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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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I can't tell if Amber is seriously that naive or if she's trying to lead Caleb on while doing nothing to take advantage of it.


I can't tell if Amber is seriously that naive or if she's trying to lead Caleb on while doing nothing to take advantage of it.
Based on what we've seen on the feeds and what her family is reiterating about the situation on Twitter, she's naive.


I can't tell if Amber is seriously that naive or if she's trying to lead Caleb on while doing nothing to take advantage of it.

Gosh, if she actually knew what she was doing, she could and would Yoko the Bomb Squad harder than Amanda BB15 ever did her in season and without getting any blood on her hands.

She's just trying to keep the peace.


I hear that adorning yourself with your girlfriend's baby blanket is a look that is all the rage this summer.



Death Prophet
There's already been sex in the BB16 house!


I'm fully supporting all these straight guys being this comfortable around a gay man.


Devin plans to use the POV to pull down Pao Pao and put up Victoria if he wins the comp.

He's alerted Derrick, Caleb, Frankie, Amber and Zach of this intent which means they may feel obligated to follow suit.

It seems likely that she doesn't have the votes right now to stay in the game as everyone is in "screw what Devin wants" mode. Victoria going up opposite Brittany would likely result in Frankie being kept in the dark about their plan to vote against the HOH's wishes. Whereas if Brittany was up against Pao Pao they might have looped him in.

Victoria would also be the replacement nominee against Pao Pao should Brittany happen to win POV. Victoria would have a chance to stay in that unlikely scenario for the identical reasons as the above.

On the bright side, Pao Pao is amenable to screwing Devin over even if he does pull her down off the block this week. Not that she has value beyond being a vote and a challenge anchor.

As of right now...
- Votes to Evict Victoria = Christine, Cody, Derrick, Donny, Hayden, Nicole, Zach
- Votes to Evict Brittany = Amber, Caleb, Frankie, Jocasta (unless someone clues her in)
- Votes Up For Grabs = Pao Pao
Question about BotB: If you win are you completely safe from eviction or can you be put up as a replacement nominee at the veto ceremony?


Question about BotB: If you win are you completely safe from eviction or can you be put up as a replacement nominee at the veto ceremony?
You cannot be put up as a replacement nominee. You have complete safety for the week.
Which is why Devin can't put up Nicole or Hayden as they're fully immune.

Victoria is his only option out of the group of people he's not protecting and/or not in the Bomb Squad no matter who wins POV.
He's pulling down Pao Pao, Hayden and Nicole are safe, he's offered protection to Jocasta and Donny, Brittany is on the block and everyone else is Bomb Squad.

All that's left is Victoria.


Are there have-nots this week?
Supposedly. Devin expects that he'll be able to choose some but they wanted everyone to be able to drink and eat for July 4th so they're rolling them out later than usual.
He plans on making Brittany a Have Not for the 2nd consecutive week.

There was a feeds-exclusive America Votes question on the extra food item the Have Nots would get to eat this week.
'Wurst BLTs won (I'm assuming that's liverwurst and not the more appetizing bratwurst).


Derrick and Cody just formally solidified a Final 2 deal upstairs at the chessboard.

Derrick also shifted back into "save his Victoria parachute" mode by telling Cody that he now wants to stick with the Bomb Squad and give Devin what he wants this week.
Which means Brittany needs to win POV, Victoria will go up opposite Pao Pao and Derrick will change his mind on the subject again.
Otherwise Brittany will go home unless Cody decides to move independently - which will be tough because Frankie will want Victoria to stay as well.

As of right now...
- Votes to Evict Victoria = Christine, Donny, Hayden, Nicole, Zach, Pao Pao
- Votes to Evict Brittany = Amber, Caleb, Frankie, Jocasta, Derrick
- Votes Up For Grabs = Cody

Cody's decision could shift that top group down to evict Brittany - except for Zach, who will vote to evict Victoria regardless.
So we're either at 7-5 to evict Victoria or 11-1 to evict Brittany.


Camera 1 is worth flashbacking to 8:24pm Pacific tonight.
Zach talks to the live feeders and shares his feelings about one... special princess.

You can also watch it on YouTube here.

If you want to watch an entertaining sequence that preceded this, flashback to 6:31pm Pacific.
Zach really hates her because she is rude. I don't know what caused it but his hate for her is hilarious.
You did watch the Flashback scene I referenced above, right? The one at 6:31pm Pacific on July 2nd on Camera 1.
That should give you some clue as to why these two don't connect.
You did watch the Flashback scene I referenced above, right? The one at 6:31pm Pacific on July 2nd on Camera 1.
That should give you some clue as to why these two don't connect.

Where he talks to the cam in the beehive room? Zach nominating Victoria would be entertaining for me.

EDIT: Oh I have to watch what preceeded it!


Caleb taught Frankie self-defense lessons and they looked extremely sexual, then Caleb was teaching Frankie about pressure points and Caleb basically touched Frankie's balls.
That doesn't mean Zankie's dead. Frankie flirts with, fondles and gets fondled by all of these guys.


Caleb taught Frankie self-defense lessons and they looked extremely sexual, then Caleb was teaching Frankie about pressure points and Caleb basically touched Frankie's balls.

So Frankie has touched Caleb's dick. There was a pic a few pages back. Not that shocking anymore.


Derrick's influence with Cody worked.
He's backing down from saving Brittany.
She's toast by an 11-1 vote vs. Victoria barring POV shenanigans.

Still a long way to go until next Thursday.


Caleb-Amber are now an official item.
She apparently goes for the obsessive stalker look.
I'm sure her family on her Twitter account will be mortified.


I'm going to spare you a Camber flashback. You'll be seeing most of that nonsense on the show.

This one is great, though.

Jocasta Counsels Zach on His Feud w/ Victoria

FLASHBACK Heads Up: July 5th - 1:02am on Cameras 1 & 2

She is an amazing counselor.


Caleb-Amber are now an official item.
She apparently goes for the obsessive stalker look.
I'm sure her family on her Twitter account will be mortified.
This is a good thing for her, though. She has a meathead-shield. Hopefully she's aware of what she's doing here.


It's going to be fun seeing Pao Pao anchored to Devin next week during the Battle of the Block. He can't play for HOH. And Pao Pao now has established precedent of throwing Battle of the Block competitions when asked.

That will be fun to watch.

Caleb and Amber are now on board with taking out Devin next week. Caleb won't be nominating him if he's HOH but he's given his blessing to the rest of the house to do so. They're contemplating keeping Brittany in the house because she's the only challenge-capable person in the game aside from Hayden that could backdoor or nominate Devin - and Devin hasn't given him a direct reason to do it.

They want Devin gone next week but he'll out the Bomb Squad if one of his alliance members puts him up or doesn't use the POV on him. They either keep Britt to do their dirty work or work Hayden to backdoor him.

And in a demonstration of extremely stupid gameplay, Caleb decides to confront Devin tonight with news that folks in the Bomb Squad are questioning evicting Brittany. What an idiot.

Devin to Caleb: "This alliance is over." Did the Bomb Squad just get blown up? Or is Devin going to sleep on it?
And in a demonstration of extremely stupid gameplay, Caleb decides to confront Devin tonight with news that folks in the Bomb Squad are questioning evicting Brittany. What an idiot.

To the surprise of nobody...

Here we go, Caleb and Devin say they are done
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