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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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I don't think he can make it to the end with what, 6 alliances?

Getting to the end takes just as much luck as skill, so you never know. With that said, he's in good with just about everyone and he's shown the ability to pass blame onto others very well. Someone might wake-up and target him, but it might be too late at that point

People offering to go on the block?

This house is full of straight bustas. Bustas.

There really is no end to how stupid some of these people are


I would love for Zach to leave this week. I have no respect for stupid straight guys who think they can get what they want by cuddling and fondling a gay man and pretending to be interested and available to get his hopes up, but pulls away whenever the gay man tries something. Even if that gay man is Frankie, I'm gonna stick to my kind here.

"If I were gay" shut up Zach. He doesn't know how much those words sting especially when he spends all his time leading him on. Stupid douche.


It doesn't matter how many HOH comps Nicole wins vs. Hayden so long as she's willing to keep throwing them away to allow Derrick to continue his work.
Hayden was the one person in the house Derrick couldn't easily manipulate.
The only two people who are even fully aware of Derrick pulling all the strings are Donny & Victoria.

AND... I should add, the person who returns to the game from the jury house... because Hayden will brief them fully if it's not him:

BBN's Hayden Voss Eviction Interview

BBN: Were you blindsided by the Jocasta eviction or were you tipped off?
Hayden Voss: As soon as Zach said his speech and pointed at me, I was tipped off.

BBN: Do you think your showmance with Nicole hurt or helped your game?
Hayden: Well, definitely hurt. I thought I had it in the bag just because I thought I had Cody and Derrick, but it turned out I couldn’t trust them. With them, it would have been fine if we had the two other numbers with us.

BBN: How did being excluded from the original Bomb Squad & learning about it later effect your strategy?
Hayden: It actually helped my strategy because it put me in an innocent/sympathy spot. I had an excuse of not being a part of it but eventually became a part of it.

BBN: If you get the chance to re-enter the house, who would be your top target?
Hayden: Probably Cody and Derrick.

BBN: What do you feel was your best move & what might have been your worst move?
Hayden: My worst move was getting too involved and trusting Cody and Derrick when I shouldn’t have. My best move was laying low for the first half of the season. No one really saw me as a threat.

BBN: What’s going to be your favorite memory of your time on Big Brother?
Hayden: There were a lot of good times! I had a blast, it’s hard to pick one good time. I was always laughing.

BBN: Should you not re-enter, who do you think will go far in the game?
Hayden: Probably Caleb because no one wants to get rid of him. He’s so easily manipulated and people can use him. Eventually, it’ll come down to the final two and people will realize they forgot to get rid of him.

BBN: If you’re not in the F2, who do you most hope you get a chance to vote for in the Final Two?
Hayden: I’d love Donny and Nicole to be sitting there. That’d be sweet.

BBN: What’s next for Hayden Voss when you get back home?
Hayden: Expect the unexpected!

BBN: Best of luck and thank you for keeping us entertained!



Nicole - Frankie & Caleb (beast mode dumbass volunteering to save Zach)
Christine - Donny & Zach (still on the block anyhow - just not as a willing pawn; he'll enjoy safety from being backdoored once Caleb throws the Battle of the Block)

Derrick & Cody continue to escape being nominated.
Caleb will need to be evicted this week for Team America to successfully complete their mission.


The next phase in the season that will eventually known as "Ariana Grande's Big Brother" is about to kick off.

Frankie plans to disclose to the entire house (not just AG fangirl Victoria in confidence) that he is Ariana Grande's big brother and that they should not evict him from the house because he'll just get voted right back in and that being friends with him could pay dividends on the outside if they're looking for connections in the acting and music business.

Now will anyone in the house believe him after has has mortgaged his credibility so thoroughly? Probably not.

Velcro Fly

The next phase in the season that will eventually known as "Ariana Grande's Big Brother" is about to kick off.

Frankie plans to disclose to the entire house (not just AG fangirl Victoria in confidence) that he is Ariana Grande's big brother and that they should not evict him from the house because he'll just get voted right back in and that being friends with him could pay dividends on the outside if they're looking for connections in the acting and music business.

This is a joke right


The next phase in the season that will eventually known as "Ariana Grande's Big Brother" is about to kick off.

Frankie plans to disclose to the entire house (not just AG fangirl Victoria in confidence) that he is Ariana Grande's big brother and that they should not evict him from the house because he'll just get voted right back in and that being friends with him could pay dividends on the outside if they're looking for connections in the acting and music business.

Now will anyone in the house believe him after has has mortgaged his credibility so thoroughly? Probably not.

This house is pretty dumb so they might buy it even though Derrick knows Donny was the first member of Team America. There is some hope it fails.
I'm extrapolating somewhat but Frankie is planning to drop the Ariana bomb shortly.
What really? Is he going to do it before the BOB???

I stopped watching after Caleb got his HoH basket. A lot has happened since then. These kids need a better sleeping schedule.


What really? Is he going to do it before the BOB???

