You're all over the place on this post. But allowing soldiers to just leave during a war is an absolutely dumb idea.
I wonder if you'd say that if conscription was brought in and you as a young man were thrown into an illegal war where you shouldn't even be. Would you be happy to sit there and just take the fact you're probably going to die and lose the one life you have because some fatcat sitting in an office or bunker somewhere forced you to do it? I realise people signed up to the army and they know what they're in for, but nobody should have to die because some politician started a fight they were not willing to take any part in themselves. If politicians want to fight wars they should have to do it with their own hands.
It's not as bad now as it was in WW2, but those soldiers shouldn't have even been in Afghanistan and Iraq. Just look at all the good it's done those places. All those people died for nothing and if every single soldier worldwide turned threw their guns away and refused to fight maybe the world would be a better place.