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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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That's an insult to big pieces of shit.
At least they can be used as fertilizer to help plants grow.
What value does Frankie bring to planet Earth?

Damn man, that's harsh, but I can't think of anything he brings to the table that doesn't annoy the shit out of me. He's always so damn extra that he doesn't even seem like a real person. It's like he's using this entire thing as an audition tape for TV show or something.

Apparently Derrick and Frankie were talking earlier about keeping Donny. If I were Cody, I would be so pissed. Luckily, Cody is always pissy so that won't matter.

Also, WTF was Julie talking about "Zankie" being the greatest showmance ever? Brenchel? Dani/Dominic? Jeff/Jordan? They have legit couples and Zankie is the greatest? Frankie is going to try to leech any attention he can from this. Zach better keep his distance, but he likely won't.


Frankie wants to keep Donny now because they all seem to expect an endurance comp soon. Nicole is more likely to win that than Donny and she's more likely to put him up than Donny. Derrick seems to want Donny out more so we'll see how it goes.


Frankie wants to keep Donny now because they all seem to expect an endurance comp soon. Nicole is more likely to win that than Donny and she's more likely to put him up than Donny. Derrick seems to want Donny out more so we'll see how it goes.

So, is this expecting as in the guests are getting "hints/told" by production that one might be coming soon?

If so, could this be production's way of trying to keep Donny around longer?


So, is this expecting as in the guests are getting "hints/told" by production that one might be coming soon?

If so, could this be production's way of trying to keep Donny around longer?

They could just be guessing because they've also been practising some kind of memory related comp together.

I would be surprised if Frankie didn't win the endurance comp.


They could just be guessing because they've also been practising some kind of memory related comp together.

I would be surprised if Frankie didn't win the endurance comp.

Well, I ask because it was obvious that those inside the house knew about one of the guests coming back the night they did the challenge for a jury member to return, even though Julie kept saying they had no idea. (Live cameras caught Christine for sure mentioning it and I think Derrick as well)

So, it wouldn't surprise me if they dropped enough hints in that direction to convince them that an endurance comp was coming soon.


Well, I ask because it was obvious that those inside the house knew about one of the guests coming back the night they did the challenge for a jury member to return, even though Julie kept saying they had no idea. (Live cameras caught Christine for sure mentioning it and I think Derrick as well)

So, it wouldn't surprise me if they dropped enough hints in that direction to convince them that an endurance comp was coming soon.

I think they're just assuming it's coming because they haven't had one yet, Caleb has been talking about an endurance comp since he came into the house. I think they're leaning more to the memory comp now than endurance, Frankie especially since he's been practising with Cody & Christine a lot. It's kind of telling because he didn't even know what a before or after comp was, he had to ask Cody what it is and how it works.

Yeah I'm sure they tell them these things, I saw Cody say on the streams that his goodbye message to Jocasta was harsh but he changed it because she was going to Jury.


Are the house guests even smart enough to realise what a great game Derrick played though?

Catching up on this thread, I asked myself that same question. I'm "worried" that it'll be a 100% crapshoot unless he's sitting next to Victoria or Christine.


Also, I'm loving all of the Christine mistrust from everyone. I hope they blindside her.

Derrick is alone in the BY eating cereal. Christine comes to ask what he's doing & leaves again. Derrick to us "Feedsters, she's so going home as soon as I have the opportunity. As soon as I get the opportunity, i'm sending her home. She literally thinks she's the female version of Dan. She's not. Not even close.



I think you're right Yado.

I really want a shakeup in the power in the house. Maybe a backdoor of Frankie/Christine now, letting Donny and Nicole stay. The resulting chaos breaks apart the Detonators and then we have 2-3 alliances in the house fighting it out.


Catching up on this thread, I asked myself that same question. I'm "worried" that it'll be a 100% crapshoot unless he's sitting next to Victoria or Christine.

I'm pretty sure Derrick's plan is to be sitting by Victoria as he has been doing everything he can to keep her around.


I really want a shakeup in the power in the house. Maybe a backdoor of Frankie/Christine now, letting Donny and Nicole stay. The resulting chaos breaks apart the Detonators and then we have 2-3 alliances in the house fighting it out.

