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Assassin's Creed III |OT| Easier to read than Ratonhnhaké:ton


Okay. What the FUCK is up with Connor jumping into haystacks and immediately jumping back out of them again? I'm just trying to hide from the man! Stop jumping back out, you douche!


Gold Member
Okay. What the FUCK is up with Connor jumping into haystacks and immediately jumping back out of them again? I'm just trying to hide from the man! Stop jumping back out, you douche!

When you jump into a haystack while you're in an enemy's line of sight Connor will automatically jump back out because you won't be able to hide. You know, because the guard saw you jump in.

It's the game telling you this hiding place is not usable.


Okay. What the FUCK is up with Connor jumping into haystacks and immediately jumping back out of them again? I'm just trying to hide from the man! Stop jumping back out, you douche!

In what's the most god damn stupid design choice regarding stealth, you can't hide in haystacks or tall grass when an enemy notices you, only before he does so. You have to break his line of sight before you're allowed to do so.


Okay. What the FUCK is up with Connor jumping into haystacks and immediately jumping back out of them again? I'm just trying to hide from the man! Stop jumping back out, you douche!
The detection AI is kinda screwy in AC3, so even when you think you've broken the line of sight, the game is telling you that you haven't. The AI detection system is all kinds of messed up. It would be fine if it were more consistent or reliable (as in prior games), but it's not. So idiot Connor just acts like a fool jumping in and out of haystacks for no good reason.


Ezio never pulled this kinda shit. The radar is yellow, no red triangles anywhere, jump into haystack, he jumps out again and a guard comes around the corner and spots me. Fuck! So incredibly annoying. The only thing more annoying is Connor grabbing onto every wall as I'm just trying to sprint down the road.
Where can you check the status of challenges (Hunting Club specifically)? The DNA tracker will tell you a completion percentage but I want to see what the specific goals are, kill X of this and Y of that, etc.


Ezio never pulled this kinda shit. The radar is yellow, no red triangles anywhere, jump into haystack, he jumps out again and a guard comes around the corner and spots me. Fuck! So incredibly annoying.

Just drop a smoke bomb or throw some money, then run outside of the yellow area on the radar. I never bother hiding in haystacks.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What is up with guards just randomly going kill-on-sight on Connor even when you're in incognito mode and not in a forbidden area? I swear I've been randomly attacked so many times just running around Boston and New York. Is there some kind of mechanic I'm not aware of or is it just buggy?


Where can you check the status of challenges (Hunting Club specifically)? The DNA tracker will tell you a completion percentage but I want to see what the specific goals are, kill X of this and Y of that, etc.

It's in the map menu, under the logbook. You can view the different challenges and check your status there. It's pretty stupid that they didn't keep all the tracking to the DNA menu like they did with previous games. ACIII definitely doesn't need more menus.


What is up with guards just randomly going kill-on-sight on Connor even when you're in incognito mode and not in a forbidden area? I swear I've been randomly attacked so many times just running around Boston and New York. Is there some kind of mechanic I'm not aware of or is it just buggy?

Had that a few times. Think when you're running past a guarded area, the guards jump on you.
Fuck knows why.


Little late but they at least fixed Connor not being able to send convoys for his stuff outside of homestead. Still got marks disappearing/not showing up and being shown when nothing is there. And they didn't fix the french naval axe! But that's ok I've moved on.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
What is up with guards just randomly going kill-on-sight on Connor even when you're in incognito mode and not in a forbidden area? I swear I've been randomly attacked so many times just running around Boston and New York. Is there some kind of mechanic I'm not aware of or is it just buggy?

I've had this happen. With guard dogs are keen herp derp message after it happens once. So either a coincidence or guard dogs farting blows your incognito.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
How many sequences are there in total?

I just started sequence 10 and according to Steam I've been playing for 26 hours.

Today I went heavily on the side stuff, building up my homestead and scouring Boston. But damn... there is just so much side stuff. Looking at all of the feathers and treasure chests in the Frontier and New York, I don't think I can do all of this.

I'm enjoying the game quite a bit despite some annoyances and weird issues with bugs, but I may just power through to the end if I'm getting close.

Assassin's Creed games are absolutely horrible for perfectionist/achievement whores. I sort of was one 4 years ago. I think the unreasonableness of AC1 was in part which cured my disorder.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
You are kidding. There is no easier way to go incognito? There have been points at which I've wanted to toss my pad out of frustration in comparison with past AC games.

