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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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Woooooow. They are going for Nicole.

Edit: whaaaaat. Cody. Going for the pity vote or against the alliance.


I would bang a hot farmer!
I love that they had Victoria vote after the outcome was already set for both evictions tonight. :lol
Zach being insufferable already. What a fucking shitstain and I don't care if he's just playing it up

I can't wait til that motherfucker's ego gets checked. He was so close to being out of the door.

He's going to use this time to pick on Nicole and no one is going to defend her. This is shit.

STOP WITH THE SHOWMANCES JULIE. There are none in the house.

Velcro Fly

I don't care if it torpedoed my game I wouldn't let someone get bullied basically and watch it happen. It's a fucking game and there's no reason to be an asshole.

Velcro Fly

The 2 HOHs twist could make this week more interesting than it should.

if only because someone other than Victoria/Donny/Nicole is going up as a pawn

and then if that pawn loses BotB and then the person they are nominated with wins veto one of the mega alliance is going home


Feeds back.

Nicole screaming at Frankie and Zach bullying her.

edit: And of course Caleb trying to make it all about him.
Didn't watch the show, but the result should be the last twitch of what is now the rotting corpse of BB16. I see zero chance that Frankie or Derrick don't win this season. Derrick deserves it, but he's been very boring


Zach has made Nicole start crying already. I'm souring on him so fucking fast because I cannot fucking stand bullying even if it's a fake game show.


Nicole is all alone and forced to talk to Christine about game, poor girl. She is absolutely cracking.

All I can say is Christine is Shelly levels of a shit game player.


Christine lying to Nicole again. Nicole...girl...

On the flip side, Nicole is lying to her too about her Frankie backdoor plan.

She's fucked. She should be in a room with Donny and Vic right now instead of listening to this Christine bullshit.
Nicole is all alone and forced to talk to Christine about game, poor girl. She is absolutely cracking.

All I can say is Christine is Shelly levels of a shit game player.
Yep, she basically turned on Hayden and Nicole and chose to stick with the detonators, but she fails to realize that she's the most disposable person in that alliance. However, Nicole is the one to blame for Hayden getting evicted, she should have kept quiet about wanting to backdoor Frankie. That getting out tot the other players blew up their game, completely.


On the flip side, Nicole is lying to her too about her Frankie backdoor plan.

She's fucked. She should be in a room with Donny and Vic right now instead of listening to this Christine bullshit.

Well not Victoria...

She should just sit and keep her mouth shut. Regroup with Donny later.
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