Not to burst your bubble, but you're aware that's physically impossible this week right? Veto ceremony has already happened.


Not to burst your bubble, but you're aware that's physically impossible this week right? Veto ceremony has already happened.

Sadly I forgot.

Well, I am hoping for Donny to stay, win HOH, put up Derrick and Frankie, win the Veto, and for Derrick to go home.

(Yes, I know this very unlikely to happen.)


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Sadly I forgot.

Well, I am hoping for Donny to stay, win HOH, put up Derrick and Frankie, win the Veto, and for Derrick to go home.

(Yes, I know this very unlikely to happen.)
Why would you want Derrick to go home? He's the only one who's played a great game this entire season. Dude deserves to win AINEC imo.


Sigh. Still a month of this crap. Definitely the worst season since 9. On the bright side, I learned today that Survivor starts on BB finale night!
Sadly I forgot.

Well, I am hoping for Donny to stay, win HOH, put up Derrick and Frankie, win the Veto, and for Derrick to go home.

(Yes, I know this very unlikely to happen.)

Even if Frankie and Donnie went up, I'm almost positive Derrick would be perfectly safe.

He has the votes of Cody & Victoria locked up. Caleb would choose Derrick over Frankie, because Derrick would tell him too, and Christine would see the writing on the wall and vote to keep Derrick as well. Frankie would be screwed... unless he attempted to "pimp out" his sister, I don't even think Caleb or Cody would have a second thought as to who they were going to vote out.

EDIT: Oh, wow! Backdooring Christine?! That'll change everything!

Is this what's happening right now?
If that's true, then I bet Derrick is doing it to shore up a vote from Nicole and in turn Donny to get Frankie out next round.

Velcro Fly

Nah Donny is going this week.

But I'd bet money if Nicole wins HOH she's going to want Christine out anyway. Who cares who else she puts up. Derrick wouldn't even have to prod her much about it either. Him and Cody should be quietly rooting her on to win HOH to get Christine out without them having to do it.

Honestly if Cody and Derrick can get closer to Nicole they could easily use her to go on. She has pretty much nothing left to lose but could be someone that wins comps or puts up people in that alliance that Derrick/Cody don't want to. I know I know blood on the hands but within an alliance it's going to look bad if Derrick wins HOH and puts up Frankie/Christine. But if Nicole does it hey it's just the game right? Since she's a proven winner she could be useful provided they keep her around.


This is the worst season ever. 9 is overrated in how bad it was, it's in the same tier of 15 as being like bad porn, it's porn but it's kind of hard to watch and not that enjoyable. 12 is the worst season besides 16.

If you don't agree imagine recommending this season to someone knowing they will see Frankie. Can you honestly say you'd recommend that over any other season


This is the worst season ever. 9 is overrated in how bad it was, it's in the same tier of 15 as being like bad porn, it's porn but it's kind of hard to watch and not that enjoyable. 12 is the worst season besides 16.

If you don't agree imagine recommending this season to someone knowing they will see Frankie. Can you honestly say you'd recommend that over any other season
If I secretly hated that person and wanted them to suffer, I might.
As boring as BB12 was, at least we had Britney in the DR.
Also, I'm loving all of the Christine mistrust from everyone. I hope they blindside her.

Derrick is alone in the BY eating cereal. Christine comes to ask what he's doing & leaves again. Derrick to us "Feedsters, she's so going home as soon as I have the opportunity. As soon as I get the opportunity, i'm sending her home. She literally thinks she's the female version of Dan. She's not. Not even close.

My love for Derrick just grew three sizes.


This is the worst season ever. 9 is overrated in how bad it was, it's in the same tier of 15 as being like bad porn, it's porn but it's kind of hard to watch and not that enjoyable. 12 is the worst season besides 16.

Yup, this is the worst season. And I never thought I would say that again so soon after 15.

What's weird is the first 2-3 weeks were actually really damn good. Devin being insane, Caleb being psychotic, Frankie not being an annoying dolt yet. And Brittney. I can never 100% despise this season because of Brittany.

Wow this is better than the real show. The song is pretty catchy too, although I realize it's simple.

