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Assassin's Creed Unity |OT| Liberté, égalité, parité


I do not like equipment system so far.

It make game easier but it does not make any different in gameplay.

Moreover, I can complete 4-5 star mission easily with 2 star character. I do not feel that much challenge in this game.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Edit because it should be posted on every page: holding R3 disables the HUD in one click. That's an actually good feature.
I may have forgotten what the HUD looks like because I did this immediately and have been playing the game this way the whole time. HUD=less clutter and more difficult blackbox missions since i'm pretty sure the objectives go away as well, meaning you have to really figure it out and make your own opportunities.
It amuses me how people shit all over Xbox's 900p, but some dudes with mega PCs gladly drop ACU to 720p for a better frame rate.

ATM it runs best on xbox one vs PS4. almost every other game is the other way round, but as of now it runs better.

its still not great, the cutscenes look better on PS4.

If they can fix the glitches, the game itself is an excellent AC (its still an AC for better or worse) with a stunningly realized world of paris.


It's pretty clear that this was all rather sneaky by Ubisoft. They knew it was unfinished but they had to release it before GTA / DA:I, two big releases from EA and Take 2.

They are also feigned ignorance in their live update, knowing full well there was a list of outstanding shit to fix.

Knowing all of this they put a post release embargo on reviews. All designed to prevent people from making an informed choice. Fuckers.
How the hell are you making money? I never have more than a couple hundred francs
Upgrade the theater and do the missions asap. After that and buying the social clubs you earn at least 10k every 20 minutes. I'm on sequence 5 and have a 5 star katana, and all my armor is 4 stars.
So for you people who have played a lot of AC ... dont forget that now you have to enter stealth mode with LT and snap with A (x?) I thought stealth was broken but I forgot to use those since I played so many other AC games i wasnt thinking.
I may have forgotten what the HUD looks like because I did this immediately and have been playing the game this way the whole time. HUD=less clutter and more difficult blackbox missions since i'm pretty sure the objectives go away as well, meaning you have to really figure it out and make your own opportunities.
I've been turning off the HUD since AC3 and AFAIK, 4 and Unity do have pop ups that tell you what objectives are when they appear.

Still, turning it on/off on the fly is probably the best solution: when in doubt, I turn it back on.

Also, this will sound stupid but it took me a few hours to realize shops had a shortcut to refill everything in one click.


It's pretty clear that this was all rather sneaky by Ubisoft. They knew it was unfinished but they had to release it before GTA / DA:I, two big releases from EA and Take 2.

They are also feigned ignorance in their live update, knowing full well there was a list of outstanding shit to fix.

Knowing all of this they put a post release embargo on reviews. All designed to prevent people from making an informed choice. Fuckers.

Would waiting a few days to buy the game really stop you from enjoying it in the same way as if you bought it on launch?


Probably already mentioned but I was pleasantly surprised that the game supports the Dual Shock 4 on PC including Playstation button symbols and the touchpad click functional :)
you know, I think I actually like the simplicity of past AC games more. Im looking forward to the simplicity of Rogue after this. I really like Unity, but its just too much after a while. Its still one of my favorite AC games, because of setting and characters, but I enjoy the setup of previous games. I also REALLY hope they do not include co op in the next one, or a phone app.


Phone app is so bullshit. Plus it does not register me playing it, so I can't get the outfit. Anyone else with the same problem?
Phone app is so bullshit. Plus it does not register me playing it, so I can't get the outfit. Anyone else with the same problem?

I can unlock chests in stuff in the game from the app, but I cant seem to unlock that outfit that is in the cafe outfit room. I am not sure if you have to get to a certain point in the app to unlock it or what

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I've been turning off the HUD since AC3 and AFAIK, 4 and Unity do have pop ups that tell you what objectives are when they appear.

Still, turning it on/off on the fly is probably the best solution: when in doubt, I turn it back on.

Also, this will sound stupid but it took me a few hours to realize shops had a shortcut to refill everything in one click.
Just figured that out last night. Way more eager to go to shops now that I know how to make money.


I`ve played coop for the first time yesterday with a friend. It`s pretty fun to parkour around the city together and plan out group executions. There doesn`t seem to be too many coop mission though. Maybe we`re simply not far enough in the story mode to see all there is to offer.


