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Assassin's Creed III |OT| Easier to read than Ratonhnhaké:ton


I was wondering why I hadn't finished that despite having 3/3 for everything, and only now noticed that my Farmers entry doesn't say "Entry completed" right after. I swear, if this ends up cheating me out of 100%...

Good news is you can still get 100%. Bad news is don't expect a platinum until it is patched.
Question for gamers who are deep into the game, as I am still early on (Sequence 7)

do they have any sort of banking system in the game that mimics what was in the ACII series? I renovate a shop, and money gets deposited into my bank. I havent seen anything like that yet, and I am not sure how the best way to amass a small fortune in the game.

Anyone have any tips they could give? I'd really like to start upgrading my ship and my armor and stuff...

Seriously, if you don't mind waiting....Hold off on doing all the side stuff till sequence 11. From there do all the Homestead missions, upgrade all the characters by completing their missions. While this is getting done, keep sending out your Assassin's on missions to earn money and resources. Kill bears for the fur and grease so you can sell the fur and use the grease to create ship caravans. In creating ships rather then the regular caravans you won't worry about having to go defend it if it gets attacked. Also buy chest maps for all the cities and frontier.

I think its also a good idea to complete all the homestead missions before beating the game. It will make the ending more well rounded.......well the Conner ending. lol.

Nori Chan

I feel like it's tradition at this point for AC games to have shitty rewards for side stuff. :p

I'll never forget getting all the flags in AC1(of which there's some insane amount of 400 I believe) and the game not acknowledging it AT ALL. The feathers in AC2 gave you a cape that...put you on full notoriety, always.

Bullshit, the feather reward was awesome as fuck.

It was basically saying to everybody in different cities "Hey Bitches, HATERS GONE HATE."


Picking it up today. I have a few questions:

1. Is the multiplayer any different overall? More balanced and focused on stealth hopefully?
2. Is there any "be notorious at all times" garb like the auditore cape in AC2?
3. Thomas Paine in it?
4. Was it aliens?


I just realized that outside of one who showed up really early in the game, I've yet to see a single courier. How the hell do I get them to show up for the first set of Thief challenges?
I'm in the same boat now. The 3 I did see, I tackled without a weapon equipped, but apparently you need to 'catch' them with the Circle button and not tackle with Square (even though it's the same animation.)

Last place I got one to spawn was inside one of the NY forts when I was liberating it. Maybe I can get lucky again doing that, but man is it tiring to keep fighting non-stop Jagers.


Seriously, if you don't mind waiting....Hold off on doing all the side stuff till sequence 11. From there do all the Homestead missions, upgrade all the characters by completing their missions. While this is getting done, keep sending out your Assassin's on missions to earn money and resources. Kill bears for the fur and grease so you can sell the fur and use the grease to create ship caravans. In creating ships rather then the regular caravans you won't worry about having to go defend it if it gets attacked. Also buy chest maps for all the cities and frontier.

I think its also a good idea to complete all the homestead missions before beating the game. It will make the ending more well rounded.......well the Conner ending. lol.

So far, as of Sequence 7, I have completely
liberated 2/3 of Boston, and have about 14 assassins under my command. Is there a section in town where I can send out assassins to do jobs? I remember in AC2, I would go to the pigeon coops and send out assassin contracts... where is that in this game?


So far, as of Sequence 7, I have completely
liberated 2/3 of Boston, and have about 14 assassins under my command. Is there a section in town where I can send out assassins to do jobs? I remember in AC2, I would go to the pigeon coops and send out assassin contracts... where is that in this game?

L2, press square for Contracts


This series seems to be at its best when there is a strong creative person in charge of taking the work that the various teams across the globe are doing and making them all work together well.

So far, as of Sequence 7, I have completely
liberated 2/3 of Boston, and have about 14 assassins under my command. Is there a section in town where I can send out assassins to do jobs? I remember in AC2, I would go to the pigeon coops and send out assassin contracts... where is that in this game?

Hold L2, Press Square.


Regarding the ending:
Am I the only one who thought that juno represented templar ideology and minerva the ideology of the assassin's?

