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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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Devin has a daughter guys.


He also thinks that Frankie is jealous of him because of how close he got to Zach. I doubt Frankie cares, really, Frankie only mentions Zach when it's game related lately.
Frankie isn't jealous of anyone in that house. He's the closest thing to an emotionless gamebot in there. I haven't seen a genuine emotion out of him this entire game - with the exception of anxiety over some of the nonsense he's heard come out of the mouths of Caleb, Devin, Victoria and Zach. Every single display of his is staged, manufactured and artificial - designed solely to depict a specific image of how he wishes to be perceived in the game.

So while he may hug and cuddle everyone in that house over a hundred times a day, I doubt he genuinely cares about anyone - with the exception of Christine.
Because she presses his buttons in the exact way he likes to have them pressed.


Did Derrick and Frankie get Team America?

There was some brief comment they made to each other about what America want's.

Edit - Yup looks like Donny, Derrick, Frankie are team America. Discussing in backyard now.


I have no idea how this true, but Victoria just said one of the casting directors/producers/whatever told her Nick took all GM's prize money after the show.

So what does this mean for Derrick because he doesn't trust Frankie.

Sounds like the distrust went both ways after today, but they're making up so they can "honor" America's decision or whatever and form yet another new side alliance.


I can't tell if Frankie is really going to stick to this Team America like Derrick seems to be.

Derrick seems to be 100% down with Frankie. Not sure if Frankie feels the same but it seems like they are both spilling a lot to each other right now about the game and strategy.


That episode was a mess, but I guess they decided to clear out all the hanging threads from week one with only like 12 hours between HOH and BOB this week.


That episode was a mess, but I guess they decided to clear out all the hanging threads from week one with only like 12 hours between HOH and BOB this week.

No shit. Frankie said tonight they were letting him super dye his hair this Thursday, so hopefully that means editing is going to get back on track.


Christine's in the storage room and not wearing glasses.
*2 seconds later*
Christine's in the storage room and wearing glasses with a completely different outfit.


They should either add an episode or change the days that the episodes are played. I don't get why the moved the Tuesday episode to Wednesday for example. Too much shit goes on between eviction night and the first episode of the week.


Did Derrick and Frankie get Team America?

There was some brief comment they made to each other about what America want's.

Edit - Yup looks like Donny, Derrick, Frankie are team America. Discussing in backyard now.

"What's your favorite dessert?" "Apple pie."
"What's on the back of a quarter?" "A bald eagle."



It's all kinds of a letdown to have the drama surrounding a power-crazy Devin HOH reign cut short by the Zach Attack pulling the Big Brother equivalent of a Colton Cumbie spoiled rich kid "I wanna go home to my mansion and my golf courses because the game isn't as easy as I thought it would be" quit after talking so much trash up until now.

If he doesn't pull his head out of his ass, I won't miss him at all.

Shame that one little stumble off the balance beam may well have cost Cody his best friend in the game.

Hopefully Derrick doesn't read too much into Team America hitching him to the Frankie express. He's still a snake and some shared apple pie won't change that.


It's all kinds of a letdown to have the drama surrounding a power-crazy Devin HOH reign cut short by the Zach Attack pulling the Big Brother equivalent of a Colton Cumbie spoiled rich kid "I wanna go home to my mansion and my golf courses because the game isn't as easy as I thought it would be" quit after talking so much trash up until now.

If he doesn't pull his head out of his ass, I won't miss him at all.

Shame that one little stumble off the balance beam may well have cost Cody his best friend in the game.

Hopefully Derrick doesn't read too much into Team America hitching him to the Frankie express. He's still a snake and some shared apple pie won't change that.

Yeah, Derrick and Donny are fully committed to Team America. Frankie's always a wildcard, but I think he probably is as well because he wants the money, and he knows that keeping the other two will make getting the money easier


I don't get Team America, do they not get the money if one of the members is evicted?

No, the thinking is just that some of the tasks might be easier to complete as a team if all three of them are still there.

Frankie is telling Donny now that he "will honor this to the end."
No, the thinking is just that some of the tasks might be easier to complete as a team if all three of them are still there.

Frankie is telling Donny now that he "will honor this to the end."
Oh, I see. They seem to have the wrong idea as to why they were picked tho, they think it's because they're honest and loyal but it's because their games are good. Well, Donny is really likeable but Frankie's and Derrick's games are very good.

Imagine if it was Christine/Frankie/Derrick. Unstoppable.
Zach getting the Nick Uhas placement would be amazing and I really hope it turns into a BB tradition going forward, at least as long as they stay so boring about casting that type of character.


So it looks like Zach is going up?

And apparently he has the votes to get evicted, at least that is what everyone told Devin.

EDIT: Now Frankie of all people is trying to get Caleb to turn on Zach


So it looks like Zach is going up?

And apparently he has the votes to get evicted, at least that is what everyone told Devin.
Well, let's have some perspective on what they're telling Devin.

First off, they don't want to get put up to be replacement nominees themselves. So they're going to tell that big lug anything he wants to hear.

Secondly, he's under the mistaken impression that Brittany intends to honor the deal they struck yesterday so he's counting her as a vote. We know that's not the case.

Thirdly, as of right now Zach has effectively quit on himself in the game and given no indication of deviating from that course. Nobody in that house - even his allies - will keep him in the game if he remains on the path he's taken over the past 36 hours. If Zach rights himself - and I honestly don't think that he will - then we could have a legitimate battle on our hands this week instead of a landslide vote (or a DOR) and filler.

