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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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Devin has great ideas but his execution of those ideas are just horrible. You don't threaten someone into your alliance.
4:36 PM Derrick to Devin: There was a leak in the boat this week (Zach), and we filled it in with Hayden. NT

I know he's playing him but what is Derrick trying to do?
Apparently Frankie now thinks it's good that Zach is gonna try to amend things with Caleb and he thinks it's better that Pao goes home.

He's changed his mind about 3 times now. Wow.


Apparently Frankie now thinks it's good that Zach is gonna try to amend thinks with Caleb and he thinks it's better that Pao goes home.

He's changed his mind about 3 times now. Wow.

He's basically doing the same thing as Derrick but he's not as good at it.


For the good of the feeds Zach needs to stay. When Devin figures out he isn't in the power position of the house anymore the feeds are going to be even better and they've been great already. Devin under even more pressure is going to be even more hilarious.


For the good of the feeds Zach needs to stay. When Devin figures out he isn't in the power position of the house anymore the feeds are going to be even better and they've been great already. Devin under even more pressure is going to be even more hilarious.
Just imagine what he's like when he goes on slop next week.
Have-Nots should have their daily medication supply cut off as well, IMO.


It's got to be Pao that they nominate next to him right?

Edit: Unless they backdoor him, which probably is the smarter move. Giving Devin two chances to save himself is bad news.
It's got to be Pao that they nominate next to him right?

Edit: Unless they backdoor him, which probably is the smarter move. Giving Devin two chances to save himself is bad news.
Yeah Devin is getting backdoored

6:08 PM Jocasta and Frankie laying in fire room. Frankie says ultimately Zachis a bigger threat than Pao and should always take out the bigger threat that is how you play the game. Why not take him out now before he comes after then. They are going over votes saying there is 7 of us and 7 of them. Frankie says Pao is more persuadable but they are both loose cannons although Zach is better at comps.
Man, Frankie lost it today. So indecisive.
Anyone know how the votes would go if held today? I know it's looking grim for Zach but I'm really hoping he can turn things around by Thursday.


Anyone know how the votes would go if held today? I know it's looking grim for Zach but I'm really hoping he can turn things around by Thursday.

It's not grim for Zach at all. If Zach keeps his cool he would stay this week. Derrick has been in overdrive tonight getting support.
Oh my gosh. Did Pao do this weird hand thing Brittany and Hayden are doing during the ceremony? It seems hilarious.

EDIT: Frankie is deathly afraid of upsetting Devin and Caleb. Zach doesn't have a chance at getting his vote because of that.




EDIT: Frankie is deathly afraid of upsetting Devin and Caleb. Zach doesn't have a chance at getting his vote because of that.
The real jeopardy for Frankie is that with the entire house turned against Devin & Caleb next week, Frankie makes an ideal scapegoat nom either opposite them or to evict in the instance of one of them winning Battle of the Block and the other winning POV. Caleb won't sell Frankie out but you can believe that Devin will. Frankie won't go home but whatever credibility he has left in the house could very well be shredded.

Derrick is on to him because he's bullshitting him on voting out Zach this week and Frankie's buying it. Team America gave Derrick the perfect cover to get Frankie to lower his guard down. Derrick will tell Zach how much Frankie was pushing to get him out this week but he'll keep that under his hat until after Thursday when Zach is off the block.


Mmhmm. Frankie is obsessed with being good with Caleb and Devin. Disappointing. Does he not realize literally the whole house is gunning for those two? Does he have a bad read of the house? Is he stupid? He'll be collateral damage at this point if he keeps it up.
Mmhmm. Frankie is obsessed with being good with Caleb and Devin. Disappointing. Does he not realize literally the whole house is gunning for those two? Does he have a bad read of the house? Is he stupid? He'll be collateral damage at this point if he keeps it up.
Frankie keeps saying he's not playing an emotional game at all but seriously, his desperation to get Zach out and to be extremely loyal to Devin and Caleb seems to me like it's entirely emotional.
Frankie has so much potential, but unless someone talks him out of his Devin/Caleb bullshit then he's screwed.


Frankie has tanked his game by pushing for Zach so much. They know he's a snake. Even Nicole said Frankie can't be trusted and that he's playing "Andy's" game. When you have Nicole saying that you know Frankie's goose is cooked.
Mmhmm. Frankie is obsessed with being good with Caleb and Devin. Disappointing. Does he not realize literally the whole house is gunning for those two? Does he have a bad read of the house? Is he stupid? He'll be collateral damage at this point if he keeps it up.

reminds me of someone last season. HMMM Andy hiding behind mcrae and Amanda rings a bell. I hope people see what he is doing
reminds me of someone last season. HMMM Andy hiding behind mcrae and Amanda rings a bell. I hope people see what he is doing
It's crystal clear to everyone, the only people who trust him are Devin and Caleb and everyone in the house hates those too.
What an idiot, I hope he gets nominated and realizes that he's not as sneaky as he thinks anymore. Not after that Zach called him out.


Frankie's game is nothing like Andy's...

Besides, the circumstances are different.
The fundamental differences are:

That Andy had some semblance of subtlety. He blended into the background of every room he was in (and he was in a lot of rooms) whereas Frankie doesn't know the meaning of blending into the background. He always has to be the center of attention doing schtick, getting laughs and doling out kisses, hugs, empty praise and Disney / Harry Potter trivia.

Andy didn't have to be a control freak from Day 1. Frankie has literally roosted in the HOH room since he entered that house 3 weeks ago and has convinced himself that he has to show off by influencing Caleb & Devin's decisions... whereas Andy took the time to identify power players that were not emotionally unstable and not easily identified as working together so he could escape from danger when it arised.

Andy listened to people. Frankie talks first and then throws a tantrum when he doesn't get his way.

Andy had decent self-awareness. Frankie thought he had the entire house on lock until Zach told him that wasn't the case and he responded by trying to blow up his game in 72 hours by targeting the group of players who dared to think he was shady.

Andy knew when to stop fighting a losing battle. Frankie clearly doesn't.

Andy didn't stab his trusted allies in the back and try to get them evicted from the game when he didn't need to. Zach may be a loose cannon but he wasn't going to blow up Frankie's game if he stayed off the block. Instead, Frankie tried to force the conflict.

Andy knew when to pick his spots. Frankie clearly doesn't. Being surrounded in terrible gameplay has blinded him to his own terrible gameplay and whether it was being encouraged by Christine or by "America" validating his shitty play by adding him to their alliance, he's now completely unglued.

And Andy wasn't shamelessly pandering to the viewers to give him special powers. He had enough confidence in his own game to take him all the way to the win.

So yeah, Frankie's game is nothing like Andy's. It's much worse. The only thing they have in common is that they're both rats.
Yeah, Frankie is really throwing his game away. He really wants to be liked by everybody especially the "two most powerful dudes". He said he didn't want any lines drawn in the sand but failed to realize that its better to have a line drawn with the majority of the house and just have two sinking players mad than to lose trust of the majority of the house.


BigBrotherLeak ‏@BigBrotherLeak 21s
Devin to Frankie: "So I've been sitting here watching Brittany (on tv) move around. Dude, I'm losing my mind. I like her." #BB16

I'd hit it


Every season has a Caleb or a Devin (this season just has two). Andrew, Jeremy, Tom, Frank... They must be avoided at all costs. They run the house (or act like they do) for the first few weeks, then thr house collectively turns on them and their downfall is quick and sudden. Just get out of their way and let them commit BB suicide in due time.
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