In terms of general impressions after completing it - there's a great game hidden in assassin's creed 3 if you find out how to make money, upgrade your quiver so arrows are actually worthwhile, and use the assassin's guild system - but all of these elements are so easy to miss that I feel like I wasted most of the story not having a clue what I was doing and not enjoying myself. That and connor's story is a car crash.


Nork unification denier
So far, as of Sequence 7, I have completely
liberated 2/3 of Boston, and have about 14 assassins under my command. Is there a section in town where I can send out assassins to do jobs? I remember in AC2, I would go to the pigeon coops and send out assassin contracts... where is that in this game?

How do you have 14? I was only able to find and level up 6. Are there more?
Picking it up today. I have a few questions:

1. Is the multiplayer any different overall? More balanced and focused on stealth hopefully?
2. Is there any "be notorious at all times" garb like the auditore cape in AC2?
3. Thomas Paine in it?
4. Was it aliens?

The multiplayer has a kind of horde mode now. As well as new competitive game types. The overall feel is much the same as Revelations. Not nearly as big a jump as Brotherhood to Rev. Just tweaks and refinements, my favourite was that they now have smoke bomb on the longest cool down (100 seconds)


How do you have 14? I was only able to find and level up 6. Are there more?

I did a bunch of liberation missions in Boston, and at one point I checked and it said I had 14 assassins.

If I open the map of Boston and scroll down to the Assassin logo to see what is liberated and what is not, it shows me that 2/3 of Boston is liberated and that I have those assassins under my control.

I could very well be wrong, lord knows the menus in this game are a pain in the ass to understand... Tonight when I get home, I am going to try and finish up the last 1/3 of Boston, and then do some missions... Not sure why you need to go into a menu to send out assassins, it would be much easier to use some sort of in game station.

Also, are there any perks to collecting all the Almanac pages??


How do you have 14? I was only able to find and level up 6. Are there more?

Nah, just the 6, and, interestingly enough, I think I felt far less attached to any of these assassins than the generic ones from the games before. For all their talk of giving these guys personalities of their own, the player barely even gets to interact with them. I liked the idea of the assassins having a variety of different functions, but I think it would have been really nice if they tied the whole system together with the Homestead missions so that you could really get to know these guys as people.

I really liked assigning outfits and weapons to the recruits in the previous games and I really wish they would flesh that system out in future games. I guess I just really like Pseudo-Rpg aspects in my AC games. I wish you could have actually had a training area where they would gather and hone their skills together while also providing you with various conversations. I mean, I guess you get to meet up with them in the Green Dragon, but it just doesn't feel the same.

I think it would be really cool if you already start out as a master assassin or even mentor in the next gen games and the tutorials are based around you teaching your skills to new recruits.


Finally jumping back into this thread since I've finally started playing AC3 in earnest.

A couple of things that are really bothering me:

1) I'm only about five hours in, but how the hell do the colonials know about
The Ones Who Came Before
? They talk about this stuff as if it's all common knowledge, but it took Desmond and his crew quite a bit of trouble to find all of that out. Seems silly that now we're supposed to just assume the colonials knew about this stuff the whole time. And if we buy that, then the Templars and Assassins of 2012 should have just visited the 18th c. in the first place and saved themselves a bunch of trouble. But this knowledge was supposedly locked away and only discovered at the end of AC2, and reserved specifically for Desmond. I know it seems silly to poke holes in the storyline to these games, but so far, I've been able to buy its relative consistency. But this casual knowledge tossed around by the colonial Assassins seems like a major bit of "ret-conning" that hit me like a ton of bricks.

2) Game is buggy as hell (playing on 360). Within just the first couple of hours, I ran into multiple game-killing bugs that forced me to restart from earlier checkpoints.

3) Turning off the SSI display also turns off necessary button prompts (for starting missions, opening doors, QTEs, etc.). This needs a patch ASAP.

4) I haven't decided if I love or hate the feel of the new movement/combat. Very floaty. Characters feel too light and airy in combat and in climbing. All the sense of "connection" to the environment is lost, and the weight and impact of fighting is gone. I'll see if I just get used to it over time, though. Playing close to 200hrs total in the prior games can make readjusting difficult. And the visual markers for blending are horrible. The prior couple of games had figured so much of this stuff out. Sucks that they threw the baby out with the bathwater in rebuilding the game engine.

