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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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Zach and Brittany are vying for who can make the worse move over the next 48 hours. Hopefully both of them are talked out of their stupidity, but if not, it'll be great TV/Feeds.
I hope Zach is talked down. I hope Britt isn't. Just imagine that POV ceremony.
Derrick's trying to talk her down off the tightrope.


FLASHBACK Heads Up: July 6th - 4:53am on Cameras 1 & 2

Brittany pitches Derrick on her plan to accept Devin's power of veto and burn it without using it.


Looks like Derrick talked her down from that, and it looks like Derrick successfully talked Zach out of the dumb idea of the calling out of the alliance and such. At least from what I gathered from their convo at 3:00AM, they're just gonna campaign for Victoria to stay, since blowing the Bomb Squad up doesn't do anything for them, and by her staying, the same effect is achieved.


Zach's idea was completely stupid and would benefit nobody. Devin got him rattled and he was just dying to lash out at him.

Britt's idea is also stupid but it's just so radical and totally a move she would come up with AND I think she would pull it off so I really want to see it. I'm glad Derrick tried to talk some sense into her because he really needs as many bodies as he can get in his camp and it's not worth risking Brittany just for a "TV moment".

But it's ultimately her choice to make. I can totally see the DR pushing for it and calling the veto meeting as soon as she's on board with it. Would make for great TV which is ultimately what this is all about.


FLASHBACK Heads Up: July 6th - 5:15am on Cameras 3 & 4

Zach & Cody air all of their dirty laundry about Caleb... while playing some of the shittiest pool of all-time.


10:43 AM Frankie "I think Derrick is playing the field and Cody/Zach are time bombs." NT
10:41 AM Frankie to Devin "Our alliance is you me and Caleb, Amber and Christine." NT

10:40 AM Frankie to Devin "I think there is two people in this house who will come after you next week and you know who they are." NT
10:37 AM Frakie telling Devin he doesn't think hes wrong about targeting an alliance member. NT
10:37 AM Devin talking about targeting either Zach or Cody. NT
10:36 AM Devin talking to Frankie about making a deal with Victoria and backdooring a alliance member. NT



Frankie is saving himself, which he should be.

Zach has played the shittiest game in the past 48 hours that I can recall in recent BB history. Good riddance if Devin goes through with putting him up.


Frankie is saving himself, which he should be.

Zach has played the shittiest game in the past 48 hours that I can recall in recent BB history. Good riddance if Devin goes through with putting him up.
Derrick and Cody needed to sleep in shifts and keep Zach reigned in.
Especially with a rat tandem in Frankie & Christine working overtime to fuel constant chaos and an emotionally volatile HOH.
It's two two Andys in one!

Frankie is never leaving the HOH room this season.
Christine will never stop selling out anyone this season.
BOTH of them will be there at Final 4 and two of the most hated Big Brother players of all-time despite expertly conducting dual-Andy warfare.
Frankie is saving himself, which he should be.

Zach has played the shittiest game in the past 48 hours that I can recall in recent BB history. Good riddance if Devin goes through with putting him up.
Yeah, I know. Just hoping it doesn't backfire badly on Frankie for insisting that Christine is in their alliance.

And yeah Zach fucking lost it, I mean: 11:08 AM Zach told Frankie and Amber that he will give an eviction speech saying to vote him out if he's nom'd.Amber tells him not to say that, that he's not going home.
All it took was someone questioning him.


Frankie is saving himself, which he should be.

Zach has played the shittiest game in the past 48 hours that I can recall in recent BB history. Good riddance if Devin goes through with putting him up.

I'm done with this clown.
even if he's gonna look amazing after being on slop for a few days


I haven't been keeping up with the feeds. What are Frankie and Devin talking about? Victoria being a memorable cast member. Is she popular?


Zach vs. Brittany - 11-1

Vote to Evict Zach - Amber, Caleb, Christine, Derrick, Donny, Frankie, Hayden, Jocasta, Nicole, Pao Pao, Victoria
Vote to Evict Brittany - Cody

Seems like how things are sitting right now.


Zach vs. Brittany - 11-1

Vote to Evict Zach - Amber, Caleb, Christine, Derrick, Donny, Frankie, Hayden, Jocasta, Nicole, Pao Pao, Victoria
Vote to Evict Brittany - Cody

Seems like how things are sitting right now.

Perfect. The sooner we can get this week over the better. I was quite a fan of his gameplay and him playing both sides and playing people, but he's fucking lost it between yesterday and today and mentally checked out. Makes no sense for him to be around.

