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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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If Frankie survives this double eviction I'm going to start rooting for him. He's the winner these HG deserve.
Undeniably. BB16 deserves to wind up as the most wretchedly horrid season of the show to have ever been produced and Frankie must win it while having the entire game handed to him by Production interference.
If Frankie survives this double eviction I'm going to start rooting for him. He's the winner these HG deserve.
Ugh, I don't want to root for him, but you're right. I'm hoping Nicole wins this veto comp cause I know there's no way in hell Jocasta is winning anything. I'm really ready for Frankie and Derrick's ego to be checked.
Hayden enters HOH & Nicole tells him Christine told her to put up Cody/Derrick against Zach and that Hayden made out with VictoriaHayden denies it and Nicole says that Christine better hope she wins veto, or she might go up. Nicole: That was just so rude. That's not a good friend.

Christine might be going up?? wow please Nicole please do this it would good entertainment.


Hayden enters HOH & Nicole tells him Christine told her to put up Cody/Derrick against Zach and that Hayden made out with VictoriaHayden denies it and Nicole says that Christine better hope she wins veto, or she might go up. Nicole: That was just so rude. That's not a good friend.

Christine might be going up?? wow please Nicole please do this it would good entertainment.

I can't wait to see Christine cry because she's on the block! Does that sound mean? Pffft, she's been a total bitch that deserves what's coming to her I hope.


I wouldn't expect much in the way of a "good news" result from this POV comp.
Especially with it being of the timed (aka often rigged) variety.

Derrick has Victoria's ear and Frankie has put her up TWICE. Don't be so negative about this. It could happen that she pulls someone down to allow Frankie to go up. Derrick can frame it as we'll let Frankie go up so he knows what it feels like to be on the block. Victoria could fall for that easily.
Derrick has Victoria's ear and Frankie has put her up TWICE. Don't be so negative about this. It could happen that she pulls someone down to allow Frankie to go up. Derrick can frame it as we'll let Frankie go up so he knows what it feels like to be on the block. Victoria could fall for that easily.
Derrick is trying to save Frankie now lol


I wouldn't expect much in the way of a "good news" result from this POV comp.
Especially with it being of the timed (aka often rigged) variety.

How are the timed ones rigged? I'm just thinking of like the trampoline one last year or hide and seek. Does grodner lie about the completion times?



This show needs to be canceled in all honesty. It's not fun anymore.
Until fans start showing their apathy in mass Twitter firestorms and not watching the show any more to tank ratings, Grodner will continued to remain employed.
Even after THIS season of perpetual disappointment and house votes.

Plenty of diehard wrestling fans continue to watch the WWE years after it stopped being fun and unpredictable.


On the bright side, Big Brother Canada is only 6 months away.
It's weird that both the superior Big Brother and Amazing Race offerings now run north of the border.


Until fans start showing their apathy in mass Twitter firestorms and not watching the show any more to tank ratings, Grodner will continued to remain employed.
Even after THIS season of perpetual disappointment and house votes.

Plenty of diehard wrestling fans continue to watch the WWE years after it stopped being fun and unpredictable.

I used to be a very diehard WWE fan too but eventually I got sick of devoting my time to it. The same is happening with Big Brother. It really makes me sad. =(


So, huge threat Jocasta will be leaving...
I wouldn't say that's written in stone yet.

Zach only needs 4 votes to get evicted and I see 4 voters who really want him gone in Frankie, Christine, Hayden and Donny.

All depends on Derrick talking Frankie off the "evict Zach" ledge but he's been so adamant about it for the past month or so I'm not sure it's possible at this point. Plus, the whole point of setting up the Quad Squad was for Double Eviction Week insurance in the event that Hayden or Donny win and they'll forfeit that if they vote to evict Jocasta against the HOH's wishes.

I believe Zach goes home this week by an 8-0 vote. Zach could play the "I'll blow up the Detonators" scare card but I think he's proven to be all talk up until now.



