so being exposed to liberal media like this doesn't affect me, and I like this medium enough to put aside said beliefs to enjoy interactive entertainment

So my way of enjoying this upcoming clusterfuck will be to simply envisage the transgender boy as having serious mental health issues (obviously) causing him to bash our friend Joel's head in and kill our favourite lesbian girl's partner

I'm glad half the game is spent as Abby, rather see that ugly character with their back turned to me
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Can’t Git Gud
I think the proportion thing is mentioned because it stands out. It would be as stark as making Joel have the build of Marcus Fenix, it would just look stupid in that setting. Joel just has mass and size, thick forearms, it's not as if he has his top off and has rippling muscles and a six pack


This fits the normal human man. This does not and would be equally as ridiculous as Joel's build


I mean that's obvious. The characters are built relative to their world. That's why other Gears are all big and chunky. It's why JCVD wasn't fighting guys like Arnie in Bloodsport etc. I mean you can visibly see the abs through her clothes here, the chest is basically flattened through low body fat and you can see the exact curvature of the muscle in the arm. She just doesn't fit the world and it looks ridiculous.


It's not that women can't ever be like this or aren't built like this, it's just in this setting it looks stupid for a series that's grounded in girtty reality. Why wasn't Tess/Marlene built like this? Marlene is actually ripped but at a scale that makes sense



This looks stupid:

Marcus is perfection. In his world, many people look that big and it fits


Gold Member
Marcus is perfection. In his world, many people look that big and it fits

Yeah that's what I said:

I mean that's obvious. The characters are built relative to their world. That's why other Gears are all big and chunky.

Sure you see some guys who go the gym who are freaky big but they are so rare and let's be honest if it's anything like my gym, they have the 'roid necks


I think the proportion thing is mentioned because it stands out. It would be as stark as making Joel have the build of Marcus Fenix, it would just look stupid in that setting. Joel just has mass and size, thick forearms, it's not as if he has his top off and has rippling muscles and a six pack


This fits the normal human man. This does not and would be equally as ridiculous as Joel's build


I mean that's obvious. The characters are built relative to their world. That's why other Gears are all big and chunky. It's why JCVD wasn't fighting guys like Arnie in Bloodsport etc. I mean you can visibly see the abs through her clothes here, the chest is basically flattened through low body fat and you can see the exact curvature of the muscle in the arm. She just doesn't fit the world and it looks ridiculous.


It's not that women can't ever be like this or aren't built like this, it's just in this setting it looks stupid for a series that's grounded in girtty reality. Why wasn't Tess/Marlene built like this? Marlene is actually ripped but at a scale that makes sense



This looks stupid:

i partially agree but in this world they are virus and mutants.
Maybe it's a side effect of some kind of immunity / vaccine, who knows ?
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Gold Member
i partially agree but in this world they are virus and mutants.
Maybe it's a side effect of some kind of immunity / vaccine, who knows ?


I get what you're saying and we'll see. There might be a story reason why she is like Bane but I doubt it. Maybe she'll have a Rocky montage



Man thats lots running in some videos , i would like to just explore those areas better not just runing from dogs. Hope it will be slow sections too without damn dogs around. And solution for dogs to not follow you is to kill them early. But that would be sad too
And ręvenge doesnt sound as good story plot as was 1 game. But well see.
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Unconfirmed Member
After having slept on it, I've realised that my visceral negative reaction to these leaks can be directly attributed to my love for these characters. I just hate to see Joel & Ellie treated so badly. Treated, in my opinion, with such disrespect.

Like I said already, I was prepared for Joel's death in part 2. We know he was a bad guy between the intro to part 1 & his meeting Ellie. I could understand karma catching up to him in the end, if that was what the creative types in charge of the story wanted to do with him. I just don't like seeing it that way. But what pushed it all too far for me was also, added to Joel's suffering, seeing Ellie beaten, broken & humiliated in such a graphic way.