The fastest way is to commit suicide. Seriously. I got so sick of the random aggros from guard dogs farting in NYC that as soon as I got to a sync view point and did the deed, if I was detected, I would just into the streets to my death. On PC at least the load times aren't too bad.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Also, what's up with the ship missions? Some of then are pretty fun, but is there really no reward for any of them, whether in the form of items, money, or interesting story segments?

Ship missions were awesome. Best new thing to the game.

Every time I went "Full Sail!" I remembered this.


You're pwn'ing this thread? Multiple quotes ain't that hard :p

Ship missions were awesome. Best new thing to the game.

I agree.

And Zefah, there are rewards for the ship missions. The privateer contracts reward you an achievement. And ingame they secure the routes for naval convoys to minimize risks. Very usefull because you can make a ton of money by using naval convoys. Bought ten bear pelts for 2400 and got 15000 back from my convoy.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Is there anything on which to spend money other than upgrading the ship if you've already bought everything worthwhile from the general store?

Also, are there unique traits to any of the weapons? Some of them are just straight up worse in terms of stats than your other items. Any point to buying those?


Is there anything on which to spend money other than upgrading the ship if you've already bought everything worthwhile from the general store?

Also, are there unique traits to any of the weapons? Some of them are just straight up worse in terms of stats than your other items. Any point to buying those?

Your ship is the only important expensive thing in this game.

About the weapons, I've done the whole game with his standard assassin tomahawk, hidden blades and some cool tools like the rope darts. No need to buy weapons for more strength or something like that. Though there will come a challenge for one of the clubs which says you need to buy every weapon available in the store.


Gold Member
First time I've been exploring the Frontier since the patch, it feels the fps have increased. I also seem to encounter more weather shifts, I've been in way more rain and thunder storms than ever before. Might just be coincidence though.

I also noticed that houses actually have smoke coming out of the chimney at night, never noticed that before. And on a clear day the draw distance seems improved [i.e. the ever-present fog is not as clear].

This may all be imagination though, I've been trying to see if the engine has indeed had some tweaks not reported on the patchnotes/changelog.


Wow. The underground areas are surprisingly expansive. It takes quite a bit of time to find other fast travel spots. They're like mini dungeons almost.
Why the fuck can I not stealth in this game!? Fuckers always see me and it's hard as fuck to get away from them. I just give up after so long and slaughter 20 guys.


Why the fuck can I not stealth in this game!? Fuckers always see me and it's hard as fuck to get away from them. I just give up after so long and slaughter 20 guys.

Yeah. Stealth is a little frustrating in this game. I have never been able to successfully infiltrate a fort without having the alarm go off. I always end up in a brawl too.
Air assassinate a general.

No fucking places to air assassinate from ubisoft!

Oh yeah that mission where you have to air assassinate a grenadier on a boat without being detected. The fuck?
I miss the days of AC1/AC2 when you were actually an assassin, and not simply a murderous brute.

The "assassination" missions in this game (at least in Boston) are to kill a single generic soldier, who is traveling alone, and doesn't even flee if he sees you. Blar


Am I the only one that just feels awful killing beavers? They're so small and slow and waddling about when you kill them. Plus the sounds they make is just....heartbreaking.


What is up with guards just randomly going kill-on-sight on Connor even when you're in incognito mode and not in a forbidden area? I swear I've been randomly attacked so many times just running around Boston and New York. Is there some kind of mechanic I'm not aware of or is it just buggy?

Guards are assholes in general, and will pick on anyone they deem suspicious or they just don't like or walked through them funny


Assassin's Creed games are absolutely horrible for perfectionist/achievement whores. I sort of was one 4 years ago. I think the unreasonableness of AC1 was in part which cured my disorder.
I completely disagree. I've 100-percented all of the prior games, and those games open up the deeper you go. But in AC3, the details and optional obejectives fight you at every step. Instead of opening up the game, the extras just make the game feel more closed off and stiff. As you begin pushing the new systems and play mechanics, you begin to discover how busted they are.

I almost wish AC3 was just a linear action game instead of an open-world game. It would probably be a much better and more focused game. It gets the broad strokes mostly right. It's the details that bring it down.


Am I the only one that just feels awful killing beavers? They're so small and slow and waddling about when you kill them. Plus the sounds they make is just....heartbreaking.

I pretty much gave up on hunting innocent critters after I pulled my bow on a doe and saw her fawn by her side. There'll be no motherless Bambis in my Assassin's Creed.