Until fans start showing their apathy in mass Twitter firestorms and not watching the show any more to tank ratings, Grodner will continued to remain employed.
Even after THIS season of perpetual disappointment and house votes.

Plenty of diehard wrestling fans continue to watch the WWE years after it stopped being fun and unpredictable.

What can Grodner do? The show is way too unpredictable for her to know how its gonna turn out. You guys are throwing tantrums when things arent going your way for a show like Big Brother, its kinda weird.

The Christine Cody relationship is going to be very interesting in the jury house.


What can Grodner do? The show is way too unpredictable for her to know how its gonna turn out. You guys are throwing tantrums when things arent going your way for a show like Big Brother, its kinda weird.

Cast better? The people who they cast for woman are so fucking pathetic. I can't believe on the lack of spine they have. The people who cast can determine that. Paola was the ONLY one that had a spine and she was gone very early.

:Edit: oh wait Joey too because she tried a woman only alliance but was shot down by the weak spined.

Casting can do a better job. They ask a ton of questions.


if you ever think they couldn't cast better people, just look at Jocasta, Brittany, Amber and Christine. what could they have possibly seen in them? Christine = female Ian?? but Ian sucked anyway. super sweet Amber.. oh yeah she's gonna be entertaining.

if you want drama you have to cast Douchebags w/ huge egos (Devin, Jeremy), women who like confrontation (Amanda, aka not any female this year) and smart people with actual charisma (Will, Dan). It can't possibly be that hard, they are just so obsessed with 'characters'. I mean EVERY year there is an extremely flamboyant gay dude. then you have people like Donny who fit the character role perfect but theyre fucking boring.

all CBS cares about is putting a show together that people (non feed watchers) will find entertaining with strong 'characters', which sucks because the people who love the game and watch the feeds lose in the end.


The Christine Cody relationship is going to be very interesting in the jury house.


Meanwhile on Twitter...
Jessica ‏@ILikeBigBrother
Christine: "Tim won't like Cody" @timstinks #BB16

Timothy Brecht ‏@timstinks
@ILikeBigBrother (no shit Christine)

Liam Payne ‏@OhTeenMind123 12m
@timstinks @ILikeBigBrother if she knows you won't like it I don't get why she does it:( husband is priority 1! More important than a game:/
1:09 AM - 3 Aug 2014 · Details
I hate how Cody and Derrick are so entitled and think nobody can talk to each other unless it's them.

My dream is to see them get put on the double eviction.



hey guys, I'm taking a little break from twitter. I'll log on at least once a week, DM me if Christine says anything cute about me.

dont think he'll have to check his DMs


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Casting can do a better job. They ask a ton of questions.
Not sure how different the US casting is from the Canada one, but when I went to the audtions for the Canadian version, we were given 20 seconds to sell ourselves and if they liked that enough they would call you back for further interviewing. Not really easy to get a grip on someone in 20 seconds, which is why it's easy for them to lean I towards models.

Velcro Fly

So Jocasta goes, then Hayden/Donny?


It's Nicole/Donny's fault. If they would have put up all guys there's a chance it could still be two guys on the block. Are they so dumb to not realize three of them haven't even been nominated?


It's Nicole/Donny's fault. If they would have put up all guys there's a chance it could still be two guys on the block. Are they so dumb to not realize three of them haven't even been nominated?

Nicole is too concerned with "getting blood on her hands" to make any real moves and Donny wants to make moves but under the radar. I don't think they realise how few people are left in the house, someone has to go up and they don't need a pretty reason wrapped in a bow for doing it. They know there's a lot going on that they aren't privy to and they know who the people are that aren't beneficial to their game. All they did this week was put up the people Derrick would have put on the block anyway. Jocasta going home does nothing for them, in fact it's definitely one less sure vote for Donny and a possible vote for Nicole.

Agnt, all of those people you listed are going to vote with the house. lol


Now Hayden and Nicole think Donny is a "medical something" and/or a Harvard professor. I shit you not.

This all started because they heard him use the word osmosis, Frankie & Christine were talking about it yesterday as well. They're so stupid.
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