The song it's spoofing is simple and dumb too :(
I hate this season. They need to stop casting stereotypes and start casting interesting thinkers.

Also seeing Nicole be hailed as the competition queen by communities makes my skin crawl remembering real greats like Janelle.
I know this season is doing well in its slot(s) this season, but is it better overall than previous seasons?

I just want to know how much Frankie I have to look forward to for the rest of my life.


I know this season is doing well in its slot(s) this season, but is it better overall than previous seasons?

I just want to know how much Frankie I have to look forward to for the rest of my life.

For fans it is boring as hell. I prepaid for the live feeds and I haven't turned them on in weeks. Nothing is going on and there really aren't any good Flashbacks to watch the next day. In the past I would watch/listen to the previous night's drama the next day. This year I've been checking Jokers almost every morning and there is nothing to watch.

Examples of the Flashbacks posted:

Caleb and Frankie try to figure out where certain U.S. states are located
Donny does a great impression of Devin
Frankie suggests treating Nicole like the help in order to break her down until she leaves
Caleb hits Nicole in the face with a pillow.
Cody going crazy in the pool. Splashing Christine and yelling for a couple minutes
Derrick and Frankie talk about saving Donny good for america


I've never been one to jump on the "this season sucks" bandwagon, but this season is dreadful. The two botched comp throws were the tipping point for me, these people can't even lose correctly.

Highlight of the year was Joey's ass, too bad it was gone so soon. :-(
Sorry, I meant better ratings-wise overall than previous seasons, independent of whether or not it's better than other shows its airing against this season.


In all honesty, it's hard to really know what you'll get when someone says that they watched every season. Case in point: Christine and Nicole

And just because you've watched a bunch of seasons doesn't automatically make you a good BB player. You can still be socially inept, unable to read people, and suck at competitions.

The problem is there is a difference between a good player for viewers to watch and a player who can make it yet another week. Christine and Victoria are pieces of poop, but hey, no one can deny they're still in the house and half the other cast members are not.

The biggest problem to hit BB was the emergence of "playing for jury." That's when the show took a shit. They need to make changes to how people get paid. Maybe start handing out money for HoH wins, using the veto, etc.
Jury gets paid?

How does Jury even work? when do they come into play?

What happens when it comes down to 5 players and they have to change the nature of the 6 person Veto challenges?


Jury gets paid?

How does Jury even work? when do they come into play?

What happens when it comes down to 5 players and they have to change the nature of the 6 person Veto challenges?

The houseguests get paid for each week they are there. If they make it to jury they get to sit around and do nothing and get paid.

Jury votes for the winner, that is why everyone now 'plays for the jury'. They don't want to piss anyone off. It is odd because in survivor they still really piss off the jury. You do what you have to do to win and usually the jury votes for you, even if they 'hate' you. Most people get that it is a game and not personal.


On Survivor it's a poker-style tournament structure for payouts. Last makes 2.5K. Next is 5K. Then 4th gets 70K, 3rd 85K, 2nd 100K, First, 1M. Hence- everyone's fighting to stay because they'll a large amount by doing it.


If they had to bring one person from this season to All-Stars it would have to be Devin. Fuck all the others on this season.
The houseguests get paid for each week they are there. If they make it to jury they get to sit around and do nothing and get paid.

Jury votes for the winner, that is why everyone now 'plays for the jury'. They don't want to piss anyone off. It is odd because in survivor they still really piss off the jury. You do what you have to do to win and usually the jury votes for you, even if they 'hate' you. Most people get that it is a game and not personal.

How much are they getting paid?
and Zach must be so happy right now, considering he was unemployed when he got accepted.
In all honesty, it's hard to really know what you'll get when someone says that they watched every season. Case in point: Christine and Nicole

Agreed. But avoiding the criteria of casting 75% models with the villain, the ditzy girl, the extremely feminine and eccentric gay male, the jock, the superfan, the one older person, etc would be a good first step.

How much are they getting paid?
and Zach must be so happy right now, considering he was unemployed when he got accepted.

I think I remember seeing it be something like ~1.3k a week but I could be making that up.
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