I did experience couple weird glitches that had nothing to do with a freeze for this game

I was just about ready to assassinate William Johnson when the loading screen came up but would not go away... I thought the system had froze again, but oddly enough I could trigger everything else to happen, including for a sec, Eagle Eye vision... the only way I could get the weird thing to go away was to save and exit the game. When I came back, thankfully the glitch went away.

I also managed to get my Horse and myself stuck in a tree outside Achille's manor... again the only way to fix was to exit game and re-enter.
Just finished the game, so just a few things:

- It definitely felt more like AC1 than the Ezio trilogy. Everything from the way Conner behaves to the unrefined nature of the story/mission structure to even the slightly less caricatured models. Just as in AC1, I ended up being more enthralled by the time period and setting rather than the character.

- The game didn't really "click" with me until around Sequence 10 when
Conner interacted with Haytham. The Templar twist early on was cool and I get that they were trying to set some sort of attachment between the characters, it went on WAY too long for so little payout.
Also, New York > Boston.

- Though I liked him, Conner is an awful protagonist...and that's not even in comparison to Ezio OR Altair. Everyone he was surrounded by were the only interesting things about him, many of whom were underplayed. I understand his motivations and what they were trying to do with him, but they only seemed at odds with the things going on around him as a player. It just wasn't engaging.
Despite his motivation for wanting to free his people, his whole induction into the Brotherhood at all simply felt like "the glowy ball told me to and I can fight real good."

- Ubisoft broke things that didn't need to be fixed, but you've already gone on at length about this. That, and much of the things that were focused on didn't really amount to anything (hunting, etc.). I did have the most fun the naval battles though.

The whole Juno/Minerva thing felt really forced.
In fact, the whole present day conflict felt like that. It's like they can't bring themselves to devote much of their resources to making sure it's as fleshed out as it needs to be.

With all of that, I still enjoyed the game. Right now I'd put it in between AC2 and AC1, with ACB being my favorite overall and not really acknowledging ACR at all. I'm really hoping this is just "new/updated engine jitters" and we'll get the AC1 -> AC2 shift that this game SHOULD have been. If we're counting, that's a leap and step forward, one step back, and a side step.
The Giant and the Storm has to take the cake for worst 100% sync mission. It's the last naval mission and it practically penalizes you for having fully upgraded your ship. I've been at it for an hour and I have no desire to continue.


Just finished the game, so just a few things:

- Though I liked him, Conner is an awful protagonist...and that's not even in comparison to Ezio OR Altair. Everyone he was surrounded by were the only interesting things about him, many of whom were underplayed. I understand his motivations and what they were trying to do with him, but they only seemed at odds with the things going on around him as a player. It just wasn't engaging.
Despite his motivation for wanting to free his people, his whole induction into the Brotherhood at all simply felt like "the glowy ball told me to and I can fight real good."

Throughout the whole game I kept thinking 'Man, Conner is such a bitch'. I think if they made him more consistent in his motivations and actually put up with less bullshit he could have been much more interesting. Instead he always seems a step behind quite idiotic villains and often has to be bailed out by much more interesting characters. Also he gets screwed over almost all the time. At least get the last word on the targets BEFORE they die. Man, Connor is such a bitch.


The Giant and the Storm has to take the cake for worst 100% sync mission. It's the last naval mission and it practically penalizes you for having fully upgraded your ship. I've been at it for an hour and I have no desire to continue.

Strategy for fully upgraded ships is pretty much shoot out the masts, ram the ships from the front (go full sail and then full stop immediately before impact) and pray. I once had the ram reveal the weakpoint, then my ship poked the other one a second time and it sank...


I hope I am not the only one who had a hard time figuring out you didn't have to traverse the entire map every time cuz of all the backtracking

You can "Fasttrack" most of the time

Kinda like warping with the Ocarina of Time


I played AC1 when it was first released on PS3.. it wasn't a bad game, just extremely repetitive, and not in the funnest of ways.

I skipped the other games in between AC3 and AC1, and jumped feet first into this. I bought the biggest edition, only watched a few trailers and basically held out hope that the combat would be fairly decent this time around, despite what I'd heard.

Having played it for a few hours now, I only have one question; how do fully grown adult gamers actually enjoy this?