Texture pop in and draw distance on the PS4 makes me want to gouge my eyes out. Holy sheesh, this is so bad. The pop ins even happen when you are closer than 1 meter from the NPCs. Even when turning the camera.



I've got all of the UI turned off except the mini-map, and I just hold R3 to hide that. It's great, I can toggle on the minimap when I'm lost and need to figure out where to go, but the majority of the time my screen is completely clear.
Yikes. After seeing and hearing everything it seems like Rogue should have been the big release for this year on all consoles with Unity coming out next year.


Gold Member
I've got all of the UI turned off except the mini-map, and I just hold R3 to hide that. It's great, I can toggle on the minimap when I'm lost and need to figure out where to go, but the majority of the time my screen is completely clear.

I'm doing the exact same thing. Navigating the city is pretty ruthless without minimap, I have no idea where to go [yet].


I was quite looking forward to this game. I've only just made it past the late title-card, but I'm really unimpressed by the PS4 version. The game looks good in parts, and on occasion even gorgeous (character models and facial animation) but the framerate is absolutely awful and the aggresive LOD switching is really distracting, especially with the larger crowds they were selling the game on. Also, fuck everything about the unlockables exclusive to the companion app (and the 'Premium' version of said app), microtransactions whatever 'Initiates' is. I'm a huge fan of the series, and I've bought every major title day one (even Revelations, which in retrospect wasn't nearly as offensive as any of this), but fuck this game from the outset.

Hopefully the PC version will be $3 when I get around to upgrading my PC, because what little I saw of it, that looked to be quite alright. I don't expect Ubi to do any major work post-release to clean this mess of a console version up.
Also, is Share Play blocked? I've had no experience with the system, but when I was trying Share Play a moment ago the person on the other end was notified that it was "blocked for that region and something something." Both of us are located in the PAL region, and the game I've got is the PAL (Nordic) version.


Maybe it's just me being used to some of the frame rate problems but aside from a few rare instances, I haven't had anything extreme. I've also haven't had too many framerate problems with the crowds, which is weird. The worst framerate drops have happened when I'm either alone or with a couple of people in a room and have been related to the lighting filtering through windows. Even those only lasted a couple seconds and everything was fine afterwards.

I've got all of the UI turned off except the mini-map, and I just hold R3 to hide that. It's great, I can toggle on the minimap when I'm lost and need to figure out where to go, but the majority of the time my screen is completely clear.

I didn't even know that you could do that. I've been playing with the mini-map off but being able to assign it to a button press would be very useful.


I've got all of the UI turned off except the mini-map, and I just hold R3 to hide that. It's great, I can toggle on the minimap when I'm lost and need to figure out where to go, but the majority of the time my screen is completely clear.

Wait what does holding R3 do?

Nvm, read rest of page.


Hopefully the PC version will be $3 when I get around to upgrading my PC, because what little I saw of it, that looked to be quite alright. I don't expect Ubi to do any major work post-release to clean this mess of a console version up.

Believe me it isn't. the aggressive LOD is horrendous on PC too, even maxed out. In motion it is truly horrific.


How do you start a new save? I started the game to test performance and such (PC) but my brother is coming over in a couple of days and he wanted to see the game, so i wanted to start over.
Can't see any "New Game" option, just "continue".
Game is an absolute mess. I'm on sequence 4 or 5 and I'm just going to put it down now and hope they patch it. Framerate and glitches are just too much for me.


I didn't even know that you could do that. I've been playing with the mini-map off but being able to assign it to a button press would be very useful.

It's just a default control thing - if you hold R3 it hides all of the UI. I've just set mine in the UI settings to have the only thing displayed be the mini map, so I essentially just toggle it on/off with R3. I never see the health bar or weapon indicator.


Maybe it's just me being used to some of the frame rate problems but aside from a few rare instances, I haven't had anything extreme. I've also haven't had too many framerate problems with the crowds, which is weird. The worst framerate drops have happened when I'm either alone or with a couple of people in a room and have been related to the lighting filtering through windows. Even those only lasted a couple seconds and everything was fine afterwards.

