I'm pretty sure all the videos popping around depicting this game's flaws (horrible fps, pop in like Dragon's Dogma, janky animations, glitches everywhere, people falling from the sky, the player sunking from Paris straight into the Ash Lake, the now fabled monster mug, and many many more) are nothing but fabrications, montages created to shed negative light on this technical masterpiece. I would blame Monolith. They're probably behind it all, still being salty as fuck at Ubi for having thrown shade at them weeks before release. They're controlling everything from the shadows. This game has zero problems, it's everybody's ps4/x1 that is faulty.
This is AC1 all over again ffs.
i sincerily want to congratulate Ubisoft for the amazing experience they are providing us with this game, i mean the stuff of nightmares, making the imagination and the creativity of people explode all around, really amazing. I understand that this wasn´t the original intent and that the poor developers must be crying or raging for being forced to unleash this in to the world, but man, this thread is freaking amazing
This wouldn't necessarily be the case (in theory):
Also if the PC performance thread is anything to go by it is mostly those with higher clockspeeds who are enjoying better minimum frame rates. That would suggest the game scales linearly as you increase the CPU clock speed hence the XB1 is performing better in most areas.
The xb1's GPU is likely maxed out at 900p in this game but the PS4 GPU will have some overhead that they have chosen not to use by not increasing the resolution.
I played the game for 2 hours yesterday and it plays and looks great. Only noticed some unimportant little hickups in some cutscenes. The hyperboles and salt in this thread are hilarious, after reading several times that the game would be unplayable and broken I was afraid.
I guess some people are just looking for reasons to bash this game. Haters gonna hate
Gta5 had very poor frame rate as well, yet ppl still think its GOTY.
My sides hurt! #dead
Gta5 had very poor frame rate as well, yet ppl still think its GOTY.
GTA runs in a machine with 256 MB of Ram. Just to say.Gta5 had very poor frame rate as well, yet ppl still think its GOTY.
Gta5 had very poor frame rate as well, yet ppl still think its GOTY.
Gta5 had very poor frame rate as well, yet ppl still think its GOTY.
So most of the glitches are from the PC version yeah? Or is it the same on consoles?
So most of the glitches are from the PC version yeah? Or is it the same on consoles?
That looks kind of awesome to be honest.
Exactly.I played for six hours last night and was extremely disappointed that it isn't the glitchy slide show everyone is saying it is. I only saw two glitches the entire time, and one of them was only because I knew how to trigger it from the video yesterday (i.e. climbing on a stained glass window, despite there being absolutely no reason to climb on it.) Aside from that, I never really noticed any horrendously bad frame rates. The NPC crowds in the streets aren't usually big enough to cause that, I think.
This was used in the Assassin’s Creed Unity Featuring NVIDIA GameWorks trailer.