For anyone who is remotely interested, made some some final adjustments/tweaks that I'm REALLY happy with considering past performance in alpha and beta. Did somekind of "gameplay" benchmark run, where I had inspector up and running ingame while fraps just had the counter up in the corner.
The logg is from a run on :
5 minutes of Damavand Peak large conquest, 64 players shooting everything to shit in the tunnels. Settings used : Everything max ultra/enabled except HBAO, MSAA and texture setting is high instead of ultra, @2560x1440.
Fraps only showed one dip below 60 and that was a tank blowing me up with tons of smoke.
Log shows 75% on each gpu and 90% vram usage, so there's headroom incase things get even worse.
In other words. MSAA kills performance/vram, HBAO kills performance for the slight effect added and having texture quality on ultra isn't feasible with only 1gb vram @ 2560
560 ti sli @ 980 mhz
2600k @ 4.5
Latest WHQL drivers
D3doverrider OFF, v-sync enabled ingame ( don't know if this was the cause of the stuttering, which is now thankfully absent )