5) The opening hours of the story are very jumpy and do a piss-poor job of establishing any sort of backstory or character. The stuff on the ship was fantastic, but after that it all rapidly falls apart. Hoping that as things slow down, the story starts growing and filling in some of those big gaps. I've read a lot of people complaining about how "slow" these opening hours are. But for all of their "slowness," they go at lightning speed through important story elements. Seems like they needed to do the reverse: move rapidly into opening up the world, while slowing down on introducing the story and setting.


I wonder why this never made it in:


I'm guessing it had something to do with authenticity, but the previous games really didn't seem to care all that much about that in regards to the Ultimate Armor. The Kidd outfit was pretty lame.

Also, the hookblade was sorely missed in this game.


I wonder why this never made it in:

I'm guessing it had something to do with authenticity, but the previous games really didn't seem to care all that much about that in regards to the Ultimate Armor. The Kidd outfit was pretty lame.

Also, the hookblade was sorely missed in this game.

Yeah that's pretty cool. The homestead mission outfit is pretty rad though. I gotta say, I think it's missed opportunity that they didn't have you be able to make different outfits with different animal hides or pelts, etc. It only made too much sense for Ubisoft I suppose.


Yeah that's pretty cool. The homestead mission outfit is pretty rad though. I gotta say, I think it's missed opportunity that they didn't have you be able to make different outfits with different animal hides or pelts, etc. It only made too much sense for Ubisoft I suppose.

Yeah, it even seems stupid that you would buy the various dyes from a random general store when they have a relatively decent crafting mechanic in the game. In fact, it's a shame all of the great ideas introduced with the Homestead stuff never really get fleshed out.

I want the next AC game to be entirely about building up a brotherhood of Assassins (which would work best in an entirely fictional setting that isn't constrained by previous canon or historical pretext).


Credits are rolling. Got 100% on all the main sequences. I'll see the Homestead missions through to the end, but I'm not touching this piece of shit again until Ubisoft patches it. Good lord what a letdown.


Does the 360 have more issues? Or is it people overreacting? I am playing the PS3 version and I have experienced a few frame rate drops and a couple buggy scenarios, but nothing to the point of unplayable. I would say it is on par with PS3 RDR when it comes to performance.


AC1 is still the one that had the best story IMO. Just a little hint of mystery, and rest being really about the era itself.

That's what AC should be like IMO. It should be 95% about reliving an actual era, not the stupid first-civ crap. It should have always remained as mysterious as in AC1.
Nah, just the 6, and, interestingly enough, I think I felt far less attached to any of these assassins than the generic ones from the games before. For all their talk of giving these guys personalities of their own, the player barely even gets to interact with them. I liked the idea of the assassins having a variety of different functions, but I think it would have been really nice if they tied the whole system together with the Homestead missions so that you could really get to know these guys as people.

I really liked assigning outfits and weapons to the recruits in the previous games and I really wish they would flesh that system out in future games. I guess I just really like Pseudo-Rpg aspects in my AC games. I wish you could have actually had a training area where they would gather and hone their skills together while also providing you with various conversations. I mean, I guess you get to meet up with them in the Green Dragon, but it just doesn't feel the same.

I think it would be really cool if you already start out as a master assassin or even mentor in the next gen games and the tutorials are based around you teaching your skills to new recruits.

Revelations has the best Assassin Recruits. The mentoring missions you did with them were awesome.

I don't understand what is going on with AC3. I played through the game and beat it. Then I did a bunch of liberation missions. I think I did end up doing one or two missions with the 4 assassins I have and afterwards I'd go to bars and just talk to them 2 or 3 times (with the dialog being totally out of context) and then I was never able to talk to them again. Its weird.

AC1 is still the one that had the best story IMO. Just a little hint of mystery, and rest being really about the era itself.

That's what AC should be like IMO. It should be 95% about reliving an actual era, not the stupid first-civ crap. It should have always remained as mysterious as in AC1.