Maybe he'll DOR.


Zach went from someone basically assured to at least make jury to this mess in 48 hours. And all because of King Devin questioning his loyalty.


Zach went from someone basically assured to at least make jury to this mess in 48 hours. And all because of King Devin questioning his loyalty.
Devin is 100% gone next week barring he's picked for POV and wins. Zach is absolutely broken if he couldn't play nice with Devin for one damn week. He even ignored Devin's attempts to have a talk this morning. Hell, Devin seems malleable enough that one cheap convo about how there's still a "weak" half of the house that our competitive side can get out so we all make jury would have probably gotten Zach off the block but it's too late now.


Devin is 100% gone next week barring he's picked for POV and wins. Zach is absolutely broken if he couldn't play nice with Devin for one damn week. He even ignored Devin's attempts to have a talk this morning. Hell, Devin seems malleable enough that one cheap convo about how there's still a "weak" half of the house that our competitive side can get out so we all make jury would have probably gotten Zach off the block but it's too late now.
I don't think Devin is going home next week.


Next week's probably not going to look like anything we can imagine right now. For all we know Jocasta's getting backdoored.
The Frankentine monster is only interested in keeping around the monsters that intimidate the house and the spineless goats who are easily influenced.
Jocasta has had the good sense to keep her yap shut and I don't see that changing any time soon.
Amber, Brittany and Cody are the most likely targets unless Derrick loses Caleb's ear completely.

I was wondering who would launch the opening strike in the Frankie vs. Derrick battle. Frankie wins Round 1.

EDIT: Devin's a certifiable madman when he has power. Neither Caleb or Amber seem down with this 'army of five' Frankie has sold Devin on.

This POV meeting will be crazy.
- Does Brittany go ahead with her crazy "accept and burn the veto" move? Does the DR allow it to happen?
- Does Zach blow up his game before that happens?
- Does Devin use the POV on Pao Pao or Brittany? 'Cause I think right now he's still leaning Brittany.

Feeds are now down for what is poised to be one of the most insane POV meetings of all-time. Bomb Squad may officially be blown up to the rest of the house by the time the feeds come back up.


Can someone do a quick recap as to how Zach has torpedoed his game this weekend? He always did seem unstable. But I was pro Zach only for the homoeroticism he brought to the house.


Can someone do a quick recap as to how Zach has torpedoed his game this weekend? He always did seem unstable. But I was pro Zach only for the homoeroticism he brought to the house.

It mostly started with Caleb saying he didn't trust him Post-PoV competition (because of the meeting they had beforehand) and since then he's just unraveled. He hasn't slept in over a day, he's barely eaten, and he's spent the bulk of his time talking about his exit from the game and wanting to blow Devin's game up. He seemingly couldn't handle not being trusted by him, and subsequently dismissed. Frankie tried talking him down to no avail last night, while Cody and Derrick didn't, at all, try to talk him down. Left to his own thoughts and stewing overnight, he's approached the point of no return.


But I was pro Zach only for the homoeroticism he brought to the house.
Frankie's the one putting in the most effort to tank Zack's game (well, okay, 2nd most... Zach is putting in the most effort himself) with the HOH so clearly that's not a play that has worked for Zach.
In some respects, I think Christine's doing what she can to tank Frankie's game because she's recognized that he's trying to play the same type of game she is and doing a shittier job of it.

Velcro Fly

Zach always seemed crazy. It was only a matter of time until someone tipped him over the edge.

It's still a stunning fall all things considered. He had potential for sure.


Frankie's the one putting in the most effort to tank Zack's game (well, okay, 2nd most... Zach is putting in the most effort himself) with the HOH so clearly that's not a play that has worked for Zach.
In some respects, I think Christine's doing what she can to tank Frankie's game because she's recognized that he's trying to play the same type of game she is and doing a shittier job of it.

It mostly started with Caleb saying he didn't trust him Post-PoV competition (because of the meeting they had beforehand) and since then he's just unraveled. He hasn't slept in over a day, he's barely eaten, and he's spent the bulk of his time talking about his exit from the game and wanting to blow Devin's game up. He seemingly couldn't handle not being trusted by him, and subsequently dismissed. Frankie tried talking him down to no avail last night, while Cody and Derrick didn't, at all, try to talk him down. Left to his own thoughts and stewing overnight, he's approached the point of no return.

Thanks. So much can change in 48 hours!

