I think people on the matter are either scarcely in touch with reality, or blatlantly spreading FUD.
They seem to not acknowledge:
- that VR in general is a very niche market, compared to that on PC and consoles; Of that niche, the most is from Meta, which is the only producer that create some exclusive games sporadically;
- that PSVR, in that small niche, is still one of the best-selling ones worldwide, despite being sold to a much smaller user base;
- that despite that, I never see the other, more-of-niche VR producers being told that "they do not care for VR", even if they do not produce any other game (like Valve) or anything at all, and even if they sold an handful of units. Where are the articles for those?
- that PSVR is the ONLY console VR avaliable, and it's an achievement by itself; why aren't there articles about how the other producers DO NOT have any VR at all?
- that the only console VR has a combination of technologies that allow high end quality;
- that PSVR is even now on the high end of technical quality in current games (just read the previews about Behemoth on PSVR2 and the highest PC version, for it, for example);
- that console's games are comprised by a selected environment, and as nobody would espect consoles to have the broader gaming possibilities of PCs, console's VR obviously works the same way in the same environment, so, unless idiot, or troll, one should easily understand that the same applies for console VR;
Yes, I'd like to have some more exclusive games. But how much would it make difference? Not much, it would not move the needle significantly. Maybe more effective would be having many hybrid games, who knows. But what it's already here is top quality, so why the whining? Is someone especting to have the mods and early accesses of pc vr games? If yes, I have bad news about your brain. It's CONSOLE vr, same environment.
And in general I always find extremely arrogant when someone tells me about what I should care. Very egocentric. Who is this idiot who thinks he knows what people want and like?