I just wanted to post my initial expressions for some people that are still on the fence. I'm playing Unity on a PS4, on a 65" LED tv, with a pair of PS Gold headphones. So far, I have nothing but good things to say about the game.
Bear with me, I'm not saying this excuses the very real problems the game has. There is no denying the frame rate issues and glitches galore that are present in this game, BUT, so far, I have yet to run into anything that is game breaking. I've had only one issue with the lower frame rate, and that was while I was exploring a cathedral.
Yesterday, I was convinced I was going to just skip this game and spend my week off catching up on my backlog. However, I had a bunch of credit at BB, plus my GCU and I felt it was worth a gamble to try and form my own opinion about the game.
I am loving Arno, he is an extremely likable character, and his story has intrigued me so far. The game is gorgeous, lightning, atmosphere, music, everything oozes beauty IMO.
I love the customization options. Changing appearance and colors have always been some of my favorite parts. The hours I've played have been enjoyable, and as soon as my controller finishes charging I'll definitely be jumping back on.
I'm not saying everyone should give this game a try, but if you're a big enough fan, and have enough interest, then give it a shot.