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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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I'm going to side with Bored Bret Hart in that I'm not really feeling any of the girls' this season. There are no prospective Nedas in this group.

Despite being more diverse than your typical Robyn Kass assortment after last season's racial debacle, they don't seem to offer much potential.
Which is a shame because I'd enjoy seeing a girl win Big Brother U.S. for just the 3rd time since Maggie.
Moved from bottom of previous page:

OK, time for my second annual, almost completely worthless houseguest impressions based on video's where Jeff asks if they are single and ready to mingle:

(These are done in the order I watched them)

Victoria: Nasally voice, full of herself, "I'd rather lose and be loved"....seriously? Get the fuck out

Amber: Blazing hot, "girl alliance" strategy (good luck with that), seems nice but naive. She will either be an early target by other girls because of her looks or she will stick around awhile and not do much of anything. Another "lose and be loved", Ugh...

Christine: Big fan, feed watcher. Seems like she wants to be Ian but I'm not sure I buy it. Wants to win, will do anything, I love that. She might not bring much to the feeds but her game might be OK

Caleb: Adventure hunting guide? Seriously? He might be an idiot. I liked his answers about what he would do with the money, but his "strategy" leaves a lot to be desired

Cody: Reminds me so much of Jeff that it's scary. Competitive, all-american looks, single, good guy, might not be the brightest, he is basically Jeff's younger brother. Another "lose and be loved"....

Devin: Huge arms=big target (even though mass works against people in most comps, it just seems to work that way), don't think he knows the game (only referred to last season), huge smile, will try to get by on physical ability (he has no chance of winning this game)

Joey: Big personality, talks too much. If she wins she wants to travel and go to music festivals.... No strategy talk, just basically that she likes women (but she's not a lesbian). I have almost nothing to go on here with Joey, but I'm going to take a stab at saying she doesn't know the game and has no strategy. Edit: Apparently she has said she wants to be the nicest person to ever win BB....LOL

Brittany: She's a mom with three kids (hopefully not another Helen), doesn't know the game. Her strategy "I've gotten this far, just be me"....oh god.... A smart player could use and abuse her in this game. At least she would rather win and be hated, that's a good start

Derrick: Cop, might be too overconfident with his "I've been undercover". Smart to not say you are a cop, but he better have a good story and stick to it. Better watch it, because he could find himself in trouble with his work VERY easily (I'm surprised they gave him the time off to do this). I really liked his answer about winning or being liked. He might have a chance if his lie doesn't get exposed and he doesn't get overconfident

Jocasta: A minister in a bowtie...OK. Reminds me of Jameka (season 8). At least she cares about winning, I have my doubts about her ability to though...

Paola: She looks like she's from a Disney channel show. The game is apparently going to be easy because as a DJ she can read the crowd and the crowd is a magnet to her....seriously....Says she's a fan, but BB14 was her favorite season. BB14 was good, but you have to be a new fan to think that was the best. Big personality, but says she's going to lay low, I'm not buying it. She's got a great body (google image search her) She will bring fun to the feeds, but probably not much else. I can see why she was cast

Donny: Poor Donny, you stick out in every possible way with this group. Seems like a really nice guy who will stick around as the older person who is used and not seen as a threat. If I'm this this game, I buddy-up to Donny immediately. Cast for his beard, and nothing else

Hayden: Jeff Spicoli 2014, might be OK in comps, but he's a bit of an idiot. I can't see him winning

Frankie: Reminds me of Will (BB14) as he is ON 24/7. He's going to have a HUGE advantage with any kind of America voting crap. He will be loved in the house and hang around awhile

Zach: This guy is insanely full of himself. He better dial that crap back or he will make himself an early target. Reminds me of a more clean cut Jeremy (BB15). Favorite player is Mike Boogie, that's good I guess. Hopefully he's watched more than just BB14 Boogie

Nicole: Big fan (that's cool), makes t-shirt's of her favorite houseguest (that's a little scary). Small, young, and naive is what I see. Not seeing much here, not sure why she was cast based off this


the Jeff interviews are especially pointless because it's Jeff asking the questions, which are already dumb and generic

And forced, too.

I just found out that Brittany, Cody, Hayden, Joey, Paola (thanks GM) & Victoria were recruits.

Christine, Derrick, Donny, Frankie Grande, Jocasta and Nicole are fans.

Amber claims that she auditioned for Big Brother before but she only watched Big Brother 10. So has Zach. He auditioned for Big Brother before also. Caleb & Devin applied for Amazing Race.

Pretty interesting.


Calling it right now. She's going to get into it with someone.
Young cast and she's a minister. It's about to go dooooooown.
Of course she will.
The whole season looks to be set up as a cool kid's club. Conform or be cast out. If you're not one of the beautiful people, don't expect to last long.
I can see the first half of the season being a "house decision" for the evictions when there are so many same-age all wanting to be part of the cool clique.


Of course she will.
The whole season looks to be set up as a cool kid's club. Conform or be cast out. If you're not one of the beautiful people, don't expect to last long.
I can see the first half of the season being a "house decision" for the evictions when there are so many same-age all wanting to be part of the cool clique.