The combat is the simplest thing I've ever come across in a game, when I'm not hacking and mashing buttons, I'm just fighting hordes off by countering them in the easiest of ways. Then there's the shooting + bow and arrow, where you can't even aim them yourself. The AI is almost brain dead and rarely ever fight you in any challenging way (I mean never, but I'll say rarely to give it the benefit of the doubt). I recall the combat in AC1 being pretty challenging, and I don't remember being able to counter everything so effortlessly.

The climbing is pretty cool, but at this stage it's nothing revolutionary - something I expected after the devs raved about how it had been built from the ground up.

It leaves it all feeling, and I mean this quite literally, more like a set of cut scenes you're only left to walk between. Is this is what people expect from games these days? Something they're happy with?

I really want to like it.. I really do. The world is amazing (as are most other things), but the gameplay has been ridiculously overly simplified.


God damn that fucking slow motion scene.

This game.

Quite infuriating shit.


Hah. If it's the one I'm on (and trying to get 100% sync), having to restart the whole sequence if I mess up once is terrible. Then you get to sit through a few loading screens plus more to try again -_-


I played AC1 when it was first released on PS3.. it wasn't a bad game, just extremely repetitive, and not in the funnest of ways.

I skipped the other games in between AC3 and AC1, and jumped feet first into this. I bought the biggest edition, only watched a few trailers and basically held out hope that the combat would be fairly decent this time around, despite what I'd heard.

Having played it for a few hours now, I only have one question; how do fully grown adult gamers actually enjoy this?

The combat is the simplest thing I've ever come across in a game, when I'm not hacking and mashing buttons, I'm just fighting hordes off by countering them in the easiest of ways. Then there's the shooting + bow and arrow, where you can't even aim them yourself. The AI is almost brain dead and rarely ever fight you in any challenging way (I mean never, but I'll say rarely to give it the benefit of the doubt). I recall the combat in AC1 being pretty challenging, and I don't remember being able to counter everything so effortlessly.

The climbing is pretty cool, but at this stage it's nothing revolutionary - something I expected after the devs raved about how it had been built from the ground up.

It leaves it all feeling, and I mean this quite literally, more like a set of cut scenes you're only left to walk between. Is this is what people expect from games these days? Something they're happy with?

I really want to like it.. I really do. The world is amazing (as are most other things), but the gameplay has been ridiculously overly simplified.

Sell AC III and get the Ezio trilogy. The combat will never be as challenging as you'd like it to be, but they pretty much eclipse AC2 and this game in everything else.
I gotta say, this game is everything I disliked about the first assassin's creed. Gonna trade it towards something else tomorrow. Cool wiiU features but not the game I expected. I'm disappointed too because I love the concept of playing through colonial America.
Sequence 11
opens with Vidic letting Desmond into the building and then into the same frigging room while holding the Apple, which has been used to kill folks for thousands of years, and is surprised when Desmond uses it to kill everyone. The sequence ends with Haytham apparently forgetting that everyone is wearing hidden blades on their wrists.

Man, Templars are dumb. :lol


Sequence 11
opens with Vidic letting Desmond into the building and then into the same frigging room while holding the Apple, which has been used to kill folks for thousands of years, and is surprised when Desmond uses it to kill everyone. The sequence ends with Haytham apparently forgetting that everyone is wearing hidden blades on their wrists.

Man, Templars are dumb. :lol

Boy howdy, I hope you are ready for how dumb sequence 12 is going to be.
Seriously man, he is just lying there...or you can just get shot. :|


In what's the most god damn stupid design choice regarding stealth, you can't hide in haystacks or tall grass when an enemy notices you, only before he does so. You have to break his line of sight before you're allowed to do so.
Wait are you saying that you should be able to hide when the guard is on hi-alert and they watch you try to hide?
LOL. The patch said they adjusted the difficulty. I thought they might have made it easier.
I mean its easy once you figured it out. Still ran in loops like 5 times.

And that optional objective is MEAN.

Weird I couldn't just use rope dart, it says it kills him, but that thing never kills people instantly.


I see a few new participants are starting to have 'fun' with this game. *chuckles*

I hope you guys enjoy the optional objectives and Connor's sour/dour face. :p

I played AC1 when it was first released on PS3.. it wasn't a bad game, just extremely repetitive, and not in the funnest of ways.

I skipped the other games in between AC3 and AC1, and jumped feet first into this. I bought the biggest edition, only watched a few trailers and basically held out hope that the combat would be fairly decent this time around, despite what I'd heard.

What an unfortunate decision. The Ezio trilogy (AC2, ACB, and ACR) are so much better than AC3 or AC1 it's not funny.
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