I stopped watching after Caleb got his HoH basket. A lot has happened since then. These kids need a better sleeping schedule.

I definitely saw him telling Vic about having something to tell her but I wasn't paying attention to all of it so I assumed he meant after they were out of the house. He said he felt like a weight had been lifted.


This has just been the season of weird. Usually when you get put in the unitard outfit you go home that week but Nicole survived both weeks. We have people asking to be put on the block as pawns and they have all stayed when in past seasons they usually go home! A week 1 or 2 alliance might make it to the end. This is such a bizarre season in terms of BB norms.
The next phase in the season that will eventually known as "Ariana Grande's Big Brother" is about to kick off.

Frankie plans to disclose to the entire house (not just AG fangirl Victoria in confidence) that he is Ariana Grande's big brother and that they should not evict him from the house because he'll just get voted right back in and that being friends with him could pay dividends on the outside if they're looking for connections in the acting and music business.

Now will anyone in the house believe him after has has mortgaged his credibility so thoroughly? Probably not.
This cannot be real lmao, I had hope because of yesterday but yeah this is it.


I would love for Zach to leave this week. I have no respect for stupid straight guys who think they can get what they want by cuddling and fondling a gay man and pretending to be interested and available to get his hopes up, but pulls away whenever the gay man tries something. Even if that gay man is Frankie, I'm gonna stick to my kind here.

"If I were gay" shut up Zach. He doesn't know how much those words sting especially when he spends all his time leading him on. Stupid douche.

are you from tumblr

Velcro Fly

I hope Frankie goes. They aren't going to give some guy whose family is already rich 500k just so they can maybe use him and his sister's fame to their advantage after the show is over. These people are mostly stupid but I don't think they are that stupid. I bet some of them won't even care who she is.
So wait....Caleb volunteered to be on the block and he's throwing the BOB comp? Team America is def getting that $5K. #BEASTMODECOWBOY will find his way back in the house.


is it possible he's talking about TA? Can they tell people about that?
They're not allowed to. They'll forfeit their prize money if they disclose the entire team. Frankie could come out to the house as being America's Player, though. Joey already told Hayden she was one when she was about to get evicted from the house.

How would this help his game? So stupid.
Lots of people who play Big Brother are deluded famewhores who think being on Big Brother will make them famous. Boogie used to play up his connections all the time during Big Brother All-Stars... and it worked out for him 'cause he won that year.

Look at how excited Ariana is to be part of the Big Brother audience...



Lots of people who play Big Brother are deluded famewhores who think being on Big Brother will make them famous. Boogie used to play up his connections all the time during Big Brother All-Stars... and it worked out for him 'cause he won that year.

Look at how excited Ariana is to be part of the Big Brother audience...

Was that last night?

Who was Boogie related to?
Maybe Zankie will be reunited again because of the Ariana connection. Ranceypants can get some new followers on Twitter and Instagram.

This house is full of bowel problems.
So is Frankie going to actually talk about his sister or about some charity stuff he's doing? He's trying to give a sob story to Caleb, but he's not really going for it. And Frankie already knows that Caleb is BSing him about throwing the comp too.


Frankie telling Caleb he's going to tell him about himself after the comp. Not playing for himself, he's playing for a lot of people. I guess it's about TA.


So is Frankie going to actually talk about his sister or about some charity stuff he's doing? He's trying to give a sob story to Caleb, but he's not really going for it. And Frankie already knows that Caleb is BSing him about throwing the comp too.
The reason why the Ariana bomb seems likely versus "I'm building schools for kids in Africa" is that he told Victoria that she "especially" would be excited to hear the secret he plans on spilling.

I wouldn't expect anything until after the Battle of the Block. Seems like Frankie already knows Caleb plans on throwing it.

Frankly, I expect Frankie will continue to pull as many rabbits out of his magic hat as possible until he gets evicted TWICE.

America's Player.
I'm building schools.
I'm Ariana's brother.
I can get you contracts/jobs/connections.

He will leave no stone unturned.


Seems like the BOB comp is about to start, Frankie is itching to have this talk with everyone. They all expect it to be ridiculous.

Velcro Fly

I'd feel really bad if Caleb goes. He's starting to play well now that Amber isn't around to distract him. He has a real chance to win since he's back to being good at comps.


I'd feel really bad if Caleb goes. He's starting to play well now that Amber isn't around to distract him. He has a real chance to win since he's back to being good at comps.

now that Amber isn't around for him to sexually harass***********

you tried it


Wait, so Frankie's winning?

Cody and Victoria were in the kitchen talking, seemed worried "they did all this for nothing"

Victoria said something like "I don't understand how this happened and Caleb is just sitting watching Frankie win."

They got called back into the backyard and we now have the fishtank.


Wait, so Frankie's winning?
Of course. You didn't expect them to not rig the Battle of the Block competition for him, did you? When they've all been co-operative and needed both players to contribute equally up until now. (With the possible exception of the chess comp... but that would still have a strategy/sabotage component to it for duos that grasped the game quickly.)
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