I dunno. If they really are split into two teams at the beginning, it could play out a bit more Survivor-ish. Might keep an annoying person because they're good at comps or something.

However, this is BB. The team thing will probably only last three weeks.


One showmance will break it all up and from watching the cast video's I think we are going to have plenty of those this season.
"Are you single?"
"Are you looking for a showmance?"
"No. But if it happens, then sure"

at least 2/3 of the HGs this year


"Are you single?"
"Are you looking for a showmance?"
"No. But if it happens, then sure"

at least 2/3 of the HGs this year

One of them said this was the first time she's ever been single. lol

She's definitely looking for one. Watch it end up being total opposite and there are no showmances.


"Are you single?"
"Are you looking for a showmance?"
"No. But if it happens, then sure"

at least 2/3 of the HGs this year

I can honestly say one of them was Amber, lol.



They could definitely to that for All-Stars. I understand wanting to let the newbies acclimate in the first few days, though, when there are a ton of production Qs.


btw boys, jokers has some nsfw pics of Amber...


Her Instagram pictures look better than the professional shots lol.

Of course she will.
The whole season looks to be set up as a cool kid's club. Conform or be cast out. If you're not one of the beautiful people, don't expect to last long.
I can see the first half of the season being a "house decision" for the evictions when there are so many same-age all wanting to be part of the cool clique.

The problem with your observation is that the house is going to be split up into two teams. Your scenario couldn't possibly happen.

Unless I'm missing something.
I went to High School with Cody. He was your typical popular kid and I really do not remember much about it. We were on the tennis team for a short while before he quit it to play soccer. I would have much preferred his hotter older brother on this season haha


Neo Member
It seems like a lot of people think that the two teams this season are going to be Boys V.S. Girls. I really hope not, but I could see it happening as hard as it seems the show is pushing for an all-girls alliance.


Caleb on Instagram

"insain_physique @lockehart12 you believe in murder? You agree with fags? I guess so but I don't agree with murdering A innocent baby which he clearly doesn't mind. Nothin has changed in these last four years. You know it. Your just a democrat that wants that Muslim monkey in office. I'm done with you, your dismissed"

Caleb on Instagram

"insain_physique @lockehart12 you believe in murder? You agree with fags? I guess so but I don't agree with murdering A innocent baby which he clearly doesn't mind. Nothin has changed in these last four years. You know it. Your just a democrat that wants that Muslim monkey in office. I'm done with you, your dismissed"


Omg what the fuck. This will be a mess
Caleb on Instagram

"insain_physique @lockehart12 you believe in murder? You agree with fags? I guess so but I don't agree with murdering A innocent baby which he clearly doesn't mind. Nothin has changed in these last four years. You know it. Your just a democrat that wants that Muslim monkey in office. I'm done with you, your dismissed"


Nice job casting


LOL how are they not fired?
Clearly it's because they approve of Robyn Kass bringing in racists and homophobes onto the Big Brother set.
At least now we know who Caleb won't be aligning himself with. Although perhaps he's had a change of heart over the past 20 months.

Caleb is going to be watched like a hawk on the feeds so people can publically rake Robyn through the coals at the slightest slip-up.


Is there no kind of background check to get on this show? I mean, it shouldn't be that hard to go through someone's IG to make sure they aren't a racist or homophobe. Isn't that Kassting's job?


The Fool Who Follows Her
Did anyone watch the interviews from welovebigbrother.com? The interviewer asked every houseguest if they think being gay is a choice and Caleb, Donny, and Amber said it was a choice (although Amber seemed to be confused by the question and says she "supports it") and Cody, Zach, and Hayden had no idea, while Frankie, the gay guy, was conflicted. Jacosta didn't answer the question, but indicated she thought it was a choice and hinted that she used to be gay but changed. I'm not kidding. I wouldn't be surprised if there was more racist/homophobic controversy akin to last season. If that is the case than I am done with Big Brother.
What's worse than cat ladies? How about the millions of followers of a teen pop star? Just wait until Caleb says something about Frankie...


I wouldn't be surprised if there was more racist/homophobic controversy akin to last season. If that is the case than I am done with Big Brother.
I wouldn't be surprised if that's what production wants and considers controversy "good TV". It's not on them if a contestant is an idiot when they can just fallback to the good old default.. "opinions not the view of the network".

If controversy really does sell, then it's reality TV taking the next step to the extreme by casting airheads and bigots with the hope that they'll provide.


I'm fine with natural confrontations of the different contestants worldviews but the way it happened last year was mostly behind their backs and just made for controversy instead of discussion.

Velcro Fly

Hate to say it but if this season resembles last season with the racists and homophobes i'm out. I enjoy the show but if they are going to keep putting the worst of the worst on live TV i can't support that.


HD, finally. What the hell took them so long to begin with? Like the past two or three seasons, I'll barely watch. The game is a fucking farce, the casting keeps getting worse, and the show just needs to end.

edit: Watched the cast videos, kind of strange how diverse the women are (not only in terms of race, but personality) while the men fall flat. Epic casting fail.

They should start doing celebrity BB in place of this shit.

Omg what the fuck. This will be a mess
What the fuck. BB casting has not learned their lesson... why does CBS continue to peddle their shit?
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