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Assassin's Creed III |OT| Easier to read than Ratonhnhaké:ton

Really? It was pretty much impossible to die in combat in the previous games when you had 15 health packs you could use at any time.

This, especially when you can assign them to a slot and use them during combat with no recourse. Actually, the simplification of things is what is tripping me up in combat. I am so used to the old controls after playing literally hundreds of hours with them.


So I just did a Homestead mission, it was called
"The Fight"
Godfrey and the other lumber mill guy were fighting over something.
What was up with that awful mini-game thing they just dropped on you? Ew.

I just did that too. It wasn't too hard but it was also completely unnecessary.


Health doesn't regen during combat so I don't think it's terribly significant. What makes combat so easy in these games are the ultra-forgiving fight mechanics. With countering (now complete with slow-motion) and kill streaks, you are virtually unstoppable.

I try to make my own fun with it and add challenge by trying random stuff with combat. Same kinda thing I did in Dishonored, actually, though in that game you can vary it up more since you have more tools at your disposal.


fuck the gallows part in sequence 8 and fuck the incompetent people who designed it.

It is impossible to do all objectives in one go
How the hell do I beat the Ropebeater in fisticuffs? The guy seems to be immune to all counterattacks, and you can't break his defenses either.

Okay, got it.
There's a table near you when you're fighting him, just get in front of it and block his attacks. Connor will grab him and smash him into the table.


There is some way in combat to do a double kill with your pistol, rope dart, or other tools, but I can't actually figure out how to do it.

Because you sometimes get the super scripted animation ones where two guys attack you at the same time and Connor just wrecks them, but I've also somewhat randomly done stuff like where he'll stab one guy and then flip out the rope dart to get another guy in the neck in the same motion. The motion to do it is something like hitting Y and a direction as you're countering but I can't get it to happen reliably.
I've crafted a lot of the bonus stuff by now, too: like the double holsters. No idea what good they'll do, but I've got two guns on me now, so we'll see.
Where do I go to send my assassins on missions, again? I was there a few minutes ago and now I can't find it!

Edit: ah I found it, under left bumper


So I got the 3rd power source. Plugged it in, game saved, I had to go so I turned it off.

I come back the next day, load the game up, and I get the cutscene with the dad saying you should plug the thing in. Ok whatever.

So I go up to that part of the temple and its locked... As if I never put in the 2nd power source. I go to the control centers for the 2 other power source but no dice... I hope this means the game didn't glitch itself into an unbeatable state... I just went back into the animus to continue the story. Hopefully by the time they boot me out again it will be fixed.


Gold Member
Where do I go to send my assassins on missions, again? I was there a few minutes ago and now I can't find it!

Edit: ah I found it, under left bumper

You keep L2 pressed to load the menu, then press square to move to the Contracts menu. There you can select location and which recruits you want to send.

By the way - did they completely remove the customization options for recruits? I can't find a menu option anywhere. I hate how wildly different they look, it's like a gang of hobos.
Can you explain this in a little more detail? I cannot figure out the economy and what to do with these Artisans at all. The little tutorial they give you makes no sense to me at all.

Yea the game does a piss poor job explaining half the systems, I'm just glad my roomie is an Assassin's Creed nut and bought the guide :p

Artisans are unlocked via doing specific Homestead missions and they can appear on your Homestead, in the Frontier and within cities. Ok so to level up the artisans you have to do their specific Homestead missions. Each time you do a Homestead mission for an aritsan they'll go up one level and unlock more items you can buy from them to either sell via the wagons or use in recipes. Some artisans won't be available to you until a corresponding Homestead mission is done, you reach a specific point in the main story line or even time of day (I believe there's a few that can only occur during daytime).

