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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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I will be PRAYING for Zach and Jocasta if they are indeed one of the BoB teams. My 2 faves. <3



No way they tip them off this season. It's in need of some drama and keeping this secret is their only hope of it. Maybe if it will save Frankie though AG might tip him off. He's obviously one of her favorites this season with the edits he's been getting.


Caleb's already wearing the new overalls Donny won in his HOH basket.
If there are new clothes to be worn, rest assured that Caleb will find a way to wear them.

Velcro Fly

I'd never make it on BB. I'm a selfish fuck in real life so no way would I give people all my food and let them wear my clothes.


I'd never make it on BB. I'm a selfish fuck in real life so no way would I give people all my food and let them wear my clothes.
Nobody in the house "lets" Caleb wear anything. He simply takes their stuff. All of Amber's clothes. Her baby blanket. Her bunny slippers. Cody's monkey. Cody's glasses. Donny's overalls. If he was on last season, he would have appropriated Judd's bear shirt and worn it exclusively. He'll probably be wearing something of Victoria's later this week.


Ah, the way some of them were talking about double eviction makes it seem like they know beforehand.

Well, it's usually a double eviction to start the jury house so that's why it's easy for them to figure it out.

This season's cast though, maybe not.
Caleb and Victoria won Battle of the Block.
Caleb and Christine on slop for two weeks.
Caleb to be chained to Victoria like Adam & Eve (presumably for twenty-four hours).
Caleb has to shave his head.

Oh my... a penalty comp.

Bald Caleb chained to Victoria for 24 hours.
Christine suffering on perma-slop.
Plus, there's a slightly better chance that Frankie will get backdoored with Nicole as HOH... especially if he's up there against Zach.

This week just got watchable.
I still think Jocasta leaves on Thursday by an 8-0 vote.

How did Christine get slop if she wasn't in the competition?


How did Christine get slop if she wasn't in the competition?
I think travislopes got confused when recapping what took place. Victoria got the two weeks of slop (with no supplementary food) along with Caleb.
The Have-Nots for the week were chosen by Nicole at the end of the comp. Christine may have been chosen with that group but I sort of doubt it given that it was Nicole doing the choosing.


Neo Member
Have they ever used those activity trackers for anything? Julie mentioned that they would affect the game but I haven't heard anything since. I don't really care if they do, I was just curious.


Have they ever used those activity trackers for anything? Julie mentioned that they would affect the game but I haven't heard anything since. I don't really care if they do, I was just curious.
They determined the Have-Nots LAST week.
The four laziest houseguests were deemed Have-Nots.
I believe those were Derrick, Caleb, Christine and Nicole.

Velcro Fly

Derrick and Cody pushing hard for the Frankie back door this week. She's pushing to have Zach and Frankie both up to ensure one of them goes which is smart I suppose. She's still getting used but it will break up their little group if it's Zach vs. Frankie for eviction. Also feels like they are hedging their bets for the double eviction because it's chaotic and it's really easy to lose an alliance member because there is little time to actually game.


Here orthodox Jew parents must be ready to murder...

They just found out she was on the show. :p

Derrick really is one of the few people playing this game and having so many alliances, including one that was called out early on, usually ends up getting you in sticky situations. Luckily for him, he's playing with people that are there to prove to viewers how far our education system has fallen.


Perhaps they can send a plane with a banner to let Victoria know she's on the show

I think she's too focused on her strong gameplay to look up at that darned sky.

Hahaha, wow. What a biz-natch move not to tell her parents she was going to be on national tv.

Just a joke based on her non-existence in the gameplay. :p

On her eviction night: "Oh wait, she REALLY wasn't lying when she said she was on a TV show!"


Oh look, Frankie found his way back into sleeping in the HOH room after having to sleep with the lowly peasants for one whole night.
What a sacrifice he made.


Eh I'd rather have Frankie there instead of some of the current uselesses. I hope Derrick gets grilled badly and loses in the finals but he won't.


Zach's poem he plans to read to the house on Thursday when he's still on the block...

"Roses are red, violets are blue.
Nicole is my target, I'm coming for you.

I love all of you and I am so grateful.
Maybe I'll change my ways and not be so hateful.

You all made it to jury. You're on the right track.
Fans at home, please hashtag "ZachAttack"

This ceremony is important. If you make the wrong choice, it may cost ya.
So when you go in that diary room, please vote out Jocasta."
Zach's poem he plans to read to the house on Thursday when he's still on the block...

"Roses are red, violets are blue.
Nicole is my target, I'm coming for you.

I love all of you and I am so grateful.
Maybe I'll change my ways and not be so hateful.

You all made it to jury. You're on the right track.
Fans at home, please hashtag "ZachAttack"

This ceremony is important. If you make the wrong choice, it may cost ya.
So when you go in that diary room, please vote out Jocasta."

my favorite thing about Zach is that all of this LIVE FEEDS GOLD comes so naturally, and isn't forced at all


Players drawn to play in POV = Christine and a temporarily untethered Caleb & Victoria

The good news is that Frankie didn't get picked to play. The bad news is that Caleb did and probably won't be manipulated into using it or throwing the comp.
On the bright side, Zach should be extra-motivated to win to get redemption in a comp against Caleb after Battle of the Block.

Hayden would have been the best choice to play in POV for a Frankie backdoor.
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