RIP Zankie. But if he gets backd**red that will make for some great tv.


My expectation right now is that Devin uses the power of veto on Brittany, she outs the deal with Pao Pao to throw Battle of the Block and the deal Devin tried to make with her which she will not honor, Devin puts Zach up as a replacement nominee, Zach delivers his own speech and outs the Bomb Squad that Devin pulled him into and has now betrayed... and that's how Wednesday's episode ends.

Feeds are back up. Still no POV meeting... and they're down again. Big Brother is trolling the feedsters now.
Zach always seemed crazy. It was only a matter of time until someone tipped him over the edge.

It's still a stunning fall all things considered. He had potential for sure.
And just 2 days ago he was like "Dude bro we're so golden bro, this is great for us, we don't have to fucking do anything and we ride it out to the end dude" to Cody
fucking lol


Zach should have taken his own advice and slept for the first 4 weeks of the house like he planned. Clearly that's what Jocasta's doing.
I kind of blame Cody for winding him up more than anything.
I think the Victoria feud was largely him wanting something to distract himself with to stave off the boredom because he knew that gaming hard would blow up in his face and he wanted a distraction.

As with most of the explosions in the house, I indirectly put the blame for this at Christine because she's the one who winds Cody up (she winds up everyone) and Zach was Cody's venting outlet.

Jocasta's the only person in that house that has gone on record for distrusting Christine. And that's because she sits back, observes and has seen Christine reinforce the paranoia of multiple people with opposing agendas with her parroting, laughing and seed planting.


Zach should have taken his own advice and slept for the first 4 weeks of the house like he planned. Clearly that's what Jocasta's doing.
I kind of blame Cody for winding him up more than anything.
I think the Victoria feud was largely him wanting something to distract himself with to stave off the boredom because he knew that gaming hard would blow up in his face and he wanted a distraction.

I blame them 100%. As soon as him and Frankie decided to shore up their side alliances this week, he became close with Cody, who did nothing but poison the well with Devin to Zach. They're so similar now with how much shit they talk about Devin, but say nothing to his face. I blame Derrick for not reeling him in either. I thought he'd be the brains behind those three but he's not.

Velcro Fly

Ugh it's going to be rough watching this season if we have a couple wannabe Andy players going all season.

I like Derrick and I've said before no one I ever like this early wins. He's going to end up on the wrong side of the numbers soon I feel :(


Loving this Derrick-Frankie game talk session right now.

I know, I feel like I'm finally getting a good feel on the house for the first time since the last eviction.

"If we can't, as adults, stick to the plan for four weeks, they're [the viewers] gonna laugh at us."

Now they're determined to keep the BS from detonating this week. Hopefully.


I know, I feel like I'm finally getting a good feel on the house for the first time since the last eviction.

"If we can't, as adults, stick to the plan for four weeks, they're [the viewers] gonna laugh at us."

Now they're determined to keep the BS from detonating this week. Hopefully.
Time will tell. Christine's the one throwing gasoline on everything.
So long as she keeps doing that and has everyone's ear, the good TV will continue even when Devin's gone.


Time will tell. Christine's the one throwing gasoline on everything.
So long as she keeps doing that and has everyone's ear, the good TV will continue even when Devin's gone.

It could, but if things get too blown up it might be an open house for the second half of the summer and I'm not here for that.


Looks like Derrick finally whipped some sense into the group, they're gonna get Zach and Devin in the same room to talk.

Zach looks like he finally closed his eyes for a bit, hopefully it'll stave off the manic personality for a few hours, long enough to keep it together.


Looks like Derrick finally whipped some sense into the group, they're gonna get Zach and Devin in the same room to talk.
The other reason the jets are getting cooled is because Caleb wasn't on board with Frankie's plan to trim Jump Street out of the Bomb Squad. I think that's largely due to the work Derrick put in with Caleb since Thursday to appease him, earn his trust and make Caleb feel that he's indebted to him.

Frankie is losing the battle of influence over both Caleb and Victoria with Derrick. And Christine is fueling Frankie up to destabilize his game whenever she talks to him (just as she's done with Cody, Amber and Devin). Frankie knows Derrick is his top threat in that game. But it's in neither of their best interests to blow things up now.

And despite all of this, if Zach and Devin don't hash this out it may blow wide open regardless. Devin's volatile enough to do just about anything without Christine lighting off dynamite around him.

As for Christine, I don't even think she realizes what she's doing. I just think it's in her nature to play the game this way.
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