I still argue AC1 didn't really have a story. Like the way that game was setup was such that you could do any assassination in any order so there was no real flow to the story. All you'd do is learn about one of your targets from the outside and then find out what they really believed when you killed them. But they didn't really tie in well to the overall story. Nor did the conversations you had in the Assassins guilds. The only story that really mattered in that game was the first hour and last hour of the game. Everything else gave some flavour but thats it. AC2 was completely different-- that game had some serious momentum to it. It made you build up hate for the people who betrayed your father, and then after that it made you hate the Spaniard even more.

rdrr gnr

Picking it up today. I have a few questions:

1. Is the multiplayer any different overall? More balanced and focused on stealth hopefully?
2. Is there any "be notorious at all times" garb like the auditore cape in AC2?
3. Thomas Paine in it?
4. Was it aliens?
Why would Thomas Paine be in it? It would make too much sense.
None of the historical characters are even marginally satisfying.


finished this last night. ending was alright. i enjoyed the callbacks to the previous games in both the Animus and in Desmond's time. very subtle but great.


Revelations has the best Assassin Recruits. The mentoring missions you did with them were awesome.

I don't understand what is going on with AC3. I played through the game and beat it. Then I did a bunch of liberation missions. I think I did end up doing one or two missions with the 4 assassins I have and afterwards I'd go to bars and just talk to them 2 or 3 times (with the dialog being totally out of context) and then I was never able to talk to them again. Its weird.

I still argue AC1 didn't really have a story. Like the way that game was setup was such that you could do any assassination in any order so there was no real flow to the story. All you'd do is learn about one of your targets from the outside and then find out what they really believed when you killed them. But they didn't really tie in well to the overall story. Nor did the conversations you had in the Assassins guilds. The only story that really mattered in that game was the first hour and last hour of the game. Everything else gave some flavour but thats it. AC2 was completely different-- that game had some serious momentum to it. It made you build up hate for the people who betrayed your father, and then after that it made you hate the Spaniard even more.

Yeah actually I guess I didn't frame that right. AC2 had good story-telling, but I liked how AC1 didn't focus too much on first-civ stuff. In fact AC2 didn't either until the end, outside of the puzzles.

But it's gotten out of hand since IMO. Missing opportunities to focus on the eras instead of made-up sci-fi crap.


Oh hey, finishing all the missions in the game unlocks
Altair's outfit.
Neat, I guess.

So basically the only two worthwhile outfit rewards are from the last two numbered games. Hilarious.
Yeah actually I guess I didn't frame that right. AC2 had good story-telling, but I liked how AC1 didn't focus too much on first-civ stuff. In fact AC2 didn't either until the end, outside of the puzzles.

But it's gotten out of hand since IMO. Missing opportunities to focus on the eras instead of made-up sci-fi crap.

I still liked ACB's story (and Revelations on the other hand was purely the back story for Desmond, and closing off Ezio and Altairs stories; Lost archive DLC also closed off Lucy's and Clay's stories). I think its AC3 that went too far because they let you look behind the curtain with
Juno always there with you
. It turns the first civ storyline from this awesome mystery into a cheap soap opera. They should have had the interactions with her less often, and be more wild, weird and mysterious.
Picking it up today. I have a few questions:

1. Is the multiplayer any different overall? More balanced and focused on stealth hopefully?
2. Is there any "be notorious at all times" garb like the auditore cape in AC2?
3. Thomas Paine in it?
4. Was it aliens?

It's the best MP version yet, it's largely the same with some significant changes:

Stun and Kill are now the same contextual button. This means no more spamming stun because when you kill a civilian, your contextual button needs to cooldown before you can use it again- so if your pursuer is nearby, you're pretty vulnerable. This encourages stealth and more careful play.

You can stun a pursuer after getting a lure and collect all the points, so those who are playing it safe have more opportunities to get points. This certainly encourages more stealthy play.

If you kill a civilian, you don't lose your contract. This means you can't just kill civilians to get rid of a contract you don't want. If you kill a civilian clone of your target, the game doesn't reveal your actual target because you're getting the same contract again. If your target is roof running, too effing bad, BUT....

You have a third active ability which is a projectile. There's offensive and defensive projectile abilites. This is where knives and pistols now live, instead of taking up one of the two primary ability slots. There are a few others projectile abilities too, such as a poison dart.

There are more environmental kill animations. This doesn't affect gameplay, but it's very cool. If you kill someone by a wall, or a pole, you'll frequently just bash your targets head into the surface.

They got rid of templar vision and mute - but combined those into a single ability called wipe, which combines the effects of both abilities into a single AOE around your character.