I'm just not down for this. Again, I get that it's a violent world where bad things happen. I get that & I'm not saying that our heroes shouldn't struggle. I simply feel like there's a line out there, which you can push up against, in terms of shocking your audience with events that will disturb them (treating the heroes badly). Which you can even step over if you're careful about it. Basically, for me, Naughty Dog have blown straight past that line with a tunnel vision, ignoring the warning signs everywhere.

I'm just not into this at all. They've went too far, for me. There's no way I'm getting this game on release now. What I'm going to do is wait & see if all this stuff is actually an accurate depiction of events. If the story actually does play out like this. If these leaks are accurate, if it does all go down in this way, then I'm out. Good luck to the people who like this direction, I'll leave them to enjoy it in peace.


I had no idea this gsmes was on 2 discs? Must have slipped by at the time.

Damn. It must be a huge game, because one Blu-ray disc can hold 50GBs of data (two layers that can each hold 25GBs of data). So, this game must be between 51GBs and 100GBs; however, I'm assuming that the game's cutscenes are what will take up most of the discs' space.
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Gold Member
I am a bit concerned that we've only really seen human v human. Are they dialling the infected right back? The infected was the bigger appeal tbh.

It's supposedly a 30 hour game we've seen little snippets that where released with sole reason of negative reaction. The fact is we don't know the answer but it's unlikely a zombie game will not involve killing plenty of zombies.


Gold Member
I'll bet Druckman is having his own revenge fantasies. I expect ND and Sony are doing their best to track down the leaker and will sue him for all they can get -- which will be pennies, compared to what they've lost.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
The Last of Us 2 - A technical showpiece that ultimately ends up degenerating player's minds due to the nature of its content.

So its going to turn us all gay or trans with its "wokeness"? Gee, not heard that line since the 80's. You know that time when the religious right (*cough* Christians) were the ones who were trying to ram their worldview down our collective throats!


It's supposedly a 30 hour game we've seen little snippets that where released with sole reason of negative reaction. The fact is we don't know the answer but it's unlikely a zombie game will not involve killing plenty of zombies.
Does the estimated completion time of 30 hours include the cutscenes?


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Joel is biologically built like that (and he is not that muscular neither) Abby needs and impressive amount of training, the right nutrition and a regular dose of male hormones to reach those levels and then maintain them.

That's what I thought when I saw her - she looks like the East German swimmers that the Commies pumped full of every performance enhancing substance known back in the 80s. Sadly many of them died prematurely due to what was done to their bodies without their knowledge.
I realllly think the "Nazi", "phobe-ist" insults have been mined to shit. They never landed anyway. You were swinging at the air and they never connected. This political mental disarmament weapon should've ended with the left losing the election.


Soo this must be the reason alot of devs left ND, anyways I hate this story direction. I won't purchase this game, this forced California, liberal agenda. Is trash. Don't want anything to do with this series. Man this shit is soo bad, makes me not even want to Consider owning a ps5.
I wonder if this will actually damage sales. Because if it does, then I hope that leaker fled the country. They gunna have to hide in Edward Snowden's basement for this one, wew.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Soo this must be the reason alot of devs left ND, anyways I hate this story direction. I won't purchase this game, this forced California, liberal agenda. Is trash. Don't want anything to do with this series. Man this shit is soo bad, makes me not even want to Consider owning a ps5.

<. ><. >

Yeah, people often walk out of high profile, high paying jobs because they don't like the treatment of fictional characters.... /facepalm

And honestly, if you have an issue with "wokeness" wouldn't you be working/living in the wrong state to start with? Its not like ND is this little oasis of blue in a sea of red LOL
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I like laughing at SJWs crying because some game doesn't have enough diversity or something but honestly you guys cry just as bad as them when a game DOES include those things. Also why do people keep calling the other female a tranny? I know some leaks call her that but that shit is laughable honestly, I guarantee it's just a buff woman.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
I wonder if this will actually damage sales. Because if it does, then I hope that leaker fled the country. They gunna have to hide in Edward Snowden's basement for this one, wew.
Maybe, but most people that are complaining probably had no intention of buying the game anyways.

I think getting those people back onboard is going to depend on how the game well the game reviews and Sony's marketing for the Last of Us Part II.
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