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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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Derrick telling Frankie to chill. Good advice.
Will Frankie take it?



Nominees that are semi-locked in thus far...

Derrick - Jocasta & ??????, planning on nominating an ally to throw Battle of the Block, backdoor Devin
Nicole - Amber & ??????


I think Derrick is making a mistake by going after Jacosta out of revenge for a vote (that never really mattered anyway). When he could be going after one of the HG that actually has intentions to win.


I think Derrick is making a mistake by going after Jacosta out of revenge for a vote (that never really mattered anyway). When he could be going after one of the HG that actually has intentions to win.
He's looking for somebody weak to nominate so he can stay HOH and ensure Devin gets backdoored.
He's protecting Brittany, Victoria and Donny. And won't nominate Amber out of courtesy to Caleb. Nicole isn't an option. So it's just Jocasta that he can use.
This is solely due to Battle of the Block strategy.
Zach should never say that someone "deserves" to be in jury. Dude, bro, you're garbage at this game.

Going after Jacosta and Donny seems pointless to me.


please dont tell me devin is pretty much a goner if he doesnt win PoV ?

Jacosta gonna dominate this BoTB and Nicole will save Devin, because she is a daughter after all


Pow was pretty terrible too. She deserved to go home based on the fact she was willing to throw a competition that could have got her off the block.
Something that Derrick seems to think any of his other 5 Bomb Squad members (but not Caleb or Amber) will be content to do to ensure Nicole forfeits her HOH powers.


I watched the Murtz show I guess it's called where he interviewed the lady that does the casting for Big Brother Robyn Kass. I swear I used to wonder why the people on the show was so messed up, this lady answers to some of the questions like why do you get recruits and why hasn't there been a over weight person on the show are insane. He directly ask her about the system they use to select the cast and if she made any changes after last year's BB cause of the racist talk and actions and she says no they are using the same system they have always used cause people act different in front of them than they do in the house so there's no way they can tell what a person is going to do. She's as full of it as the people they select for the show.


Finally turned on the feeds right now and WTF is Derrick trying to pull on Nicole? He flat out told her the bomb squad didn't exist (or he wasn't a part of it, I got confused) even though everyone in the fucking house knew it did.

Nicole is doing a good job sticking up for herself. Pretty much said she wasn't going to discuss her whole thought process with Derrick because she doesn't fully trust him.


Nominees that are semi-locked in thus far...

Derrick - Jocasta & ??????, planning on nominating an ally to throw Battle of the Block, backdoor Devin
Nicole - Amber & ??????
Derrick - Jocasta & Caleb, planning on nominating an ally to throw Battle of the Block, backdoor Devin
Nicole - Amber & ??????, planning on either having Devin drawn to play POV and win or to have somebody win POV that will pull Jocasta down off the block, vote out Caleb

One to go.


pls don't put up frankie nicole :(

Nicole said he's pretty much the last person she'd put up. She's looking long term and knows he'd turn the whole house against her.

She's actually saying no to everybody and really wants to put Devin up and it's driving Derrick bonkers lol. He's really pushing for Brittany.

edit: Fucking Frankie man. Derrick left the Hoh room and that dude came running up the stairs and barged into the room before the door even closed. Nicole told him she was going to poop and made him leave.


Frankie just ran to that fucking room... smfh
He's such a transparent weasel.
Also, the fact that Derrick is so readily protecting Frankie and Frankie's TV edit the past two nights tells me that Production has got to Derrick. We're stuck with Frankie for the long haul.


Flash backing now and I'm super digging this Nicole/Brittany friendship. Sounds like Nic is even on to Christine being shady.

Also, the fact that Derrick is so readily protecting Frankie and Frankie's TV edit the past two nights tells me that Production has got to Derrick. We're stuck with Frankie for the long haul.

Derrick isn't just protecting him because of Team America?


While Nicole's still mulling over her 2nd nominee, the once nice part about her play is that the potential POV winner can decide who to take down. A good number of them will want to take Jocasta down, leave Caleb exposed and there's a decent chance Caleb would go home vs. Devin... especially if Derrick is the HOH and doesn't have a vote. She'd only need 5 votes aside from her own. And Jocasta and Brittany would be automatics. So she really only needs 3.

Plus, Derrick wouldn't be able to play for HOH the next week to come after her and this could force a divide between Cody & Derrick.


Nicole has played this HOH MASTERFULLY tonight. While Derrick has been tripping over himself apart from talking Caleb into going up on the block and throwing Battle of the Block - which was child's play given that Caleb just makes it so easy.

This chat between her and Hayden in the HOH room is Flashback worthy. They've got EVERYONE'S number.


Nicole has played this HOH MASTERFULLY tonight. While Derrick has been tripping over himself apart from talking Caleb into going up on the block and throwing Battle of the Block - which was child's play given that Caleb just makes it so easy.

This chat between her and Hayden in the HOH room is Flashback worthy. They've got EVERYONE'S number.

2:47 AM BBT if anyone is wondering.

It's very flashback worthy
Nicole has played this HOH MASTERFULLY tonight. While Derrick has been tripping over himself apart from talking Caleb into going up on the block and throwing Battle of the Block - which was child's play given that Caleb just makes it so easy.

This chat between her and Hayden in the HOH room is Flashback worthy. They've got EVERYONE'S number.

I do think Nicole played well tonight, but am not that impressed that they have everyone figured out. Everyone's game is so transparent that damn near everyone knows everything at this point.

They are also overstating that "the Bomb Squad is still together". Caleb and Amber are basically being used at this point, everyone knows Frankie floats everywhere, and Devin has one foot out the door after leaving the "alliance".


The Bomb Squad's still technically together and 8-strong "on paper". Derrick is the glue keeping it together. Sure we all know that if Caleb gets blinsdsided this week, it'll be nothing more than Jump Street + the Frankenstine Rat Monster because they'll drop Amber like a bad habit without Caleb (unless Cody showmances her) and Hayden isn't loyal to them at all (but will ride them for safety in the short-term).


Is Devin safe this week? I see people talking about Caleb leaving.
Devin's still the intended backdoor target if one of Derrick's nominations gets pulled down after POV (although Caleb may still be up there and would be a better target).


Catching up on Joker's updates and I lost it at this, it sounds like fanfic.

Caleb wanted to know if he would be on the same side with Amber, Derrick said no. Derrick kept talking trying to get Caleb to volunteer to go on the block. He kept saying how Caleb tells everyone him and Amber to the end. And how he tells everyone he will protect her. And how good he will look on TV for coming to her rescue something NOBODY has done in BB history. Caleb started blushing and said yea, he may do that.



Wow, so she did go for Donny, huh? That was the safest bet (outside Victoria), I dunno why she was worrying about it so much.


Wow, so she did go for Donny, huh? That was the safest bet (outside Victoria), I dunno why she was worrying about it so much.
It's Nicole. She's always worried people will be petty and take things personally.

Donny's probably happy because he gets to compete in another comp, he won't have Pao Pao tanking his performance and it's a guaranteed win so long as it's a comp that has the capability of being thrown.

Even Devin has been amicable about the whole affair knowing that he's poised to be backdoored.
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