Yesterday was weird. I set the FPS cap to 144, started the game, and reverted everything back to minimal settings. Perched on a lamppost, overseeing some thugs, I got about 60fps on average, it fluctuated between low 50s and mid-70s. I called in the Batmobile, and it stayed relatively stable. I drove the Batmobile away using the remote, and turned V-sync on, same framerate, called in the Batmobile, stayed stable.
I kept turning on and maxing out settings like that, and with everything maxed, no NVidiaworks, it stayed around 60fps.
So i felt brave, and went ahead and turned on Interactive Smoke and Fog. Restarted the game, 60fps, call in Batmobile; low 50s. Switched on rain and paper debris, restarted the game, 60fps, called in the Batmobile, mid to high 40s. Turned on the light shafts, BOOM; 20fps, with no light shafts to be seen. Turned it off, crept up to 30-ish fps. Restarted the game, back to the framerate I got before turning it on, so this could definitly point ot memory leak issues. Either that or a faulty garbage collector.
I left it at that, and played the game. Fights now land me in the high 40s low 50s range, mid 40s if there's a lot of paper around, the Batmobile goes down to mid to high 40s, during chase-scenes (the ones with APCs and Hummers trying to blow you up) I'm seeing low 30s, with massive framedrops to the point where I'm ALWAYS late in my powerslides.
Still no raintextures on mah Batcowl or Battank though