Lastly, if Zach doesn't bow out gracefully during tomorrow's veto meeting but instead elects to blow up the Bomb Squad that will radically change the dynamic of the entire house and their thought process in terms of who to send home. Trust in the game will be called into question within existing alliances in the house. Will Nicole still trust Christine? Will Brittany still trust Derrick?

A lot of people also don't know that Devin asked Pao Pao to throw a Battle of the Block competition (effectively making her poison for anyone nominated with her in future weeks) and that he also brokered deals with Victoria, Brittany, Hayden and Nicole solely to save his own hide.

Devin and Caleb aren't even on the same page any more as Caleb has a fundamental issue with Devin breaking the trust of the alliance instead of sticking to the plan. Once the Bomb Squad blows up, all of the dirty laundry in terms of the stunts Devin has pulled that have been kept sealed tight within that alliance will become part of the public domain. The dynamics of the house will drastically shift and it's quite likely that the war we were expecting to see unfold between Jump Street and the Devin/Caleb/Frankie power circle will actually become a war between Devin and Caleb/Amber.

So any promises of people voting one way or another way will change completely once Devin's power in that house ends tomorrow after the veto ceremony. He has no vote this week barring a tie. And an HOH comp on Thursday which he can't participate in and Caleb will probably be coming for him instead of fighting to protect him.

How this all plays out largely revolves around whether Zach decides to go out quietly or go out "guns ablazing" as he's been promising he will. If Zach goes out quietly, I can see the remnants of the Bomb Squad sticking together and continuing to pick off the stragglers. If not, anything could go down so long as Devin remains in that house.
I'm hoping Derrick gets Zach out of that mindset, he has the ability to do so. Also no mention of Frankie during that short meeting he,Cody, and Christine had before Hayden interrupted. Usually Derrick would've said something by now.


The Frankie convo was effective in a way, because we got to pick Zach's brain. He does want to stay and play, and he's not gonna blow the Bomb Squad up, which are good things, but he doesn't want to 'play the game' and tell Devin what he wants to hear. His point is valid (lots of shady shit going down, alliances made, deals made, without everyone knowing), but he seemingly doesn't know how to put that info to good use (aka poison Devin more with the house so when someone else wins HOH he can go).

The jury is still out on if Zach goes or not.

I say if he goes up but doesn't blow the Bomb Squad up he stays (they all want him to stay, save for Devin), if he does blow it up, who knows whether he stays or goes.

Actually, if Zach blows up the BS, it might not be a bad thing at all. A huge super-alliance crumbles, and the house resets itself. sort of like the whole funeral jazz. Since he actually wants to say, I think he should blow it up, ESPECIALLY the part about Pao throwing comps, because that would make the decision to keep him easier, I think.


Why are a lot of people questioning Frankie's "loyalty" to Team America? Team America = TV time and Frankie ain't going to pass that up. Unless you mean the actual alliance, then yeah, he most likely doesn't give a shit.

It's all kinds of a letdown to have the drama surrounding a power-crazy Devin HOH reign cut short by the Zach Attack pulling the Big Brother equivalent of a Colton Cumbie spoiled rich kid "I wanna go home to my mansion and my golf courses because the game isn't as easy as I thought it would be" quit after talking so much trash up until now.

He's reminding me of Garrett from last season too. It's like his brain and body just can't handle being on slop. I'm sure it was a giant exaggeration, but he was claiming to not have really eaten for ~3.5 days last night.

E92 M3

I have no idea how this true, but Victoria just said one of the casting directors/producers/whatever told her Nick took all GM's prize money after the show.

Why would they tell her that? And if so, that's horrible,

You guys know any youtube links to Devin's "best" moments?


You guys know any youtube links to Devin's "best" moments?

I think it might actually be too monumental of a task to create a Devin montage. Every time he opens his mouth (so all day) is something gold worthy. I mean just last night he was claiming to be able to read lips (which will hopefully cause some hilarious misunderstanding), started talking to himself, and of course decided he's in love with Brittany out of nowhere.


This all seems like an act, I think Devin is deliberately being ridiculous, lol. There's no real reason for him to practice this speech like this.


This all seems like an act, I think Devin is deliberately being ridiculous, lol. There's no real reason for him to practice this speech like this.


Despite that both the person he's saving and the person he's putting up are for personal reasons.


This all seems like an act, I think Devin is deliberately being ridiculous, lol. There's no real reason for him to practice this speech like this.

I think it seems like an act because Devin himself is half an act at being a person. It came off more like he was practicing facial expressions and pauses than the actual words.

And yeah, it is super long.

edit: Brittany is lucky he finally made up his mind already. Her stupid ass stayed up all night and she was completely out of it once everyone else got up. Even tried to go to the HoH room but Devin ignored her doorbell :lol


I think it might actually be too monumental of a task to create a Devin montage. Every time he opens his mouth (so all day) is something gold worthy. I mean just last night he was claiming to be able to read lips (which will hopefully cause some hilarious misunderstanding), started talking to himself, and of course decided he's in love with Brittany out of nowhere.
My favorite bit was when Frankie left his room, Devin looked at his bible quizzically, mused out loud, "I wonder if there's something in here about going to war" and then starts to read through it with an intense expression on his face.
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