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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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Can that veto competition be any more pathetic? Honestly, Donny and Nicole played the entire game like they did in there, completely useless and clueless. Just hand the win to Derrick already, the rest of the season is a farce and a practice in futility. I know it's a classic competition, but I dislike how easy it is to collude in it.


You know what to do 'Murica.


I wish someone would explain what was going on so I don't have to wait for BB to air on the west coast...

Sounds like Team America had a silly challenge, Donny was bummed about being on the block. Derrick or Frankie told him to suck it up and help them win the $5k.
Donnie & Nicole suck wind at the PoV comp.
Victoria looked like she had done something of this nature before... (vague sexual reference?)

Frankie sounds like a total windbag
Team America is winning it's challenge.

Derrick is campaigning to use the Veto on Donny...?

...and hopefully backdooring Frankie instead right?


I wish someone would explain what was going on so I don't have to wait for BB to air on the west coast...

Sounds like Team America had a silly challenge, Donny was bummed about being on the block. Derrick or Frankie told him to suck it up and help them win the $5k.
Donnie & Nicole suck wind at the PoV comp.
Victoria looked like she had done something of this nature before... (vague sexual reference?)

Frankie sounds like a total windbag
Team America is winning it's challenge.

Derrick is campaigning to use the Veto on Donny...?

...and hopefully backdooring Frankie instead right?

- Cody had an idea about backdooring Frankie.
- Derrick liked the fact Cody actually wants to pull a big move, but isn't sure it's a good move this week because it means Donny/Nicole will be able to play HOH.
- Victoria has a weird sickness and she kinda collapses in the bathroom toilet.
- Team America can create their next challenge and America will decide if it was impressive enough. Donny wants the challenge to be: Team America will save me. Derrick and especially Frankie want none of this. Frankie comes up with a dumb fake Broadway show where everyone is doing an immitation of an evicted houseguest.
- In the POV challenge, Donny and Nicole basically let Cody wins because I don't know what they were thinking.
- Donny and Derrick have a discussion about saving him.
- Cody and Derrick again talk about sending Frankie home, or even Christine. Basically, they don't trust them and they don't like that Caleb and Frankie are close.
- In the end, Cody doesn't use the POV.


Wow, I think this thread has had the least amount of replies for an episode night ever. Says a lot.


Happens every week. You have nothing else to talk about. He will still go. They had their chance to make their move and didn't.

Caleb seems to be rallying the guys (Frankie planted the seed but Caleb thinks it's his idea). Only Derrick can shut this down at this point.


- Cody had an idea about backdooring Frankie.
- Derrick liked the fact Cody actually wants to pull a big move, but isn't sure it's a good move this week because it means Donny/Nicole will be able to play HOH.
- Victoria has a weird sickness and she kinda collapses in the bathroom toilet.
- Team America can create their next challenge and America will decide if it was impressive enough. Donny wants the challenge to be: Team America will save me. Derrick and especially Frankie want none of this. Frankie comes up with a dumb fake Broadway show where everyone is doing an immitation of an evicted houseguest.
- In the POV challenge, Donny and Nicole basically let Cody wins because I don't know what they were thinking.
- Donny and Derrick have a discussion about saving him.
- Cody and Derrick again talk about sending Frankie home, or even Christine. Basically, they don't trust them and they don't like that Caleb and Frankie are close.
- In the end, Cody doesn't use the POV.

Remember when Cody was afraid he would look like a pussy on TV in front of his brother? GJ
- Cody had an idea about backdooring Frankie.
- Derrick liked the fact Cody actually wants to pull a big move, but isn't sure it's a good move this week because it means Donny/Nicole will be able to play HOH.
- Victoria has a weird sickness and she kinda collapses in the bathroom toilet.
- Team America can create their next challenge and America will decide if it was impressive enough. Donny wants the challenge to be: Team America will save me. Derrick and especially Frankie want none of this. Frankie comes up with a dumb fake Broadway show where everyone is doing an immitation of an evicted houseguest.
- In the POV challenge, Donny and Nicole basically let Cody wins because I don't know what they were thinking.
- Donny and Derrick have a discussion about saving him.
- Cody and Derrick again talk about sending Frankie home, or even Christine. Basically, they don't trust them and they don't like that Caleb and Frankie are close.
- In the end, Cody doesn't use the POV.