To make money in this game, you need to use that weird wagon system. Essentially, the reason why you want artisans in your homestead is to have access to their goods so that you could resell at a higher price to General stores. For this system to work you need to first unlock general stores in the cities and frontier, once you've found them, talked to the owners and they should be available as your customers. Note that each store puts a premium on specific items so you'll see varying prices that they will be willing to pay for your goods based. The menu they've devised for this system is a pain in the ass but essentially each slot on a wagon allows you to sell 1 item to the general store. The initial wagon starts with 3 slots but can be upgraded further. I'm on sequence 7 right now and I seem to be capped at 3 wagons, each with 10 slots of goods.

Regarding the wagons and profitability, you'll see that there is both a tax and risk involved. Tax is pretty self explanatory, you get taxed a % of the items you sell to a general store. Risk is the % chance that the British will be douchebags and assault your caravan. If you're caravan is raided and you do not go and defend it within the time limit, you will lose all that caravan's cargo (you get 5 minutes to do so and I think the attacks always occur in the Frontier so just fast travel to the closest spot and defend your stuff). You can reduce both the tax rate and risk by taking out British forts or liberating parts of the city where the general store is.

How I've been making money is by either going out and performing beaver genocide along the river banks of the homestead map or by buying beaver pelts from the Hunter lady. I'd send wagon fulls of beaver, bear, wolf, deer pelts off to the general store and get ~10k in 12 minutes. The artisans do have a limited amount of each item so you'll have to check back later if they've already sold you your allotted 10 of something. As for crafting, it seems like you can experiment with it if you'd like by first selecting what artisans to use and what materials you'd like to experiment with. It'll unlock a recipe if your experimentation is successful but you'll lose your mats if you fail.

Hope this makes some sense
How do you do that?

In the crafting/trading menu. Once you have the right people living in your Homestead, and their skill levels have reached an appropriate level (by doing missions for them), you can craft stuff like that. You can also craft extra satchels for bullets and darts and such, provided you have the right items. But most of the stuff required you can either buy at that point, or craft by buying the base items.


Gold Member
Thanks for explaining that. The entire crafting/selling menu is convoluted as fuck, there is no way they thought this would be the most user-friendly way of building that menu.


That is a very useful explanation Raz, thanks. Do more Homestead missions become available as you do story stuff? Cause I've just been messing about in Seq 6 without doing much story and have only seen a few.

Also, just stumbled upon the "send your dudes on missions" menu that I had no idea existed. Lol. Thanks game.
I finally start playing the game.... the first two SQ were very boring for me, but SQ3 felt so much more better...... really excited to continue playing it tomorrow!


In the crafting/trading menu. Once you have the right people living in your Homestead, and their skill levels have reached an appropriate level (by doing missions for them), you can craft stuff like that. You can also craft extra satchels for bullets and darts and such, provided you have the right items. But most of the stuff required you can either buy at that point, or craft by buying the base items.

Do you need recipes for these?


Hold X while sprinting, and run to guards that aren't looking right at you. Should work. May take a few tries.
not exageration, this is the 105th time I'm trying. Either civilians randomly decide to move straight towards me or the enemy kills the two bodyguards really fast

edit: Finally. 110 tries
That is a very useful explanation Raz, thanks. Do more Homestead missions become available as you do story stuff? Cause I've just been messing about in Seq 6 without doing much story and have only seen a few.

Also, just stumbled upon the "send your dudes on missions" menu that I had no idea existed. Lol. Thanks game.

Np, and yea more get unlocked as you complete more sequences. Essentially I just did every Homestead mission possible in a sequence before moving onto the story missions.

Do you need recipes for these?

you don't need to have the recipes to make them, you could find it via experimenting but I think you get some of these recipes as rewards for finishing some of the story quests
Full synchronization is the worst thing since bagpipes.

It wasn't too bad in brotherhood, in fact it made the game a little more interesting. I don't remember if it was in Rev or not, but I really do not like it in this game. Its pretty throw away so whatever. My only issue is that, like in brotherhood, it can sometimes spoil things.