This has been my experience as well. If it was some unplayable train wreck that tried to force me to use microtransactions, then I would be raising hell and demanding my money back. But what do you know? I am playing what has turned out to be a great game with some frame dips here and there, maybe some occasional character pop-in and the odd NPC animation from time to time. Nothing broken or unplayable at all. It runs, looks and plays fine for the most part.


Does stuff in the companion app unlock later in the game? I'm on sequence 3 and I've been trying to launch the side-game thing (for the chests) but it's grayed out.


-The game is still way too easy. When you're still a white shirt, fights against two star heavy patriots are rather dangerous. I died often. Once you get your gear, however, things change immensely and the game almost becomes a complete cake walk.

-They should cut the rate at which random events (protect the citizen, kill the thieves etc) pop up by 75% (!) and maybe bump the xp gained per event to properly calibrate. These happen so frigging much that they call attention to themselves. It's obviously just a set of variables popping up within a predetermined span of time, more often or less often depending on the area. What's good are patriots walking through the street and occasionally fighting the guys on your side or being harassed by guards. Those are more "systemic". These boring xp "missions" are not, and should be used far, far, FAR more sparingly.

They've had this since AC2, where pickpockets would occasionally snatch a purse etc. Modern Ubisoft has ruined it in this game and Watch_Dogs, where there's always the same criminals popping up in the same exact spots over and over and over. That's half of what made that fucking game so average.

Please, god, just stop spamming those events. That's all you have to do, Ubi. Turn their rate down and turn the xp given up a pinch. That's it! Then develop them much better next game....

-I don't know what to say about the glitches. I've seen a few relatively minor things with NPCs, but nothing major. *shrugs*
How do you start a new save? I started the game to test performance and such (PC) but my brother is coming over in a couple of days and he wanted to see the game, so i wanted to start over.
Can't see any "New Game" option, just "continue".

Yeah hit same issue

Go to the games screen (xbox main GUI screen)

select game, bring up options menu and do "manage game". you can delete the saved games
I finally got my first in game mission unlocked from the companion app. Walk to point A, kill guy who is standing alone, the end. not sure what the point of that was


I picked up this game on PS4 and it's definitely the best Assassin's Creed game I've played. The city and animations look incredible. Core gameplay is so tight (except for combat when spotted) and I feel much more in control of the freerunning than in previous games. The large groups of people in the streets is definitely important to the gameplay when running through the streets. I feel like I can weave between people with more precision than earlier games.

The framerate is weak at times, and I've seen a few minor bugs, but Ubi was clearly aiming for the stars. I am very happy with the way the game turned out. I love SoM but I cannot get behind people who say that it's filled their need for this game. SoM performs well, and is great for letting you kill a bunch of orcs, but the world in ACU is so much more dense, interesting and alive.

If you like Assassin's Creed at all, you owe it to yourself to play Unity. Sometimes I miss the boats of Black Flag a little, but the on-foot gameplay is a total upgrade. If you're on the fence after hearing all the negative bullshit, PM me and I'll let you try via shareplay.


So... is there one platform that is performing better than others?
Xbox one or PS4?

What are the odds that they can fix or patch the issues?

Xbox One performs better.

They have a liveblog running where they have acknowledged the issues and have stated they are working on it. Doubt it will be any time soon though.
I may have forgotten what the HUD looks like because I did this immediately and have been playing the game this way the whole time. HUD=less clutter and more difficult blackbox missions since i'm pretty sure the objectives go away as well, meaning you have to really figure it out and make your own opportunities.

I turn everything off but the mini map and objective list. Also have been doing it since AC2
My jaw dropped when I saw Le Quartier Latin interior in this game. It's breathtaking.





Captured via PS4 Share.

I agree 100%. I love this game I think it's fantastic. I get the pop in issues but it's comparibly insignificant to how much I'm enjoy myself. The city looks awesome and I love the custom outfit stuff. Co-OP is also pretty sick. My two favorite cosmetic parts about the game is the lighting and the cut-scenes. Playing on ps4.


You can still open the main map and place markers. I personally go with a custom model that still shows some things but blocks out the tips and pop ups.

Damn I've never thought I try this. I hate AC's HUDs. They take up waaay too much of the screen.
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