1 - That was my concern as well with backdooring Frankie this week, but I'm glad Godfather Derrick recognizes the danger of letting the opposition run free into next week.
2 - ... pop too many vicodin from that wisom tooth thing?
3 - I'll log on just to vote no since it was Frankie's idea... unless it's actually hilarious (which it won't be)
4 - So glad she came back... just to leave again. I really wish Zack came back (or no one at all).
5 - Is it that Donny recognizes that Derrick is Godfather of the group of idiots? or is it more reaching out to a fellow Team America member with influence in the not so secret alliance?
6 - Please don't let Frankie win HoH next week, and they can't have "King" Caleb unknowingly enacting anyone elses will, other than Derricks.
7 - he should have backdoored Frankie anyway. shake things up a little.

Thanks, now I don't have to waste an hour watching tonite.
I'll just catch up tomorrow instead with the evictions.


Wth were Donnie and Nicole doing.
It made absolutely no sense to fold when Cody had two tickets already.
Frankie's team America idea was garbage.
I want Donnie to get the 5k though.
Just by reading the updates, that lasted for an hour and a half. They're just giving CBS footage to try to fake out the audience.

I'm just gonna take a guess for how this is going to turn out.

They are going to vote out Donny.
Then Derrick will position Nicole against Christine, so which ever one of them loses, Derrick still wins. Assuming Frankie doesn't win HoH and doesn't Win PoV, they will actually use the Veto to pull someone off the block, and put Frankie up instead.

This leaves Nicole vs Christine for the following week, as they will still be gunning for each other. Once again, whichever one of them loses, Derrick wins. With Frankie already gone, there is no one else left to let to steer Caleb's thoughts except for Derrick, so Derrick has all the votes he needs till it's just him, Cody and Victoria. Derrick Wins.


damn it, why couldn't zack have beaten nicole back into the house. it's so sad watching her and donny just waiting to be booted.


Zach was one of the dumbest, most unaware HG this season. Him winning that comp to return would have been the worst possible option.

Nicole in a room alone talking to herself about her comp performance this week:

There's so many options. I don't know what is best for my game right now and that is what is making me sick. What am I supposed to do, come back all fired up and cocky, put a target on my back again? No, I gotta lay low, do things I didn't do last time because I got out. If I gotta look weak to get to the end, I gotta look weak. I have a good excuse. My head's out of it. But really my head's more in the game than it's ever been.

Situations are running through my head all the time. The first comp I sucked. I didn't even know what day in the house it was. I didn't expect that comp at all. I went out first, super embarrassing but it builds a weak persona. If I hadn't lost that so terribly maybe I would be going this week. Even if I got 2nd I could have been thought of as a threat. I wasn't going to be able to beat Cody in that comp.

For the POV I knew they were all folding and I couldn't risk Donny winning because I knew I wasn't the target. I had to let Donny stay and get eliminated. If I had stayed and knocked Cody out, Donny could have won and took himself off the block and I would go home. You gotta be smart, sometimes you gotta make yourself look weak. I'm not weak. Well, I am because I'm a have not but geez I can't stand anyone in this freakin house except Victoria.

I gotta do what I think is going to get me the furthest in this game. I feel terrible for how poorly I did in those comps but at that time I wanted Cody to win veto and I knew they were just going to keep going down the line. I'm not stupid.


It's so lame how self-aware some of these people are, but yet they do nothing about it.

Dear Donny and Nicole, it doesn't matter how many comps you throw and how many times you vote with the house so you don't put "an even bigger target" on your back. Have you not noticed you still get nominated every single time anyway?


Haha Christine is the worst. I was so annoyed by her obnoxious DR responses during the POV competition last night. Her and Frankie have got to go!


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Haha Christine is the worst. I was so annoyed by her obnoxious DR responses during the POV competition last night. Her and Frankie have got to go!
Glad I'm not the only one. Her voices and mannerisms during her DR responses are fucking terrible. Can't wait for Derrick and Cody to dump her ass.


It's so lame how self-aware some of these people are, but yet they do nothing about it.

Dear Donny and Nicole, it doesn't matter how many comps you throw and how many times you vote with the house so you don't put "an even bigger target" on your back. Have you not noticed you still get nominated every single time anyway?

Yeah but when you're currently on the block it's best not to give people a reason to send you home. Plus I still think there's a chance some other people in the house could go before her if she plays her cards right.


Glad I'm not the only one. Her voices and mannerisms during her DR responses are fucking terrible. Can't wait for Derrick and Cody to dump her ass.

Not to mention she's terrible at this game and has done absolutely nothing. She's going to be the first expendable one of their alliance and I can't wait to see her walk out the door and I would love it even more if her husband was there when she does and served her the D papers haha
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