What nationality do you think
is? I personally am thinking Caribbean/West Indies. I thought the actor did a phenomenal job on voicing him. I would love to see a picture of him being an Assassin in his prime.


tagged by Blackace
That stuff is just glorified achievements. I've never cared for it.
Yeah, it's been useless for a long time since the rewards have been terrible. Don't know what they are this time around though.

I only go for those objectives to add some challenge into the game.


I feel like I never delved into the RPG elements of this game as much as the last ones. As Ezio I would renovate the city, get bank, buy better armor/weapons etc.

Here I haven't even touched any new weapons... nor do I really want them. I feel like they gave us this huge sandbox but gave us no point to using it.
Game just hard locked on me during the
Boston Tea Party
mission. Fuck this buggy game. It's ridiculous they released it in this state.


Full synchronization is the worst thing since bagpipes.

I'm shocked at how many main story missions I've done so far that had multiple terrible optional objectives attached to them. The things they ask us to do with this game's bad controls, stealth and AI is just not fair. I think that's one trophy that's going to stop me from getting a platinum in this, besides the MP stuff obviously.


I'm shocked at how many main story missions I've done so far that had multiple terrible optional objectives attached to them. The things they ask us to do with this game's bad controls, stealth and AI is just not fair. I think that's one trophy that's going to stop me from getting a platinum in this, besides the MP stuff obviously.

There's a trophy for full synchro this time? Fuck that. Also fuck these multiplayer trophies honestly. Looks like AC2 will remain my only AC platinum.


Gold Member
Game just hard locked on me during the
Boston Tea Party
mission. Fuck this buggy game. It's ridiculous they released it in this state.

The exact same thing happened to me just now during the exact same mission, resetting my PS3 at this moment.

As if this mission isn't fucking stupid enough with terrible AI allies to babysit, now I have to start all over.

Every single main mission has glitched out on me in some way or form. This is fucking terrible.


The clipping is probably the worst I've ever seen in a big budget game. People walking through the sidewalk, only their upper body being visible lmao.


There's a trophy for full synchro this time? Fuck that. Also fuck these multiplayer trophies honestly. Looks like AC2 will remain my only AC platinum.

I think so. There's one that says "complete 100% of all main mission constraints". I assume that means the full sync objectives but only for the main story missions.


Where can I get dyes for my outfit?

Where can I send my Assassins on missions?

How do I get more Assassins?
Mannn, fuck this game and its insane graphical glitches constantly. I'm always having spikes shooting out of everywhere...

Lock down your vertices ubisoft. Fuck.
Where can I get dyes for my outfit?

Where can I send my Assassins on missions?

How do I get more Assassins?

dyes are outfits now at general stores. I'm not sure you can send assassins on missions but you get more by finishing Liberation missions and meeting with the contacts and aiding them
ElectricBlue187 said:
I found it more offensive that Haytham's cronies had an
symbol over their head in the beginning. Looks lazy and sloppy.

It's not lazy or sloppy at all.

End of Sequence 3 Spoilers
No one in Desmond's crew knows they are Templars. The assassin symbols are part of the HUD that Rebecca programs. She assumes they are Assassins so that's why they show up like that.


Mannn, fuck this game and its insane graphical glitches constantly. I'm always having spikes shooting out of everywhere...

Lock down your vertices ubisoft. Fuck.

Lol, actually AC3 was the first AC game where I haven't had that bug, nice to see it's still around :D

Also whoever made the optional objectives at the last chase sequence should be slapped.
It's not lazy or sloppy at all.

End of Sequence 3 Spoilers
No one in Desmond's crew knows they are Templars. The assassin symbols are part of the HUD that Rebecca programs. She assumes they are Assassins so that's why they show up like that.

I guess that makes sense. I never considered the HUD to be a function of the animus


So is crafting bugged for anyone else? I've done every Homestead mission up to this point, but none of my artisans level up. Hell some of them are straight up unavailable.
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