Animus hack is now a deathstreak ability, you have to lose your contract 5x in a row and you can use it once.

Lot's off little changes too, like the game tells you how close you are to the next variety bonus everytime you advance your variety count. The party grouping seems more stable and reliable. There's more information about your performance in the scoring screen.

On the negative side, the menu system for MP is just a complete clusterfuck. It's mindbogglingly bad with some kind of weird abstergo story mode, asinine fake dev diary videos, and just general layers of bullshit that are meaningless and just make navigating tedious and bloated.
Just was looking at some stats from giantbomb and found this interesting:

48.62% of GB users who played AC1 completed it
64.25% of GB users who played AC2 completed it
73.44% of GB users who played ACB completed it
61.00% of GB users who played ACR completed it
16.67% of GB users who played AC3 completed it

Obviously its early, I'm sure that AC3 percentage will go up. Interesting that ACB was the one that people finished the most, thats actually a *really* high completion percentage.


I think what it said is that you have 14 available missions to send them on. You likely have one or two actual assassins.

Ahhh that makes sense... I will have to go check it out tonight.

Also, are there any perks to liberating the forts I see in the Frontier? And if I do, will I have to play that same stupid Tower Defense mini-game from ACR to protect it??


Ahhh that makes sense... I will have to go check it out tonight.

Also, are there any perks to liberating the forts I see in the Frontier? And if I do, will I have to play that same stupid Tower Defense mini-game from ACR to protect it??

Lower taxes for convoys sent to that area. And no, once the fort is taken there's no defense minigames.


Is it just me, or in previous AC games, didn't the button layout in the bottom right corner actually display the word Assassinate when you were close enough to an enemy?

When I first started playing the game, I had no idea which button the 360 was for assassinate. Am I just missing something, or did they remove that display?


benevolent sexism
Compilation of crap I experienced with this game last night on a livestream:

THIS GAME SUCKS: Assassin's Creed III

So far I'm not enjoying my time with the game very much, but you completely freaking out about minor collision issues only serves to delegitimize your few valid complaints by making you look overly sensitive. In this whole video there are 3 glitches worth raising your voice over. The rest is just typical open-world jank. Complaining about things like the bush-stealth being unrealistic is just a waste of energy.

Again, I think this is a bad game and it's got way too many bugs for a AAA production. But if you flip out about everything equally, irrespective of the severity of the glitch, people will find it easier to ignore you.
Assassin's Creed III is Now Available for Pre-Order on STEAM

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George Washington’s notebook (pdf file).


Gold Member
I wonder why this never made it in:

I'm guessing it had something to do with authenticity, but the previous games really didn't seem to care all that much about that in regards to the Ultimate Armor. The Kidd outfit was pretty lame.

Also, the hookblade was sorely missed in this game.

If the devs had any shred of authenticity they wouldn't take away the fucking hood FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER FUCK YOU UBISOFT I AM STILL MAD AS ALL HELL YOU FUCKS.

Sorry about that. With all the glitches and silly nonsense, this is the one thing that still makes my blood boil.


I wonder why this never made it in:

I'm guessing it had something to do with authenticity, but the previous games really didn't seem to care all that much about that in regards to the Ultimate Armor. The Kidd outfit was pretty lame.

Also, the hookblade was sorely missed in this game.

Hear hear. I'm sorely disappointed with the selection of additional costumes in ACIII.




Just was looking at some stats from giantbomb and found this interesting:

48.62% of GB users who played AC1 completed it
64.25% of GB users who played AC2 completed it
73.44% of GB users who played ACB completed it
61.00% of GB users who played ACR completed it
16.67% of GB users who played AC3 completed it

Obviously its early, I'm sure that AC3 percentage will go up. Interesting that ACB was the one that people finished the most, thats actually a *really* high completion percentage.

These kinds of stats are always surprising, but even more so with the AC games, since they have a reputation for cliff-hanger endings. Figured more people would want to see things through to the end, though I suppose it's easy enough to youtube them. ACR's is definitely worth a watch, at the very least.


Jesus christ these credits are fucking long and unskippable, still going trough them.

The ending kinda bummed me out,
is there even a chance for a ac4 after that ending?
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